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  • OS: Alpine Linux
  • Shell: BASH (w/bash-completion)
  • Tools:
  • Functions:
      youtube-dl --restrict-filename -o -ciw '%(title)s.%(ext)s' $1
      youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 $1
      youtube-dl --restrict-filenames -o -ciw '%(playlist)s/%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s' $1
      youtube-dl --restrict-filename -o -ciw '%(uploader)s/%(playlist)s/%(playlist_index)s - %(title)s.%(ext)s' $1
  • Convenience Scripts: Located in /root/ is a script to pull down videos with youtube-dl and push them to slack:
    # download from youtube, upload to slack
     local payload="ytbdl.$(date +%m%d%y%H%M%S)"
     local channel=${2:-'#general'}
     local message=${3:-"New upload from youtube-dl on $(date)"}
     youtube-dl --restrict-filename -f 'best' -ciw -o "${payload}"'.%(title)s.%(ext)s' $1 && \
     slack file upload -fl "${payload}".* -chs ${channel}  -cm "${message}"
    youtube_2_slack $1 $2 $3
    Located in /root/ is a script to pull images from websites with gallery-dl and push them to slack:
    # download from instagram/twitter, upload to slack
      local message=${2:-"New upload from gallery-dl on $(date)"}
      local exstr="slack file upload -fl {} -chs '#general' -cm '${message}'"
      gallery-dl --exec "${exstr}" $1
    instagram_2_slack $1 $2

Shell Scripting Examples

The following is a series of example shell functions for using the image. These are meant to be placed in your .${SHELL}rc file or .profile but could easily be used in any *.sh file.

Deploying Docker Containers

The following shell functions wrap the creation and deployment of docker containers running in daemon mode, that self-delete on completion.

youtube-dl to Slack pipeline

First we have the youtube-dl to slack pipeline. The pipeline is created in the /root/ Important to remember to mount the directory containing the slack-cli access token to the /usr/etc directory (see Slack-CLI Configuration)

# ytb to slk pipeline
ytb2slk() {
  docker run -d \
              --rm \
              --name ytb2slk.$(date  +%m%d%y%H%M%S) \
              -v ~/.hckr:/usr/etc \
     bash -c "ytb2slk $1 $2 $3
  • Usage: $ ytb2slk 'Special surprise :)' '#humor'
  • Notes: The /root/ script has defaults for $2 argument two (i.e. the channel name) and $3 argument three (i.e. the message) (see source ).

youtube-dl to rsync

Next we have the youtube-dl to rsync pipeline. This simply allows you to download with youtube-dl and then rsync the files to a different location or host. Important to notice the -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh which volume mounts your ssh keys into the container so that you can connect to your remote host:

  local payload="ytbdl.$(date +%m%d%y%H%M%S)"
  docker run -d \
             --rm \
             --name ytb2rsnc.$(date  +%m%d%y%H%M%S) \
             -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh \
    bash -c "youtube-dl --restrict-filename \
                                              -f 'best' \
                                              -ciw \
                                              -o "${payload}"'.%(title)s.%(ext)s' \
                                              $1 && \
                                   rsync -havP ytbdl.* \

  • Usage: $ ytb2rsnc
  • Notes: Make sure to set the values for USER and IP_ADDRESS for the rsync command accordingly.

Multiple youtube-dl to rsync

As the name implies, this shell function is for loading up multiple youtube-dl downloads and using rsync to send them to a remote host or location. Important to notice the -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh which volume mounts your ssh keys into the container so that you can connect to your remote host:

  local payload="ytbdl.$(date +%m%d%y%H%M%S)"
  local urls=$(while read line; do echo "$line"; done)
  docker run -d \
            --rm \
            --name ytb2rsnc.$(date  +%m%d%y%H%M%S) \
            -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh \
              bash -c \
              "echo '${urls}' | \
              youtube-dl \
                --batch-file - \
                --restrict-filename \
                --max-sleep-interval 60 \
                --min-sleep-interval 1 \
                -f 'best' \
                -ciw \
                -o "${payload}"'.%(title)s.%(ext)s' \
                --exec 'rsync {} ${USER}@${IP_ADDRESS}:/videos'"
  • Usage: $ batch_ytb2rsnc < list_of_vid_urls.txt
  • Notes: Make sure to set the values for USER and IP_ADDRESS for the rsync command accordingly. The format of the list is simply newline terminated URLs like such:
$ cat list_of_vid_urls.txt

gallery-dl to Slack

This shell function will use the script located at /root/, and as the name implies it will scrape from instagram as well as many other image sharing sites (see gallery-dl docs) :

# insta to slk pipeline
insta2slk() {
  docker run -d \
             --rm \
             --name insta2slk.$(date  +%m%d%y%H%M%S) \
             -v ~/.hckr:/usr/etc \
    bash -c "insta2slk $1 $2"
  • Usage: $ insta2slk

Slack Upload

This will grab a file and push it to Slack. It will mount your current directory (on default) and your slack-cli credentials (see Slack-CLI Configuration) :

# slack upload
slackup() {
  docker run -d \
             --rm \
             --name slackup.$(date +%m%d%y%H%M%S) \
             -v ~/.hckr:/usr/etc \
             -v $PWD:/home/hckr \
    bash -c "slack file upload -fl $1 -chs '#general'"
  • Usage: $ slackup yourfile.mkv

Login With BASH

Calling this shell function will deploy a BASH session in the container, and mount your current directory:

# hack it
hckr() {
  local mountpnt=${1:-"$PWD"}
  docker run --rm -v $mountpnt:/home/hckr -it
  • Usage: $ hckr

Remotely Launching Scripts

In the Deploying Docker Containers section we covered how to write shell functions to wrap the configuration and deployment of daemon docker containers. Here we will shows some examples of how to write some shell functions to remotely connect with a docker host system (i.e. a remote server) and launch the deploy scripts (again see Deploying Docker Containers). Clearly you will need to fill out your USER name and IP_ADDRESS for your remote server.

Remote Execute ytb2slk

ytb2slk() {
    ssh ${USER}@${IP_ADDRESS} "source ~/.profile && ytb2slk '${1}'"

Remote Execute batch_ytb2rsnc

batch_ytb2rsnc() {
  cat ${1} | awk '{printf "%s\n", $1}' | ssh ${USER}@${IP_ADDRESS} 'source ~/.profile && batch_ytb2rsnc'

Remote Execute insta2slk

insta2slk() {
      ssh ${USER}@${IP_ADDRESS} "source ~/.profile && insta2slk '${1}'"