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Slack Archiver

Pull messages and replies from all (or selected) channels.

Screenshot of the archive homepage Screenshot of an example channel archive


Although the standard Slack plan allows you to download a JSON archive of all public channels, sometimes it is desirable that private channels are archived as well. This bot serves that purpose.

After installing and inviting union-archiver to the desired channels, use the bot token to archive all messages into JSON.


In addition to the python packages (python -m pip install -r requirements.txt), you must give your bot the following scopes:

  • channels:history
  • channels:read
  • groups:history
  • groups:read
  • users:read

The following scopes are optional, and only necessary if you want your bot to be able to read DMs (im:) and group DMs (mpim:). The bot would need to be added to these DMs, as well.

  • im:history
  • im:read
  • mpim:history
  • mpim:read


Invite the bot to whatever channels you like (easiest way is to try to @ it in the channel) and then run scrape --token {your-slack-token} --archive-all

or give it the name of a specific channel(s): scrape --token {slack-token} --select-channels general random

If you've run the archiver before, be sure to give it your previous data so that you don't lose the messages outside your current limit. By default it will look for slack_data.json in the current directory, but you can give it a different path if you like: scrape --token {slack-token} --archive-all --input data/lab_slack.json --output new_data/lab_slack.json

To Do

  • Might be useful to download files as well

Slack Visualizer


To keep everything simple, all your slack messages will be processed by the Jinja templater to one HTML file per channel, along with an index file to link to all the channels. That way search is implemented by browser, etc.


Easy: visualize /path/to/slack_data.json workspace_name

workspace_name is whatever you want to be in the HTML title tag and the index heading, it's not that important but you do have to give it.

The HTML files are fairly simple, but they do display things in a nice enough way. Along the left there is a sidebar with links to the other channels. Each message will have the associated replies and emoji reactions, and you can hover to show who reacted with what. Some links are messed up because of the processing, but for the most part everything works.

To Do

  • Eventually, it would probably be good to paginate the results

Convert Old Data

If you used my slack archiver before I refactored it (, thanks) I have written a utility script to get the old "pile-of-JSONs" way of doing things into the format this version expects.

Usage --output /wherever/you/want/data.json {old_json_glob}


Archive a slack workspace to JSON, visualize with html






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