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A library and a tool for converting audit logs to XML and JSON


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Aushape is a tool and a library for converting Linux audit log messages to JSON and XML, allowing both single-shot and streaming conversion.

At the moment Aushape can output to stdout, a file, or syslog(3). The latter outputs one document or event per message.

NOTE: Aushape is in early development stage and anything about its interfaces and outputs can change. Use at your own risk.


Aushape output document schemas are still in flux, but the main idea is to aggregate input records belonging to the same event into single output event object/element, while keeping the naming and the structure as close to the original audit log as possible.

A truncated JSON example:

        "serial"    : 123,
        "time"      : "2016-01-03T02:37:51.394+02:00",
        "host"      : "",
        "text"   : [
            " type=SYSCALL ...",
            " type=PROCTITLE ...",
        "data"   : {
            "syscall"   : {
                "syscall"   : ["rt_sigaction","13"],
                "success"   : ["yes"],
                "exit"      : ["0"],
            "proctitle" : {
                "proctitle" : ["bash","\"bash\""]

A truncated XML example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <event serial="194433" time="2016-01-03T02:37:51.394+02:00" host="">
            <line> type=SYSCALL ...</line>
            <line> type=PROCTITLE ...</line>
                <syscall i="rt_sigaction" r="13"/>
                <success i="yes"/>
                <exit i="0"/>
                <proctitle i="bash" r="&quot;bash&quot;"/>

There is a number of challenges, the main one being both the Linux kernel and the Auditd code defining record structure and sometimes changing it from version to version, without an official specification being there. Yet, we have developed draft schemas for both JSON and XML, and will continue on improving them in collaboration with Auditd developers.

We encourage you to simply try running aushape on your logs to see what the output structure is like.


Aushape uses the Auparse library (a part of the Auditd package) to parse audit logs. The development version of this library needs to be installed before building Aushape. It is available in "audit-libs-devel" package on Fedora and RHEL, and "libauparse-dev" or "libaudit-dev" package on Debian-based systems.

If you're installing an RPM package, the package manager would take care of dependencies for you.

If you're building from a release tarball, then you can install the dependencies as follows.

On RPM-based systems:

sudo yum install -y gcc make audit-libs-devel

On Debian-based systems:

sudo apt-get install -y gcc make '^libau(dit|parse)-dev$'

If you're building from the Git source tree, then you can install the additional dependencies as follows.

On RPM-based systems:

sudo yum install -y autoconf automake libtool

On Debian-based systems:

sudo apt-get install -y autoconf automake libtool pkg-config


If you'd like to build Aushape from the Git source tree, you need to first generate the build system files:

autoreconf -i -f

After that, or if you're building from a release tarball, you need to follow the usual configure & make approach:

./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc && make


You can install Aushape with the usual make install:

sudo make install



For one-shot conversions simply use the aushape program. E.g. to convert an audit.log to the default JSON:

aushape audit.log

or explicitly:

aushape -l json audit.log

To convert to XML:

aushape -l xml audit.log

To write output to a file:

aushape audit.log > audit.json


aushape -f audit.json audit.log


You can also use Aushape as an Auditd's Audispd plugin to convert messages as they are generated by the system. However, since Audispd doesn't support supplying more than two (unquoted) command-line arguments to plugins, you'll have to write a little wrapper script to configure Aushape appropriately and specify that to Audispd as the program to run.

If you would like your audit events converted to JSON and sent to syslog, one event per message, you can write this wrapper and put it, for example, into /usr/bin/aushape-audispd-plugin:

exec /usr/bin/aushape -l json --events-per-doc=none --fold=all -o syslog

Don't forget to make it executable.

If you'd like to also log original audit messages, add --with-text option. If you'd like to limit the logged event message sizes, add --max-event-size=SIZE option, e.g. --max-event-size=4k for a four-kilobyte limit.

You can then add it to Audispd configuration by putting this into /etc/audisp/plugins.d/aushape.conf:

active = yes
direction = out
path = /usr/bin/aushape-audispd-plugin
type = always
format = string

After Auditd is restarted, the events should be logged to syslog with "authpriv" facility and "info" priority (you can change these with more command-line options to aushape). Beside the Systemd's journal, if you also use rsyslog with default configuration, they would end up in /var/log/secure on Fedora and RHEL, and in /var/log/auth.log on Debian-based systems.

NOTE: Some audit events can be large. For example the execve events can be in the order of megabytes for very long command lines. Most logging servers will drop long messages silently. Make sure your audit configuration only logs events which are not too long, limit the maximum logged event size to have events cropped with the --max-event-size=SIZE option, and/or configure your logging server to accept longer messages.

Forwarding to Elasticsearch

Once aushape messages hit the syslog(3) interface, whether it is provided by journald, or other logging service, they can be forwarded to Elasticsearch for storage and analysis. Several logging services are available which can do that, including Logstash, Fluentd, and rsyslog. Since rsyslog is included in most Linux distros, we'll use it as an example.

First of all, increase the maximum message size rsyslog can handle to be a bit more than the message sizes you expect to see from aushape. If you decided that 16kB is enough, then put this before any network setup in rsyslog.conf (the top of the file is safest):

$MaxMessageSize 16k

Then load the Elasticsearch output module:

$ModLoad omelasticsearch
Filtering out aushape messages

Before we can feed aushape messages to Elasticsearch we need to strip them of syslog data to get pure JSON, using a template:

template(name="aushape" type="list") {

Next you'll likely need to filter out aushape messages to put them into a separate Elasticsearch index. You can set up an action condition to filter by the logging program name. Aushape logs with aushape program name.

However, since any program can log with any program name, that is prone to log message spoofing. If you'd like to protect against that, you'll need to also filter by something which is harder to spoof, like the UID of the logging program. The UID will be zero for aushape running under auditd and audispd. However filtering needs to be done differently, depending on where rsyslog receives aushape messages from.

If it serves the rsyslog(3) socket itself, then you'll need to make sure the corresponding imuxsock module has its Annotate and ParseTrusted options enabled. E.g. like this:

module(load="imuxsock" SysSock.Annotate="on" SysSock.ParseTrusted="on")

Then you can use this condition in your filtering action:

if $!uid == "0" and $programname == "aushape" then {
    # ... actions ...

If rsyslog receives aushape messages from journald, then no extra setup is needed, and the filtering condition can be this:

if $!_UID == "0" and $programname == "aushape" then {
    # ... actions ...

Note that the above would only work with rsyslog v8.17.0 and later, due to an issue preventing it from parsing variable names starting with underscore.

Sending the messages

Once your rule condition is established, you can add the actual action sending aushape messages to Elasticsearch:


The action above would send messages formatted with the aushape template, described above, to an Elasticsearch server running on localhost and default port, and would put them into index aushape-rsyslog with type aushape, using the bulk interface.

Add the following action if you want to also send aushape messages to a dedicated file for debugging:


Further, if you don't want aushape messages delivered anywhere else you can add the discard action (~) after both of those:


If you'd like to exclude aushape messages from any other logs remember to put its rule before any other rules in rsyslog.conf.

Here is a complete example of a rule matching messages arriving from aushape, delivered by journald. It sends them to Elasticsearch running on localhost with default port, puts them into aushape-rsyslog index with type aushape, using bulk interface, stores them in /var/log/aushape.log file, and then stops processing, not letting them get anywhere else.

if $!_UID == "0" and $programname == "aushape" then {


See the aushape --help output and experiment!


Feel free to open issues, submit pull requests and write to the author directly. All contributions are welcome!