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Simple node.js software to simulate and scale a set of charging stations based on the OCPP-J protocol as part of SAP e-Mobility solution.

Table of contents



Install the node.js current LTS or superior version runtime environment:


choco install -y nodejs


brew install node


  • NodeSource node.js binary distributions for all supported versions.

Development prerequisites (optional)

Install volta for managing automatically the node.js runtime and package manager version:


curl | bash


choco install -y volta

Setup volta with pnpm package manager support:

Branching model

The main branch is the default development branch.
The vX branches are the maintenance branches for the corresponding major version X.
The vX.Y branches are the maintenance branches for the corresponding major and minor version X.Y.


Enable corepack, if volta is not installed and configured, and install latest pnpm version:

corepack enable
corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate

In the repository root, run the following command:

pnpm install

Initial configuration

Copy the configuration template file src/assets/config-template.json to src/assets/config.json.
Copy the RFID tags template file src/assets/idtags-template.json to src/assets/idtags.json.

Tweak them to your needs by following the section configuration files syntax: OCPP server supervision URL(s), charging station templates, etc.

Start simulator

pnpm start

Start Web UI

See Web UI for more information.

Configuration files syntax

All configuration files are using the JSON standard syntax.

Configuration files locations:

The charging stations simulator's configuration parameters must be within the src/assets/config.json file. A charging station simulator configuration template file is available at src/assets/config-template.json.

All charging station configuration templates are in the directory src/assets/station-templates.

A list of RFID tags must be defined for the automatic transaction generator in a file with the default location and name: src/assets/idtags.json. A template file is available at src/assets/idtags-template.json.

Configuration files hierarchy and priority:

  1. charging station configuration: dist/assets/configurations;
  2. charging station configuration template: src/assets/station-templates;
  3. charging stations simulator configuration: src/assets/config.json.

The charging stations simulator has an automatic configuration files reload feature at change for:

  • charging stations simulator configuration;
  • charging station configuration templates;
  • charging station authorization RFID tags lists.

But the modifications to test have to be done to the files in the build target directory dist/assets. Once the modifications are done, they have to be reported to the matching files in the build source directory src/assets to ensure they will be taken into account at next build.

Charging stations simulator configuration


Key Value(s) Default Value Value type Description
supervisionUrls [] string | string[] string or strings array containing global connection URIs to OCPP-J servers
supervisionUrlDistribution round-robin/random/charging-station-affinity charging-station-affinity string supervision urls distribution policy to simulated charging stations
log {
"enabled": true,
"file": "logs/combined.log",
"errorFile": "logs/error.log",
"statisticsInterval": 60,
"level": "info",
"console": false,
"format": "simple",
"rotate": true
enabled?: boolean;
file?: string;
errorFile?: string;
statisticsInterval?: number;
level?: string;
console?: boolean;
format?: string;
rotate?: boolean;
maxFiles?: string | number;
maxSize?: string | number;
Log configuration section:
- enabled: enable logging
- file: log file relative path
- errorFile: error log file relative path
- statisticsInterval: seconds between charging stations statistics output in the logs
- level: emerg/alert/crit/error/warning/notice/info/debug winston logging level
- console: output logs on the console
- format: winston log format
- rotate: enable daily log files rotation
- maxFiles: maximum number of log files:
- maxSize: maximum size of log files in bytes, or units of kb, mb, and gb:
worker {
"processType": "workerSet",
"startDelay": 500,
"elementAddDelay": 0,
"elementsPerWorker": 'auto',
"poolMinSize": 4,
"poolMaxSize": 16
processType?: WorkerProcessType;
startDelay?: number;
elementAddDelay?: number;
elementsPerWorker?: number | 'auto' | 'all';
poolMinSize?: number;
poolMaxSize?: number;
resourceLimits?: ResourceLimits;
Worker configuration section:
- processType: worker threads process type (workerSet/fixedPool/dynamicPool)
- startDelay: milliseconds to wait at worker threads startup (only for workerSet worker threads process type)
- elementAddDelay: milliseconds to wait between charging station add
- elementsPerWorker: number of charging stations per worker threads for the workerSet process type (auto means (number of stations) / (number of CPUs) * 1.5 if (number of stations) > (number of CPUs), otherwise 1; all means a unique worker will run all charging stations)
- poolMinSize: worker threads pool minimum number of threads
- poolMaxSize: worker threads pool maximum number of threads
- resourceLimits: worker threads resource limits object option
uiServer {
"enabled": false,
"type": "ws",
"version": "1.1",
"options": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 8080
enabled?: boolean;
type?: ApplicationProtocol;
version?: ApplicationProtocolVersion;
options?: ServerOptions;
authentication?: {
enabled: boolean;
type: AuthenticationType;
username?: string;
password?: string;
UI server configuration section:
- enabled: enable UI server
- type: 'http' or 'ws'
- version: HTTP version '1.1' or '2.0'
- options: node.js net module listen options
- authentication: authentication type configuration section
performanceStorage {
"enabled": true,
"type": "none",
enabled?: boolean;
type?: string;
uri?: string;
Performance storage configuration section:
- enabled: enable performance storage
- type: 'jsonfile', 'mongodb' or 'none'
- uri: storage URI
stationTemplateUrls {}[] {
file: string;
numberOfStations: number;
provisionedNumberOfStations?: number;
array of charging station templates URIs configuration section:
- file: charging station configuration template file relative path
- numberOfStations: template number of stations at startup
- provisionedNumberOfStations: template provisioned number of stations after startup

Worker process model

  • workerSet: Worker set executing each a fixed number (elementsPerWorker) of simulated charging stations from the total

  • fixedPool: Fixedly sized worker pool executing a fixed total number of simulated charging stations

  • dynamicPool (experimental): Dynamically sized worker pool executing a fixed total number of simulated charging stations

Charging station template configuration


Key Value(s) Default Value Value type Description
supervisionUrls [] string | string[] string or strings array containing connection URIs to OCPP-J servers
supervisionUser undefined string basic HTTP authentication user to OCPP-J server
supervisionPassword undefined string basic HTTP authentication password to OCPP-J server
supervisionUrlOcppConfiguration true/false false boolean enable supervision URL configuration via a vendor OCPP parameter key
supervisionUrlOcppKey 'ConnectionUrl' string the vendor string that will be used as a vendor OCPP parameter key to set the supervision URL
autoStart true/false true boolean enable automatic start of added charging station from template
ocppVersion 1.6/2.0/2.0.1 1.6 string OCPP version
ocppProtocol json json string OCPP protocol
ocppStrictCompliance true/false true boolean enable strict adherence to the OCPP version and protocol specifications with OCPP commands PDU validation against OCA JSON schemas
ocppPersistentConfiguration true/false true boolean enable persistent OCPP parameters storage by charging stations 'hashId'. The persistency is ensured by the charging stations configuration files in dist/assets/configurations
stationInfoPersistentConfiguration true/false true boolean enable persistent station information and specifications storage by charging stations 'hashId'. The persistency is ensured by the charging stations configuration files in dist/assets/configurations
automaticTransactionGeneratorPersistentConfiguration true/false true boolean enable persistent automatic transaction generator configuration storage by charging stations 'hashId'. The persistency is ensured by the charging stations configuration files in dist/assets/configurations
wsOptions {} ClientOptions & ClientRequestArgs ws and node.js http clients options intersection
idTagsFile undefined string RFID tags list file relative to src/assets path
baseName undefined string base name to build charging stations id
nameSuffix undefined string name suffix to build charging stations id
fixedName true/false false boolean use the 'baseName' as the charging stations unique name
chargePointModel undefined string charging stations model
chargePointVendor undefined string charging stations vendor
chargePointSerialNumberPrefix undefined string charge point serial number prefix
chargeBoxSerialNumberPrefix undefined string charge box serial number prefix (deprecated since OCPP 1.6)
firmwareVersionPattern Semantic versioning regular expression: string charging stations firmware version pattern
firmwareVersion undefined string charging stations firmware version
power float | float[] charging stations maximum power value(s)
powerSharedByConnectors true/false false boolean charging stations power shared by its connectors
powerUnit W/kW W string charging stations power unit
currentOutType AC/DC AC string charging stations current out type
voltageOut AC:230/DC:400 integer charging stations voltage out
numberOfPhases 0/1/3 AC:3/DC:0 integer charging stations number of phase(s)
numberOfConnectors integer | integer[] charging stations number of connector(s)
useConnectorId0 true/false true boolean use connector id 0 definition from the charging station configuration template
randomConnectors true/false false boolean randomize runtime connector id affectation from the connector id definition in charging station configuration template
resetTime 60 integer seconds to wait before the charging stations come back at reset
autoRegister true/false false boolean set charging stations as registered at boot notification for testing purpose
autoReconnectMaxRetries -1 (unlimited) integer connection retries to the OCPP-J server
reconnectExponentialDelay true/false false boolean connection delay retry to the OCPP-J server
registrationMaxRetries -1 (unlimited) integer charging stations boot notification retries
amperageLimitationOcppKey undefined string charging stations OCPP parameter key used to set the amperage limit, per phase for each connector on AC and global for DC
amperageLimitationUnit A/cA/dA/mA A string charging stations amperage limit unit
enableStatistics true/false false boolean enable charging stations statistics
remoteAuthorization true/false true boolean enable RFID tags remote authorization
beginEndMeterValues true/false false boolean enable Transaction.{Begin,End} MeterValues
outOfOrderEndMeterValues true/false false boolean send Transaction.End MeterValues out of order. Need to relax OCPP specifications strict compliance ('ocppStrictCompliance' parameter)
meteringPerTransaction true/false true boolean enable metering history on a per transaction basis
transactionDataMeterValues true/false false boolean enable transaction data MeterValues at stop transaction
stopTransactionsOnStopped true/false true boolean enable stop transactions on charging station stop
mainVoltageMeterValues true/false true boolean include charging stations main voltage MeterValues on three phased charging stations
phaseLineToLineVoltageMeterValues true/false false boolean include charging stations line to line voltage MeterValues on three phased charging stations
customValueLimitationMeterValues true/false true boolean enable limitation on custom fluctuated value in MeterValues
firmwareUpgrade {
"versionUpgrade": {
"step": 1
"reset": true
versionUpgrade?: {
patternGroup?: number;
step?: number;
reset?: boolean;
failureStatus?: 'DownloadFailed' | 'InstallationFailed';
Configuration section for simulating firmware upgrade support.
commandsSupport {
"incomingCommands": {},
"outgoingCommands": {}
incomingCommands: Record<IncomingRequestCommand, boolean>;
outgoingCommands?: Record<RequestCommand, boolean>;
Configuration section for OCPP commands support. Empty section or subsections means all implemented OCPP commands are supported
messageTriggerSupport {} Record<MessageTrigger, boolean> Configuration section for OCPP commands trigger support. Empty section means all implemented OCPP trigger commands are supported
Configuration ChargingStationOcppConfiguration charging stations OCPP parameters configuration section
AutomaticTransactionGenerator AutomaticTransactionGeneratorConfiguration charging stations ATG configuration section
Connectors Record<string, ConnectorStatus> charging stations connectors configuration section
Evses Record<string, EvseTemplate> charging stations EVSEs configuration section

Configuration section syntax example

  "Configuration": {
    "configurationKey": [
        "key": "StandardKey",
        "readonly": false,
        "value": "StandardValue",
        "visible": true,
        "reboot": false
        "key": "VendorKey",
        "readonly": false,
        "value": "VendorValue",
        "visible": false,
        "reboot": true

AutomaticTransactionGenerator section syntax example

Type definition:
type AutomaticTransactionGeneratorConfiguration = {
  enable: boolean
  minDuration: number
  maxDuration: number
  minDelayBetweenTwoTransactions: number
  maxDelayBetweenTwoTransactions: number
  probabilityOfStart: number
  stopAfterHours: number
  stopAbsoluteDuration: boolean
  requireAuthorize?: boolean
  idTagDistribution?: 'random' | 'round-robin' | 'connector-affinity'
  "AutomaticTransactionGenerator": {
    "enable": false,
    "minDuration": 60,
    "maxDuration": 80,
    "minDelayBetweenTwoTransactions": 15,
    "maxDelayBetweenTwoTransactions": 30,
    "probabilityOfStart": 1,
    "stopAfterHours": 0.3,
    "requireAuthorize": true,
    "idTagDistribution": "random"

Connectors section syntax example

  "Connectors": {
    "0": {},
    "1": {
      "bootStatus": "Available",
      "MeterValues": [
          "unit": "W",
          "measurand": "Power.Active.Import",
          "phase": "L1-N",
          "value": "5000",
          "fluctuationPercent": "10"
          "unit": "A",
          "measurand": "Current.Import",
          "minimum": "0.5"
          "unit": "Wh"

Evses section syntax example

  "Evses": {
    "0": {
      "Connectors": {
        "0": {}
    "1": {
      "Connectors": {
        "1": {
          "bootStatus": "Available",
          "MeterValues": [
              "unit": "W",
              "measurand": "Power.Active.Import",
              "phase": "L1-N",
              "value": "5000",
              "fluctuationPercent": "10"
              "unit": "A",
              "measurand": "Current.Import",
              "minimum": "0.5"
              "unit": "Wh"

Charging station configuration


The charging station configuration file is automatically generated at startup from the charging station configuration template file and is persistent.

The charging station configuration file content can be regenerated partially on matching charging station configuration template file changes. The charging station serial number is kept unchanged.

stationInfo section (optional)

The syntax is similar to charging station configuration template with some added fields like the charging station id (name) and the 'Configuration' section removed.

That section is overwritten on matching charging station configuration template file changes.

connectorsStatus section

The syntax is similar to charging station configuration template 'Connectors' section with some added fields.

That section is overwritten on matching charging station configuration template file changes.

evsesStatus section

The syntax is similar to charging station configuration template 'Evses' section with some added fields.

That section is overwritten on matching charging station configuration template file changes.

automaticTransactionGenerator section (optional)

The syntax is similar to the charging station configuration template 'AutomaticTransactionGenerator' section.

That section is overwritten on matching charging station configuration template file changes.

automaticTransactionGeneratorStatuses section

That section is not overwritten on matching charging station configuration template file changes.

configurationKey section (optional)

The syntax is similar to the charging station configuration template 'Configuration' section.

That section is not overwritten on matching charging station configuration template file changes.


In the docker folder:


OCPP-J commands supported

Version 1.6

Core Profile

  • âś… Authorize
  • âś… BootNotification
  • âś… ChangeAvailability
  • âś… ChangeConfiguration
  • âś… ClearCache
  • âś… DataTransfer
  • âś… GetConfiguration
  • âś… Heartbeat
  • âś… MeterValues
  • âś… RemoteStartTransaction
  • âś… RemoteStopTransaction
  • âś… Reset
  • âś… StartTransaction
  • âś… StatusNotification
  • âś… StopTransaction
  • âś… UnlockConnector

Firmware Management Profile

  • âś… GetDiagnostics
  • âś… DiagnosticsStatusNotification
  • âś… FirmwareStatusNotification
  • âś… UpdateFirmware

Local Auth List Management Profile

  • ❌ GetLocalListVersion
  • ❌ SendLocalList

Reservation Profile

  • âś… CancelReservation
  • âś… ReserveNow

Smart Charging Profile

  • âś… ClearChargingProfile
  • âś… GetCompositeSchedule
  • âś… SetChargingProfile

Remote Trigger Profile

  • âś… TriggerMessage

Version 2.x.x


  • âś… BootNotification


  • âś… ClearCache


  • âś… StatusNotification
  • âś… Heartbeat

OCPP-J standard parameters supported

All kind of OCPP parameters are supported in charging station configuration or charging station configuration template file. The list here mention the standard ones also handled automatically in the simulator.

Version 1.6

Core Profile

  • âś… AuthorizeRemoteTxRequests (type: boolean) (units: -)
  • ❌ ClockAlignedDataInterval (type: integer) (units: seconds)
  • âś… ConnectionTimeOut (type: integer) (units: seconds)
  • ❌ GetConfigurationMaxKeys (type: integer) (units: -)
  • âś… HeartbeatInterval (type: integer) (units: seconds)
  • ❌ LocalAuthorizeOffline (type: boolean) (units: -)
  • ❌ LocalPreAuthorize (type: boolean) (units: -)
  • ❌ MeterValuesAlignedData (type: CSL) (units: -)
  • âś… MeterValuesSampledData (type: CSL) (units: -)
  • âś… MeterValueSampleInterval (type: integer) (units: seconds)
  • âś… NumberOfConnectors (type: integer) (units: -)
  • ❌ ResetRetries (type: integer) (units: times)
  • âś… ConnectorPhaseRotation (type: CSL) (units: -)
  • ❌ StopTransactionOnEVSideDisconnect (type: boolean) (units: -)
  • ❌ StopTransactionOnInvalidId (type: boolean) (units: -)
  • ❌ StopTxnAlignedData (type: CSL) (units: -)
  • ❌ StopTxnSampledData (type: CSL) (units: -)
  • âś… SupportedFeatureProfiles (type: CSL) (units: -)
  • ❌ TransactionMessageAttempts (type: integer) (units: times)
  • ❌ TransactionMessageRetryInterval (type: integer) (units: seconds)
  • ❌ UnlockConnectorOnEVSideDisconnect (type: boolean) (units: -)
  • âś… WebSocketPingInterval (type: integer) (units: seconds)

Firmware Management Profile

  • none

Local Auth List Management Profile

  • âś… LocalAuthListEnabled (type: boolean) (units: -)
  • ❌ LocalAuthListMaxLength (type: integer) (units: -)
  • ❌ SendLocalListMaxLength (type: integer) (units: -)

Reservation Profile

  • âś… ReserveConnectorZeroSupported (type: boolean) (units: -)

Smart Charging Profile

  • ❌ ChargeProfileMaxStackLevel (type: integer) (units: -)
  • ❌ ChargingScheduleAllowedChargingRateUnit (type: CSL) (units: -)
  • ❌ ChargingScheduleMaxPeriods (type: integer) (units: -)
  • ❌ MaxChargingProfilesInstalled (type: integer) (units: -)

Remote Trigger Profile

  • none

Version 2.x.x

UI Protocol

Protocol to control the simulator via a Websocket or HTTP server:

Client->>UI Server: request
UI Server->>Client: response
Note over UI Server,Client: HTTP or Websocket

Websocket Protocol

SRPC protocol over Websocket. PDU stands for 'Protocol Data Unit'.

  • Request:
    [uuid, ProcedureName, PDU]
    uuid: String uniquely representing this request
    ProcedureName: The procedure to run on the simulator
    PDU: The parameters for said procedure

  • Response:
    [uuid, PDU]
    uuid: String uniquely linking the response to the request
    PDU: Response parameters to requested procedure

To learn how to use the Websocket protocol to pilot the simulator, an Insomnia Websocket requests collection is available in src/assets/ui-protocol directory.

Version 0.0.1

Set the Websocket header Sec-Websocket-Protocol to ui0.0.1.

Simulator State
  • Request:
    ProcedureName: 'simulatorState'
    PDU: {}

  • Response:
    PDU: {
    status: 'success' | 'failure',
    state: {
    version: string,
    configuration: ConfigurationData,
    started: boolean,
    templateStatistics: Record<string, TemplateStatistics>

Start Simulator
  • Request:
    ProcedureName: 'startSimulator'
    PDU: {}

  • Response:
    PDU: {
    status: 'success' | 'failure'

Stop Simulator
  • Request:
    ProcedureName: 'stopSimulator'
    PDU: {}

  • Response:
    PDU: {
    status: 'success' | 'failure'

List Charging Station Templates
  • Request:
    ProcedureName: 'listTemplates'
    PDU: {}

  • Response:
    PDU: {
    status: 'success' | 'failure',
    templates: string[]

Add Charging Stations
  • Request:
    ProcedureName: 'addChargingStations'
    PDU: {
    template: string,
    numberOfStations: number,
    options?: {
    supervisionUrls?: string | string[],
    persistentConfiguration?: boolean,
    autoStart?: boolean,
    autoRegister?: boolean,
    enableStatistics?: boolean,
    ocppStrictCompliance?: boolean,
    stopTransactionsOnStopped?: boolean

  • Response:
    PDU: {
    status: 'success' | 'failure',
    hashIdsSucceeded: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional),
    hashIdsFailed: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional)

Delete Charging Stations
  • Request:
    ProcedureName: 'deleteChargingStations'
    PDU: {
    hashIds: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional, default: all charging stations),
    deleteConfiguration?: boolean

  • Response:
    PDU: {
    status: 'success' | 'failure',
    hashIdsSucceeded: charging station unique identifier strings array,
    hashIdsFailed: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional),
    responsesFailed: failed responses payload array (optional)

Set Charging Station Supervision Url
  • Request:
    ProcedureName: 'setSupervisionUrl'
    PDU: {
    hashIds: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional, default: all charging stations),
    url: string

  • Response:
    PDU: {
    status: 'success' | 'failure',
    hashIdsSucceeded: charging station unique identifier strings array,
    hashIdsFailed: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional),
    responsesFailed: failed responses payload array (optional)

Performance Statistics
  • Request:
    ProcedureName: 'performanceStatistics'
    PDU: {}

  • Response:
    PDU: {
    status: 'success' | 'failure',
    performanceStatistics: Statistics[]

List Charging Stations
  • Request:
    ProcedureName: 'listChargingStations'
    PDU: {}

  • Response:
    PDU: {
    status: 'success' | 'failure',
    chargingStations: ChargingStationData[]

Start Charging Station
  • Request:
    ProcedureName: 'startChargingStation'
    PDU: {
    hashIds: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional, default: all charging stations)

  • Response:
    PDU: {
    status: 'success' | 'failure',
    hashIdsSucceeded: charging station unique identifier strings array,
    hashIdsFailed: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional),
    responsesFailed: failed responses payload array (optional)

Stop Charging Station
  • Request:
    ProcedureName: 'stopChargingStation'
    PDU: {
    hashIds: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional, default: all charging stations)

  • Response:
    PDU: {
    status: 'success' | 'failure',
    hashIdsSucceeded: charging station unique identifier strings array,
    hashIdsFailed: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional),
    responsesFailed: failed responses payload array (optional)

Open Connection
  • Request:
    ProcedureName: 'openConnection'
    PDU: {
    hashIds: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional, default: all charging stations)

  • Response:
    PDU: {
    status: 'success' | 'failure',
    hashIdsSucceeded: charging station unique identifier strings array,
    hashIdsFailed: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional),
    responsesFailed: failed responses payload array (optional)

Close Connection
  • Request:
    ProcedureName: 'closeConnection'
    PDU: {
    hashIds: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional, default: all charging stations)

  • Response:
    PDU: {
    status: 'success' | 'failure',
    hashIdsSucceeded: charging station unique identifier strings array,
    hashIdsFailed: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional),
    responsesFailed: failed responses payload array (optional)

Start Automatic Transaction Generator
  • Request:
    ProcedureName: 'startAutomaticTransactionGenerator'
    PDU: {
    hashIds: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional, default: all charging stations),
    connectorIds: connector id integer array (optional, default: all connectors)

  • Response:
    PDU: {
    status: 'success' | 'failure',
    hashIdsSucceeded: charging station unique identifier strings array,
    hashIdsFailed: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional),
    responsesFailed: failed responses payload array (optional)

Stop Automatic Transaction Generator
  • Request:
    ProcedureName: 'stopAutomaticTransactionGenerator'
    PDU: {
    hashIds: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional, default: all charging stations),
    connectorIds: connector id integer array (optional, default: all connectors)

  • Response:
    PDU: {
    status: 'success' | 'failure',
    hashIdsSucceeded: charging station unique identifier strings array,
    hashIdsFailed: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional),
    responsesFailed: failed responses payload array (optional)

OCPP commands trigger
  • Request:
    ProcedureName: 'commandName' (the OCPP command name in camel case)
    PDU: {
    hashIds: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional, default: all charging stations),
    } (the OCPP command payload with some optional fields added to target the simulated charging stations)

  • Response:
    PDU: {
    status: 'success' | 'failure',
    hashIdsSucceeded: charging station unique identifier strings array,
    hashIdsFailed: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional),
    responsesFailed: failed responses payload array (optional)


  • Start Transaction

    • Request:
      ProcedureName: 'startTransaction'
      PDU: {
      hashIds: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional, default: all charging stations),
      connectorId: connector id integer,
      idTag: RFID tag string

    • Response:
      PDU: {
      status: 'success' | 'failure',
      hashIdsSucceeded: charging station unique identifier strings array,
      hashIdsFailed: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional),
      responsesFailed: failed responses payload array (optional)

  • Stop Transaction

    • Request:
      ProcedureName: 'stopTransaction'
      PDU: {
      hashIds: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional, default: all charging stations),
      transactionId: transaction id integer

    • Response:
      PDU: {
      status: 'success' | 'failure',
      hashIdsSucceeded: charging station unique identifier strings array,
      hashIdsFailed: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional),
      responsesFailed: failed responses payload array (optional)

  • Status Notification

    • Request:
      ProcedureName: 'statusNotification'
      PDU: {
      hashIds: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional, default: all charging stations),
      connectorId: connector id integer,
      errorCode: connector error code,
      status: connector status

    • Response:
      PDU: {
      status: 'success' | 'failure',
      hashIdsSucceeded: charging station unique identifier strings array,
      hashIdsFailed: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional),
      responsesFailed: failed responses payload array (optional)

  • Heartbeat

    • Request:
      ProcedureName: 'heartbeat'
      PDU: {
      hashIds: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional, default: all charging stations)

    • Response:
      PDU: {
      status: 'success' | 'failure',
      hashIdsSucceeded: charging station unique identifier strings array,
      hashIdsFailed: charging station unique identifier strings array (optional),
      responsesFailed: failed responses payload array (optional)

HTTP Protocol

To learn how to use the HTTP protocol to pilot the simulator, an Insomnia HTTP requests collection is available in src/assets/ui-protocol directory.

Support, Feedback, Contributing

This project is open to feature requests/suggestions, bug reports etc. via GitHub issues. Contribution and feedback are encouraged and always welcome. For more information about how to contribute, the project structure, as well as additional contribution information, see our Contribution Guidelines.

Code of Conduct

We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its Code of Conduct at all times.


Copyright 2020-2024 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company and e-mobility-charging-stations-simulator contributors. Please see our LICENSE for copyright and license information. Detailed information including third-party components and their licensing/copyright information is available via the REUSE tool.