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Vignette has been sunset 🌅 and replaced by Thumblr! 🌅

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A Clojure application for thumbnail generation and storage.

Table of Contents


To run in development:

  1. Install leiningen
  2. Install ImageMagick
    • on OSX, with homebrew: brew install imagemagick --with-webp
  3. Set environment variables (see below)
  4. From the command line, run lein repl
  5. In the REPL, run (start system-s3 8080) to run using your defined s3 backend, or (start system-local 8080) to run using your defined local backend

Vignette should now be running on localhost:8080

Environment Variables

Below is a list of environment variables that will affect the vignette runtime.

  • RELOAD_ON_REQUEST development option that enables reloading code on each request [false]
  • LOGGER_APPLICATION this is primarily for wikia-commons. Set this to “vignette”.
  • LOGGER_TYPE where to log. [file, syslog]
  • LOGGER_SYSLOG_HOST Syslog host:port to log to when LOGGER_TYPE=syslog. []
  • LOGGER_FILE_OUTPUT Which file to log to when LOGGER_TYPE=file. [logs/wikia-logger.log]
  • STORAGE_ACCESS_KEY S3 access key
  • STORAGE_SECRET_KEY S3 secret key
  • STORAGE_MAX_CONNS S3 max simultaneous connections; defaults to 150
  • STORAGE_MAX_RETRIES S3 max error retry count; defaults to 0
  • STORAGE_PROXY_PORT S3 Proxy port
  • STORAGE_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT S3 connection timeout [500]
  • STORAGE_GET_SOCKET_TIMEOUT S3 GET socket timeout [5000]
  • STORAGE_PUT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT S3 PUT socket timeout [10000]
  • VIGNETTE_TEMP_FILE_LOCATION temporary file location. This is used for thumbnail generation. [/tmp/vignette]
  • VIGNETTE_THUMBNAIL_BIN path to the thumbnail script [/usr/local/bin/thumbnail, bin/thumbnail]
  • VIGNETTE_INTEGRATION_ROOT path to use for integration testing files [/tmp/integration]
  • VIGNETTE_SERVER_MAX_THREADS minimum number of threads to allocate for jetty [150]
  • VIGNETTE_SERVER_QUEUE_SIZE queue size to allocate for jetty [9000]
  • ENABLE_ACCESS_LOG enable the NCSA access log [false]
  • ACCESS_LOG_FILE NCSA acces log file [/tmp/Vignette-access.log]
  • IMAGEMAGICK_BASE path to the root of the ImageMagick installation [/usr/local]
  • GIF2WEBP path to the gif2webp binary from libwebp package [/usr/bin/gif2webp]
  • WIKIA_ENVIRONMENT Environment value (dev, prod, staging)
  • WIKIA_DATACENTER Server datacenter location (poz, sjc, res)
  • GETOPT when running on osx, install gnu-getopt using brew. see bin/thumbnail
  • CONVERT_CONSTRAINTS universal options to pass to ImageMagick. see bin/thumbnail
  • UNSUPPORTED_REDIRECT_HOST on an unsupported legacy thumbnail request, host to redirect

Command Line Options

To see the command line options available execute lein run -- -h. The notable command line options are the following:

  • -C,--cache-thumbnails: enable thumbnail caching. When this option is provided thumbnails will be written to and read from the backing storage provided. The default is false.
  • -m,mode : the storage mode. Options are s3 or local. See above for the environment variables toggling these settings. The default is s3.
  • -p,port : the port the HTTP server will listen on. The default is 8080.


All testing is done using Midje. Running lein midje will run all of the tests.

Entry point

The main entry point for Vignette happens in src/vignette/http/routes.clj

Thumbnail Modes

For testing an experimentation, vignette includes a facility for setting up integration or browser testing. To set this up, do the following:

$ lein repl

; creates the integration environment which just copies some images to /tmp
user=> (i/create-integration-env)

; starts the server using the local integration environment
user=> (start system-local 8080)

The links provided below were generated using the above.

Thumbnailing Modes

The following examples were rendered from beach.jpg and carousel.jpg.


Returns an image that is exactly width x height pixels with the source image centered either vertically or horizontally, depending on the longer dimension.

beach.jpg carousel.jpg
beach fixed-aspect-ratio carousel fixed-aspect-ratio

Example: http://localhost:8080/bucket/a/ab/beach.jpg/revision/latest/fixed-aspect-ratio/width/200/height/200?fill=blue

Note that the fill=blue URL parameter isn’t required. It’s there to help illustrate the cropping behavior.


This behaves the same as above except that it will not upscale the image. This is convenient when you want to preserve the aspect ratio but you don’t want the side effects that can result from upscaling the image.

Example: http://localhost:8080/bucket/a/ab/beach.jpg/revision/latest/fixed-aspect-ratio-down/width/200/height/200?fill=blue


Scales an image to the specified width. The height is adjusted to maintain the aspect ratio.

beach.jpg carousel.jpg
beach scale-to-width carousel scale-to-width

Example: http://localhost:8080/bucket/a/ab/beach.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/200


Same as above but without upscaling.

Example: http://localhost:8080/bucket/a/ab/beach.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000


Scales an image to the specified height. The width is adjusted to maintain the aspect ratio.

Example: http://localhost:8080/bucket/a/ab/beach.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-height-down/1000


Returns a thumbnail that is at most width pixels wide and height pixels high. The aspect ratio will be preserved. Image upscaling is permitted.

beach.jpg carousel.jpg
beach thumbnail carousel thumbnail

Example: http://localhost:8080/bucket/a/ab/beach.jpg/revision/latest/thumbnail/width/200/height/200


This behaves the same as the above except that it will not upscale the image.

Example: http://localhost:8080/bucket/a/ab/beach.jpg/revision/latest/thumbnail-down/width/200/height/200


This mode is similar to zoom-crop below except the top of the image is cropped instead of the center. The output will be the dimensions specified. This mode (and the other *-crop* modes) can be useful when you have a precise placement you want to fill regardless of the image size or shape.

beach.jpg carousel.jpg
beach top-crop carousel top-crop

Example: http://localhost:8080/bucket/a/ab/beach.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop/width/200/height/200


Same as the above except that it will not upscale the image.

Example: http://localhost:8080/bucket/a/ab/beach.jpg/revision/latest/top-crop-down/width/200/height/200


Creates a window within the image and then thumbnails that to the specified dimensions.

beach.jpg carousel.jpg
beach window-crop carousel window-crop



Same as window-crop, except a height is specified so the canvas will be exactly the specified width and height with the image centered similarly to fixed-aspect-ratio.

beach.jpg carousel.jpg
beach window-crop-fixed carousel window-crop-fixed


Note that the fill=black URL parameter isn’t required. It’s there to help illustrate the cropping behavior.


Zooms into the center of an image and then crops. The image rendered is to the dimensions specified.

beach.jpg carousel.jpg
beach zoom-crop carousel zoom-crop

Example: http://localhost:8080/bucket/a/ab/beach.jpg/revision/latest/zoom-crop/width/200/height/200


Same as the above except that the image will not be upscaled-- the original height and width need to be larger than those specified.

Note Regarding Legacy Compatibility

Vignette also supports legacy Wikia thumbnail request URIs. This request format is no longer supported and is currently provided for transitional support. The legacy support is handled under the *.legacy.* namespaces.

It should also be noted that there may be subtle differences between the thumbnails generated via the legacy and vignette URIs. For example, Legacy URLs and Vignette URLs calculate window width/height differently because the parameters to the image mean different things. In the legacy format a,b,c,d, a is x-offset, b is x-endpoint (which is not specified at all in Vignette URLs), and c,d are the same but for y. In Vignette URLs, we specify the x-offset, which is the same as a above, but we specify window-width instead of x-endpoint (where window-width is x-endpoint - x-offset).

Media Passthrough for not certain mime-types

When encountered media types:

  • audio/ogg
  • video/ogg data will be passed through as - is without applying any thumbnailing operations.

Other HTTP Methods Supported


Limited support for HEAD is provided. Given that any request for an object will need to go to storage HEAD requests currently only check for object existence. As a result, HEAD requests will not include the Content-Type in the response.


Copyright © 2014 Wikia

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.
