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Sample React + Redux

This the bare minimum project boilerplate based on React and Redux, and it include a simple use case of JWT Authentication

Folder Structure

├── .babelrc                (Resouce config file for babel)
├── .gitignore              (Classic git ignore file)
├── coverage                (Folder created by test tool -Jest, it contains code coverage reports)
├── dist                    (Distrbution folder, it is created by npm run build)
├── node_modules            (Dependency folder, create by npm run setup)
├── package.json            (Classic project folder)
├── package-lock.json       (File contains dependency detail, created by npm run setup)
├──               (This readme file)
├── src                     (Root source folder)
│   ├── components          (React common component folder)
│   ├── constants           (Constants folder)
│   ├── data                (Data folder contains React Redux actions and reducers)
│   ├── helpers             (Helps folder)
│   ├── index.html          (Entry point html)
│   ├── index.js            (Entry point js)
│   ├── routers             (React router folder)
│   ├── scenes              (React scenes components folder)
│   ├── services            (Service folder)
│   └── __tests__           (Unit test folder)
├──   (Webpack dev config file)
└──  (Webpack prod config file)

Folder not stored in BitBucket

  • coverage
  • dist
  • node_modules

Both src/components and src/scenes will store React components, their differences are common used React components will be stored under src/components folder, while scene specific React components will be strored under src/scenes

Tear down of src folder with use case - JWT Authentication

All folders excepted data and unit test folder

All folders (excepted data and unit test folders) under src will contains sub-folder, and the sub-folder is named by feature/function, and an index.js file plays the role to export all the underlying features/functions.

For example, the constants folder belows contains alertConstants and userContants, and the index.js will export both alertConstants and userContants

├── constants
│   ├── alert
│   │   └── index.js
│   ├── index.js
│   └── user
│       └── index.js

For the class (e.g. alert reducer) using alertConstants, we can code in this way

import { alertConstants } from 'constants';

For an abstract class using both alertConstants and userConstants, we can code in this way

import { alertConstants, userConstants } from 'constants';

We don't need to code this way

import { alertConstants } from 'constants';
import { userConstants } from 'constants';

It is noted that we don't need to specify the exact path for the constants import above, we just use 'constants'. It is because the constants/index.js played the role to export all the undelying constants

export * from './alert';
export * from './user';

The file name under these folder must be index.js

Data folder

Data folder contains React Redux actions and reducers files, and the file name of action is actions.js, and file name of reducer is reducer.js. The action and reducer file are groupped under its feature/function folder. For example, in this sample, we have alert, authaction, and users action&reduer. The folder strucure is then

├── data
│   ├── alert
│   │   ├── actions.js
│   │   └── reducer.js
│   ├── authentication
│   │   ├── actions.js
│   │   ├── reducer.js
│   │   ├── sagas.js
│   │   └── types.js
│   ├── reducer.js
│   ├── sagas.js
│   └── users
│       ├── actions.js
│       ├── reducer.js
│       ├── sagas.js
│       └── types.js

The data/reducer.js is the dataReducer, and it is referenced by the /src/rootReducer.js

Service folder

The actual implmentation of the restful service call is implmented in the service folder, and again the folder structure is groupped by feature/function. E.g. the user related service is under services/user/index.js

Unit test folder

For the unit test folder (i.e. __tests__), the folder strucure is the same as the src


We use react-i18next ( The configuration file is src/i18n/index.js.

Translation files

For local development, the translation files are under /i18n/translations/{language}.json. Nested translation groupping is supported, e.g. We can define the translation in this way

  "App": {
    "Masthead": {
      "en-HK": "Hong Kong"

When we use the key App.Masthead.en-HK to do the translation lookup, the result will be "Hong Kong".

To use the i18n feature on the react component, we need to:

  1. import the module. import { translate, Trans } from 'react-i18next';

  2. extends the component with translate("translations"), such as

    const connectedMasthead = flowRight(




  3. Obtain i18n and/or 't' in the render(), such as const { t, i18n } = this.props;

  4. Do the translation by using t, such as {t('App.Masthead.en-US')}, e.g.

    <Item as='a' onClick={() => changeLanguage('en')}><Flag name='us' />{t('App.Masthead.en-US')}</Item>

  5. Do the translation by using , such as

    <Trans i18nKey="Greeting user" values={{ firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName}}>

     Hi firstname lastname    


UI Component Library

We use Semantic UI React ( as the project UI Component Library.

To use it, we have to

  1. import the module(s), e.g. import { Container, Flag, Header, Item } from 'semantic-ui-react';
  2. Use them in the render() method, such as
  <Header as='h1' dividing>
    {t('App.Masthead.Welcome to React')}
  <Item as='a' onClick={() => changeLanguage('en')}><Flag name='us' />{t('App.Masthead.en-US')}</Item>
  <Item as='a' onClick={() => changeLanguage('zh-HK')}><Flag name='hk' />{t('App.Masthead.zh-HK')}</Item>

Async api server call

This project use redux-saga to manage the async api call, and the corresponding source code is groupped by feature/functions under src/data. For example, the authaction related sources are:

├── authentication
│   ├── actions.js
│   ├── reducer.js
│   ├── sagas.js
│   └── types.js

actions.js - defined the redux action creators, and actions
reducer.js - defined the redux reducer
sagas.js - defined the redux sagas
types.js - defined the type constants


This project uses redux-devtools-extension as one of the devtools, please install the browser plugin

Download dependency

npm run setup

The dependencies will be stored under node_modules folder

Run in develop mode

npm run start

Application start at host, and port 3000 Let your browser visit https://localhost:3000

Run unit test (with coverage)

npm run test

Unit test under tests folder will be executed, and the coverage report will be stored in coverage folder

Clean the project

npm run clean

Unit test coverage report folder (i.e. coverage), and build distrbution folder (i.e. dist) will be removed

Clean all the project (incding dependency)

npm run clean-all

Other than unit test coverage report folder and buid distrbution folder, dependency folder (i.e. node_modules) will be removed

Build for production

npm run build

Application build folder (i.e dist) will be created, and it contains the build artifacts


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