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A node library to drive a Delcom Visual Indicator

Our development roadmap is on the delcom-indicator Trello board


npm install delcom-indicator


var DelcomIndicator = require('delcom-indicator');

var delcomIndicator = new DelcomIndicator();

More complete examples are found in the tests/*.js files. The light test opens an attached Delcom light and runs through the available functionality by turning it solid green, red and blue/yellow and then flashing each color. The buzzer test exercises the built in buzzer (if present) by playing some repeating sounds, and uses the BuzzerControl helper to play some tunes.

Related Application

A Build Light indicator for TeamCity that utilizes this library to show the status of builds.

Supported Platforms

This library is known to work on Mac and Linux platforms where node-hid can be installed. It was designed and tested on Mac OS/X 10.9.2, Max OS/X 10.11.3 and Raspian (all updates installed as of March 12, 2016). It has also been tested on Windows 10. It requires Node 4.x or higher.

Depending on your platform, Node-hid may require a compile, which adds additional dependencies. See the node-hid readme for details.

On Linux you need to grant permissions to write to the Delcom device. On Raspian, you can create a file:

sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/85-delcom.rules

With the following rule (replace the group name with a group of your choice):

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0fc5", ATTRS{idProduct}=="b080", ACTION=="add", SYMLINK+="delcom", MODE="0666", GROUP="[your group]"

You will have to reboot to make the rule take effect.

Development Prerequisites

You need to install gulp-cli globally using:

npm install gulp-cli -g

You can then run tests using:


The tests require you to have a Delcom USB device connected.

To run only the light or buzzer tests you can use these commands:

gulp light
gulp buzzer


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