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CardKit SDK documentation

SDK contains two classes and one delegate.

SDK integration tutorial
Apple pay integration tutorial
CardKitCore integration tutorial
3DS2 integration tutorial
PaymentFlow integration tutorial

Configuring SDK Settings

1. Theme selection

// Light theme
 CardKConfig.shared.theme = CardKTheme.light();

// Dark theme
 CardKConfig.shared.theme = CardKTheme.dark();

// iOS System Theme ONLY FOR IOS 13.0+ (supports auto-switch)
 CardKConfig.shared.theme = CardKTheme.system();

2. Localization

 // language = "ru" | "en" | "es" | "de" | "fr" | "uk";
 CardKConfig.shared.language = language;

3. CardKConfig object properties

Property name Data type Defaul value Optional Description
theme CardKTheme CardKTheme.defaultTheme() Yes UI color theme
language String nil Yes UI Language
bindingCVCRequired BOOL false Yes Required entry of CVC when paying with a previously saved card
isTestMod BOOL false Yes Run in test mode, to select test keys.
mdOrder String - No order identifier to be paid with cryptogram
bindings [CardKBinding] - No Array of bindings
cardKProdKey String <Public key> Yes Public key for production
cardKTestKey String <Public key> Yes Public key for testing
testURL String <URL> Yes Test Key Request URL
prodURL String <URL> Yes Production Key Request URL
mrBinURL String nil No URL root for image display example:
mrBinApiURL String nil No Bank identification URL
bindingsSectionTitle String nil Yes Title text of the bindings list section
fetchKeys Function - - The function for requesting a public key
seTokenTimestamp String nil Yes Time will use for generating a token
timestampForDate Function - - The function formats NSDate to timestamp with type String

4. Example

  CardKConfig.shared.theme = CardKTheme.dark();
  CardKConfig.shared.language = "";
  CardKConfig.shared.bindingCVCRequired = true;
  CardKConfig.shared.bindings = [];
  CardKConfig.shared.isTestMod = true;
  CardKConfig.shared.mdOrder = "mdOrder";

CardKViewController object properties

Property name Data type Defaul value Optional Description
cKitDelegate id nil No -
allowedCardScaner BOOL false Yes Allow the use of the card scanner.
purchaseButtonTitle String Purchase / Pay Yes Overriding the button text.
allowSaveBinding BOOL false Yes Show the "Save card" switch
isSaveBinding BOOL false Switch default value
displayCardHolderField BOOL false Show cardholder input field

Controller initialization

1. Description of arguments

To show sdk, you need to call the static method create of the CardKViewController class. Function Arguments create:

Argument name Data type Defaul value Optional Description
self UIViewController nil No main controller link
navigationController UINavigationController nil Yes navigation controller
controller CardKViewController nil No initialized CardKViewController object

Function result create - class object UIViewController

  let controller = CardKViewController();
  controller.cKitDelegate = self;
  CardKViewController.create(self, controller: controller);
Image 1. Controller in a modal window.

Working with bindings

1. Bindings display

A controller with the list of bindings will be displayed if the bindings array in CardKConfing is not an empty array. If the array is empty, the form for creating a new card will be displayed.

Object Properties CardKBinding:

Property name Data type Defaul value Optional Description
bindingId Number - No Id bindings
paymentSystem String - No Payment system
cardNumber String - No Card number
expireDate String - No Card expiry date
Picture 2. List of bindings

2. CVC field display

To display the CVC field in the payment form of the selected binding you must assign true value to bindingCVCRequired in CardKConfing.

  CardKConfig.shared.bindingCVCRequired = true;

An example of displaying a form when bindingCVCRequired = true or false

Image 3a. Field bindingCVCRequired = true
Image 3b. Field bindingCVCRequired = false

Displaying Cardholder field

To display the field you must assign true value to displayCardHolderField in CardKViewController.

controller.displayCardHolderField = true;

An example of displaying a form when displayCardHolderField = true or false

Image 4a. Field displayCardHolderField = true
Image 4b. Field displayCardHolderField = false

Displaying the "Save Card" switch

To display the switch in the form, you must assign true value to allowSaveBinding in CardKViewController. To control the default switch value, assign isSaveBinding value to CardKViewController.

controller.allowSaveBinding = true;

Example of a form display when allowSaveBinding = true or false

Image 5a. Field allowSaveBinding = true, isSaveBinding = true
Image 5b. Field allowSaveBinding = false
Image 5c. Field allowSaveBinding = false, isSaveBinding = false

IPad support. Displaying a form in Popover

  1. Select a theme and initialize CardKViewController.
// ViewController.swift
CardKConfig.shared.theme = CardKTheme.dark();

let controller = CardKViewController();
controller.cKitDelegate = self;
let createdUiController = CardKViewController.create(self, controller: controller);
let navController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: createdUiController);
  1. Check the IOS version of the current device. If the version is 13.0+ then display the form.
if #available(iOS 13.0, *) {
  self.present(createdUiController, animated: true)
  1. If version <13.0, initialize UINavigationController and assign .formSheet to the modalPresentationStyle attribute.
navController.modalPresentationStyle = .formSheet
  1. Assign an object of class UIBarButtonItem to the leftBarButtonItem attribute in CardKViewController.
let closeBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(
  title: "Close",
  style: .done,
  target: self,
  action: #selector(_close(sender:)) //The _close function is implemented below.
createdUiController.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = closeBarButtonItem
  1. Displaying the form.
self.present(navController, animated: true)

function _close

@objc func _close(sender:UIButton){
  self.navigationController?.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)

Result: On the image 6 - IOS 13. On the image 7 - IOS 10.

Image 6. Popover iPadOS 13
Image 7. Popover iOS 10

Displaying the form on a separate page

  1. Select a theme and initialize CardKViewController.
// ViewController.swift
CardKConfig.shared.theme = CardKTheme.light();
let createdUiController = CardKViewController.create(self, controller: controller);
  1. Add CardKViewController to NavigationController.
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(createdUiController, animated: true)


Image 8. Form on a separate page

Creating SeToken

To get the SeToken you need to implement the cardKitViewController function.

  • cotroller - class object CardKViewController;
  • didCreateSeToken - created SeToken.
  • allowSaveBinding - the user's consent to save the new card details
  • isNewCard - payment with a new card or bundle. A new card - true, bundle - false
// ViewController.swift
func cardKitViewController(_ controller: CardKViewController, didCreateSeToken seToken: String, allowSaveBinding: Bool, isNewCard: Bool) {
  controller.present(alert, animated: true)

Setting up CardKViewController

To assign the СardKViewControler attributes with new parameters, you need to implement the didLoad function(_ controller: CardKViewController) In function didLoad(\_ controller: CardKViewController) controller attributes are assigned CardKViewController

func didLoad(_ controller: CardKViewController) {
  controller.allowedCardScaner = CardIOUtilities.canReadCardWithCamera();
  controller.purchaseButtonTitle = "Custom purchase button";
  controller.allowSaveBinding = true;
  controller.isSaveBinding = true;
  controller.displayCardHolderField = true;

Setting up the Apple pay button

  1. Initialization of CardKPaymentView
let cardKPaymentView = CardKPaymentView.init(delegate: self);
cardKPaymentView.controller = self;
cardKPaymentView.frame = CGReact(x: 0, y: 0, width: 100, height: 100);
  1. Setting up PKPaymentView
Argument name Data type Default value Optiona; Description
merchantId String nil No merchantId for apple pay
paymentRequest PKPaymentRequest nil No Object to describe payment data
paymentButtonType PKPaymentButtonType nil No ApplePay button type
paymentButtonStyle PKPaymentButtonStyle nil No ApplePay button style
cardPaybutton UIButton nil Yes Setting up the "Pay by card" button"
func willShow(_ paymentView: CardKPaymentView) {
  let paymentNetworks = [, .discover, .masterCard, .visa]
  let paymentItem = PKPaymentSummaryItem.init(label: "Test", amount: NSDecimalNumber(value: 10))
  let merchandId = "t";
  paymentView.merchantId = merchandId
  paymentView.paymentRequest.currencyCode = "USD"
  paymentView.paymentRequest.countryCode = "US"
  paymentView.paymentRequest.merchantIdentifier = merchandId
  paymentView.paymentRequest.merchantCapabilities = PKMerchantCapability.capability3DS
  paymentView.paymentRequest.supportedNetworks = paymentNetworks
  paymentView.paymentRequest.paymentSummaryItems = [paymentItem]
  paymentView.paymentButtonStyle = .black;
  paymentView.paymentButtonType = .buy;

  paymentView.cardPaybutton.backgroundColor = .white;
  paymentView.cardPaybutton.setTitleColor(.black, for: .normal);
  paymentView.cardPaybutton.setTitle("Custom title", for: .normal);

Example of button display

Image 9. Example of the Apple Pay button display
  1. Getting the payment result

To get PKPayment, you need to implement the function cardKPaymentView.

  • paymentView - class object CardKPaymentView;
  • pKPayment - payment result, class object PKPayment.
func cardKPaymentView(_ paymentView: CardKPaymentView, didAuthorizePayment pKPayment: PKPayment) {

Working with

To work with you need:

  1. Implement the SampleAppCardIO class with the cardIOView function;
  • cardIOView - class object CardIOView;
  • didScanCard - card data after scanning;

If there is card data, then call the setCardNumber function and assign the card data.

// ViewController.swift
class SampleAppCardIO: NSObject, CardIOViewDelegate {
  weak var cardKController: CardKViewController? = nil

  func cardIOView(_ cardIOView: CardIOView!, didScanCard cardInfo: CardIOCreditCardInfo!) {
    if let info = cardInfo {
      cardKController?.setCardNumber(info.cardNumber, holderName: info.cardholderName, expirationDate: nil, cvc: nil)
  1. Implement the cardKitViewControllerScanCardRequest function()
  • cotroller - class object CardKViewController;
// ViewController.swift
func cardKitViewControllerScanCardRequest(_ controller: CardKViewController) {
  let cardIO = CardIOView(frame: controller.view.bounds)
  cardIO.hideCardIOLogo = true
  cardIO.scanExpiry = false
  cardIO.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]

  sampleAppCardIO = SampleAppCardIO()
  sampleAppCardIO?.cardKController = controller
  cardIO.delegate = sampleAppCardIO

  controller.showScanCardView(cardIO, animated: true)
  1. assign True value to allowedCardScaner attribute. It is advisable to use the function CardIOUtilities.canReadCardWithCamera();

  2. call the function CardIOUtilities.preloadCardIO();

// ViewController.swift
func _openController() {
  controller.allowedCardScaner = CardIOUtilities.canReadCardWithCamera();

Theme overriding

Theme Properties:

Number Property name
1 colorLabel
2 colorPlaceholder
3 colorErrorLabel
4 colorCellBackground
5 colorTableBackground
6 colorSeparatar
7 colorButtonText
Image 10. Property numbering

Example of overriding a theme:

func _openCustomTheme() {
  theme.colorLabel =;
  theme.colorPlaceholder = UIColor.gray;
  theme.colorErrorLabel =;
  theme.colorTableBackground = UIColor.lightGray;
  theme.colorCellBackground = UIColor.white;
  theme.colorSeparatar = UIColor.darkGray;
  theme.colorButtonText =;


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