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Malix edited this page Jul 10, 2024 · 3 revisions


Apx (/à·peks/) is the default package manager in Vanilla OS. It is a wrapper around multiple package managers to install packages and run commands inside a managed container.

Special thanks to distrobox for making this possible.


Apx is a package manager with support for multiple sources,
allowing you to install packages in a managed container.

  apx [command]

Managed Container Commands
  autoremove  Remove all unused packages automatically
  clean       Clean the apx package manager cache
  enter       Enter a shell in the managed container
  export      Export/Recreate a program's desktop entry from a managed container
  init        Initialize a managed container
  install     Install packages inside a managed container.
  list        List installed packages.
  purge       Purge packages inside a managed container
  remove      Remove packages inside a managed container.
  run         Run a program inside a managed container.
  search      Search for packages in a managed container.
  show        Show details about a package
  unexport    Unexport/Remove a program's desktop entry from a managed container
  update      Update the list of available packages
  upgrade     Upgrade the system by installing/upgrading available packages.

Additional Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command

  -v, --verbose       show more detailed output
      --apt           Install packages from the Ubuntu repository.
      --aur           Install packages from the AUR (Arch User Repository).
      --dnf           Install packages from the Fedora's DNF (Dandified YUM) repository.
      --apk           Install packages from the Alpine repository.
      --zypper        Install packages from the OpenSUSE repository.
      --xbps          Install packages from the Void (Linux) repository.
      --nix           Install packages from the Nixpkgs (Nix packages) repository.
  -n, --name string   Apply to custom container with this name.
  -h, --help          help for apx
      --version       version for apx

Use "apx [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Documentation and Guides

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