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IRONM00N edited this page Oct 11, 2021 · 1 revision

Basic Inhibitors


Inhibitors are a way to monitor or block messages coming into the command handler.
Because inhibitors are another kind of module, we need another kind of handler.
To set it up, simply import and instantiate the InhibitorHandler, just like with the command handler.

import { AkairoClient, CommandHandler, InhibitorHandler } from "discord-akairo";

class MyClient extends AkairoClient {
  public commandHandler: CommandHandler;
  public inhibitorHandler: InhibitorHandler;
  constructor() {
      intents: [
        /* choose intents based on what you need your bot needs to do */
      ownerID: "123992700587343872",
      allowedMentions: { parse: ["users"] }

    this.commandHandler = new CommandHandler(this, {
      directory: "./commands/",
      prefix: "?"

    this.inhibitorHandler = new InhibitorHandler(this, {
      directory: "./inhibitors/"

const client = new MyClient();

Then, tell it to load all the modules.
But, since inhibitors are a part of the command handling process, the command handler has to know about the inhibitor handler, so:



Create a folder named inhibitors, then a file there to make one.

import { Inhibitor } from "discord-akairo";
import { Message } from "discord.js";

export default class BlacklistInhibitor extends Inhibitor {
  constructor() {
    super("blacklist", {
      reason: "blacklist"

  exec(message: Message): boolean {
    // He's a meanie!
    const blacklist = ["81440962496172032"];
    return blacklist.includes(;

The first parameter in super is the unique ID of the inhibitor.

The second parameter are the options.
The option reason is what will get emitted to an event, but we can worry about that later.

The exec method is ran on testing.
It should return true in order to block the message.
Promise are awaited and the resolved value will be checked.