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Minimal configuration for an ExpressJS website

This is a minimal template for a website powered by Node 16.x, ExpressJS and Pug template engine.

Environment Variables

  • PORT : Port on which the site is accessible with local developement. Don't provide it once hosted, as the host will automatically provide one.

  • NODE_ENV : Environnement of the application (production once deployed, developement while on local)

  • LOG_LEVEL : Level of debugging. Values can be (in order of inclusion) debug, verbose, info(default), warn, error. e.g : debug level will show all other levels of debugging. info will only show info, warn and error levels of debug.

  • CDN_URL : Hosting URL folder for static assets, if needed.

  • APPLICATION_URL : Absolute URL of the application. Moslty used for email's images path and CSP directives

  • SESSION_SECRET : Secret string to encode sessions

  • COOKIE_SECRET : Secret string to encode cookies

  • GRAPHQL_TOKEN_SECRET : Secret string to encode JWT tokens

  • USE_LOCAL_SSL_CERT : Does the app use the provided SSL Certificate (stored in the ./keys folder) or not (true/false(default))

  • FORCE_SSL_REDIRECTION : Set to true to force SSL redirection of all requests (true(default)/false)

  • REDIRECT_TO_DOMAIN : Provide a domain to 301 redirect all requests to this specific domain (in case of multiple domains for the same site).

  • LOCALE_DOMAINS : Activate locale support via specific domains. The definition of locale is made via a string that represents an object with the format : [{"domain":"localhost","locale":"fr_fr"}].

  • LOCALE_SUBFOLDERS : Activate locale support via subfolders. The definition of locale is made via a string that represent an object with the format : [{"folder":"fr","locale":"fr_fr"},{"folder":"en","locale":"en_en"}].

  • SHARE_CACHE_VERSION : Update this version number to force the cache of the meta crawlers (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc...)

  • KEEP_AWAKE : Set to true for keeping the application "awake" in Heroku environnement

  • DATABASE_URL : The connection URL for the mysql database, with the syntax : mysql://user:password@host:port/database

  • DATABASE_USE_SSL : Should the connection use the Amazon AWS SSL certificate or not (true(default)/false)

  • ACTIVE_MAIL : Whether the mails should really be send or not (true(default)/false)

  • SUPPORT_EMAIL : The default email recipient of the application. Multiple emails could be provided, comma separated.

  • MAILGUN_SMTP_LOGIN : The login of the SMTP service.

  • MAILGUN_SMTP_PASSWORD : The password of the SMTP service.

  • MAILGUN_SMTP_SERVER : The host of the SMTP service (defaults to

  • REACT_ENVIRONMENT : Environment of the react-cmp framework, i.e. the folder where the server must grab the built React files (production/development)

  • REACT_PUBLIC_URL : The very same URL used when building the React files of the react-cmp framework. Used by the regexp expression in the react-loader middleware to identify the files to inject in the template.

  • MARVEL_PUBLIC_KEY : The public key of the Marvel account.

  • MARVEL_PRIVATE_KEY : The private key of the Marvel account.

  • MARVEL_FETCH_CHARACTER : Should the server load a random Marvel character at startup (true(default)/false)

  • MARVEL_FETCH_COMICS : Should the server load a random Marvel comics at startup (true(default)/false)

Configuration file

The config.js file at the root of the project can be edited to update the default values of the environment variables. Along the environment variables, some other configuration can be set :


Update the data policy infos according to the website needs. Those informations are used to generate the data policy page.


Add the URLs, domains or hosts that are allowed, according to the website needs, for each directive :

  • scriptSrc : The scripts that are allowed to be loaded
  • imgSrc : The images that are allowed to be loaded
  • connectSrc : The APIs that are allowed to be fetched
  • frameSrc : The iframes that are allowed to be displayed


Run npm test to run the test suites. Update the jest.testRegex property in the package.json file to target the scripts that will be tested.

Run npm test -- --watch to run the test suite with each file update.

To watch only a specific test file and all its related tests, run npm test -- --watch --findRelatedTests PATH/TO/FILE.js. To watch only a specific folder and all its related tests, run npm test -- --watch --findRelatedTests PATH/TO/FOLDER/**/*. To watch only a specific test file, run npm test -- --watch --runTestsByPath PATH/TO/FILE.test.js.

Add --verbose option to log all the tests' names even if multiple files are tested.

Please note that the jest package must match the Create React App one to avoid incompatibilities.
