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Netflix for games

Who made this beautiful page?

  1. Wietse Gielen
  2. Seppe Verhavert
  3. Nic Placklé
  4. Merel Van Puymbroeck
  5. Blood, Sweat and Tears joined the team too!

Why did we make this?

As our team said:

"We made this to show our fancy skills and knowledge that we learned in this first month with HTML & CSS!
This is our final test Ok, you ready?! Let's go!

What is it?

For our final test we needed to create a website for a fictional company. There were a lot of requirements we needed to check when we were working on this page.

Some examples:

  • All buttons and links work
  • All elements work and are complete (menu, lists, images, ...)
  • Everything on the page has a function, a reason to be there
  • No dead links
  • English and dutch are not mixed
  • No spelling errors
  • No grammar errors
  • The website is deployed somewhere
  • Everything is relevant (no image of a barber on the website of a baker)
  • A bunch of requirements

In the end we merged our 4 pages in one smooth page.

Okay cool, but what is it doing here on GitHub?

Because it is a fictional project, we shared it on GitHub instead putting it online. It's a big project for us to let you guys see where we already stand after one month of coding and learning.

Proud of this!


Why we are proud of this element above?

Well, cause the navigation looks really awesome with the cool and relatable icons in it!(Yes it does work too) Also our lay-out, as you can see, isn't a mess. We really thought a lot about the lay-out and the design of it and spent a lot of time on it and changed our minds about 3 times.

What did we use?

  1. HTML
  2. CSS
  3. Javascript
  4. Bootstrap
  5. A bit of our brain :trollface:

Extra stuff we are proud on!

  • Parallax
  • Slider
  • Form
  • Nice Footer
  • Sticky navigations and header
  • Video's
  • Clipart
  • Video previews
  • Git (experts)
  • Atm 203 of 218 commits!Yeah boii

Some interesting code

---------- CSS ----------
    video {
        display: none;
        position: relative;
        width: 100%;
        height: auto;

    .card:hover video {
        display: block;

    .card:hover img.card-img-top{
        display: none;

---------- HTML ----------
<div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 mb-4">
     <div class="card h-100 bg-dark" >
          <a onclick="load('Rust')">
               <img class="card-img-top" src="" alt="">
               <div class="thumb" onclick="clicksound.playclip()" onMouseover="mouseoversound.playclip()">
                    <video muted id="video1" onmouseover="" onmouseout="this.pause()" loop>
                         <source src="assets/videos/rust.mp4" type="video/mp4" >
                          Your browser does not support HTML5 video.
               <img class="play" src="">
          <div class="card-body">
               <h4 class="card-title">
                    <a onclick="load('Rust')" class="text-white">Rust</a>

So why that code?

This is a little code about the part where we can hover over the image and a little video about the game starts. So we only used html and css to create this. In the html we made a link with an "onclick". Next we got a div with the image and after the video. In the CSS we just changed the display and position to get that effect. Nice and simple, isn't it?


Thank you come again, have a nice day! :shipit: