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Crystal library for Parsec-like parser combinators, which allow you to construct complex parsers out of simpler ones. Usually, this leads to highly compact parsing code, with a structure that very much resembles the grammar itself.

Heavily inspired by FootlessParser, a parser combinator library for Swift.


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

        github: ThatsJustCheesy/parsem
  2. Run shards install


Begin by finding or creating a right-recursive grammar for the language you want to parse. Then translate the grammar into Parsem parsers.

You'll make frequent use of these combinators:

  • Sequencing operators: Run the left parser, then the right parser
    • Left-yield <<
      • Keeps only the result of the left parser
    • Right-yield >>
      • Keeps only the result of the right parser
    • Proc-apply <=>
      • Effectively keeps the result of both parsers, but must be used in conjunction with ^ (map operator) or a related convenience method
  • Choice operator |
    • Runs the left parser; if it fails without consuming any input, runs the right parser instead
  • Map operator ^
    • Partially applies the (left) proc with the (right) parser's result as the first argument. Supply any additional arguments with <=> (sequencing proc-apply operator)


Please clone the repository, run crystal docs, and open the resulting docs/index.html.


CSV parser

require "parsem"
include Parsem

# Adapted from
# Thanks!

QUOTE     = '"'
NEWLINE   = '\n'

quoted_cell = token(QUOTE) >> not(QUOTE).repeat(..).join << token(QUOTE)
unquoted_cell = none_of([DELIMITER, NEWLINE]).repeat(..).join
cell = quoted_cell | unquoted_cell

row = (cell << token(DELIMITER)).repeat(..).extend <=> cell
csv = (row << token(NEWLINE)).repeat(..).extend <=> row

More (complex) examples

Please see spec/examples for more, including an arithmetic expression parser and a pseudo-JSON parser.


  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
