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Using Cloud Drives

Tim Flaman edited this page Jan 15, 2023 · 1 revision

Configuring Rclone in UnofficialOS

UnofficialOS supports mounting cloud volumes, and backing up and restoring save games and save states to your cloud provider. Using Rclone is easy, however configuration must be performed manually before it will function correctly.

rclone.cfg is stored in /storage/.config/rclone/rclone.conf and can be copied from another device but only after the destination device has booted into UnofficialOS (so copy to secondary sd, boot device, launch 351files, copy from there to proper path above)

Setup Rclone

Credentialed Access

To set up rclone, open an ssh connection to your handheld using PowerShell ssh, putty, or ssh on Linux and Mac.

  • Username: root (all lower case!)
  • Password: (To get the root password, press Start, then Select System Settings.)
  • Connection: (Your device, example RG552 or RG351MP.)

Example using PowerShell ssh, Linux, or macOS:

ssh root@RG552

Setting up Rclone

Now that you're connected you will need to configure Rclone. This process is menu driven, but also requires steps on your PC. To complete configuration of Rclone, run rclone config in your ssh session and then follow the provider documentation and headless configuration steps to configure it for your cloud provider of choice.

See detailed setup example below

Using Rclone

In UnofficialOS you are able to mount your cloud drive like any other storage device, as long as you are network connected. To mount your cloud drive, press Start, select Network Settings, and then select the Mount Cloud Drive option. This drive is available on /storage/cloud by default, and is accessible from ssh and from 351Files. To mount the cloud drive over ssh use rclonectl mount to mount the drive and rclonectl unmount to unmount it.

Note: Mounting the cloud drive is not persistent, you will need to select it before use.

Using Cloud Backup and Restore

In the tools menu you will find two options, Cloud Backup, and Cloud Restore. These tools will back up or restore your save games and save states by connecting your cloud drive and copying them. These tools are configurable by editing /storage/.config/rsync.conf and /storage/.config/rsync-rules.conf.

Note: The cloud backup and restore tools are destructive, but they do not delete data by default. Deletes are left to the user to manage.


The rsync.conf configuration file contains parameters used by the cloud tools that provide the path for your cloud drive to be mounted, the path to sync the data from, the destination for the sync and rsync options for cloud backup and restore. The configuration is user editable, and the defaults are as follows:

### This is the path where your cloud volume is mounted.

### This is the path to your game folder on your cloud drive.

### This is the path we are backup up from.

### This allows changes to the rsync options for cloud_backup (pending stable release)
RSYNCOPTSBACKUP="-raiv --prune-empty-dirs"

### This allows changes to the rsync options for cloud_restore (pending stable release)


The rsync-rules.conf configuration file contains the pattern used by rsync to know which files to backup and restore. This file is user editable. The default settings are as follows:

# This is a required rule for subdirectory matching.
+ */

### Do not include BIOS.
- bios/**

### Retroarch saves
+ *.sav
+ *.srm
+ *.auto
+ *.state*

### This is a required rule to exclude all other file types.
- *

To create custom match rules, use - to exclude and + to include. Use caution as a mismatched rule can copy every single file from the source path or no files at all.

Setting Up Rclone detailed example

This example configures rclone to use Dropbox

Rclone provide detailed examples for connecting to all supported cloud servers, including Rclone Dropbox example

Configure cloud backup connection on UnofficialOS device using ssh

From the terminal command line type

rclone version

and press enter

Note the version number, which is required for a later step

Rclone version installed in UnofficialOS

Now type

rclone config

and press enter

type n to create a new remote site

type in a name for the site (use a name without spaces), then press enter

rclone suggest using remote, but in this example the remote site is called rg503

don’t include spaces in the site’s name. Rclone does allow names that include spaces, but rsync will fail if a site name with spaces is used in the cloud backup script.

Type: rclone config

Choose from the list of cloud providers that is displayed. For Dropbox, type 12 and enter in this example

Select cloud provider: type 12 for Dropbox

The next options displayed are slightly different from the Dropbox example on rclone website

For client_id and client_secret press enter and enter to skip, or read Rclone Dropbox example for details about setting up your own App ID (rclone App ID is shared with all rclone users by default)

Type n to skip editing the advanced config

Skip Client ID, secret and advanced config: type enter to skip, then n for no

For auto config, select n for remote or headless machine (i.e. UnofficialOS device that doesn't have a web browser)

No auto-config for remote or headless machine: type n for no

Instructions are provided explaining how to authorize the connection from the remote device to the cloud service

Device with web-browser is required for authorization: Use pc to authorize connection

Install and run rclone on machine with a web-browser to authorize connection to cloud service

Download rclone on a device with a web-browser so rclone can use a web-page to authorize the connection by allowing you to login with your authorization credentials for the cloud service

Rclone download server

Download the same version of rclone as is installed on the UnofficialOS device, as noted above.

Use terminal window (e.g. CMD on Windows) to browse to rclone executable and run

rclone authorize dropbox

and press enter

Authorize rclone from terminal command prompt

Rclone will launch a web page to enable login to the cloud service and authorization of the connection

Confirm authorization of rclone connection

After successful authorization, the terminal window will display the authorization token that needs to be pasted into UnofficialOS ssh

Copy token to paste into UnofficialOS ssh

Copy the entire token

Update UnofficialOS with authorization token

Paste authorization token into UnofficialOS command prompt, then type y to confirm that the remote connection is correct

Paste authorization token into ssh

The connection is now configured and can be tested (q to quit rclone config)


rclone lsd rg503:

where rg503 is the name of the remote connection (rclone example names the remote connection as remote)

don't forget to add : to the name of remote connection

The names of the top-level folders within Dropbox cloud service will be displayed

Now that the connection is set up and authorized Using Rclone and Using Cloud Backup and Restore explain how to configure and use the connection for backup