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Tauon Satellite

Taiko2k edited this page May 30, 2022 · 2 revisions

ℹ️ Added in v7.2.2

The Tauon Satellite feature lets you use Tauon as a network source itself! This function lets you import playlists from another running instance of Tauon Music Box on the same network.


  • Only to be used on the same trusted LAN.
  • Is read-only, so you can't manage your collection remotely, only playback.

How to set up:

  1. On the source PC, go to MENU > Settings > Function > pg4 > and check Enable remote control.

    ⚠️ This protocol is unauthenticated and unsecured. Only use over a trusted network and do not expose the port used directly to the internet.

  2. Take note of the IP of the source computer. The command ip a can help.
  3. On the satellite PC, go MENU > Settings > Accounts > Satellite. Type in the IP (just the IP, no protocol or port).
  4. Type the name of a playlist that is on the source and click Get playlist. The playlist should then be imported.
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