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Gnuradio OsmoSDR device string options

Ryan Thompson edited this page Dec 6, 2023 · 4 revisions
Argument Notes
bladerf[=instance|serial] Selects the specified bladeRF device by a 0-indexed "device instance" count or by the device's serial number. 3 or more characters from the serial number are required. If 'instance' or 'serial' are not specified, the first available device is used.
fpga=<'/path/to/the/bitstream.rbf'> Load the FPGA bitstream from the specified file. This is required only once after powering the bladeRF on. If the FPGA is already loaded, this argument is ignored, unless 'fpga-reload=1' is specified.
fpga-reload=1 Force the FPGA to be reloaded. Requires fpga= to be provided to have any effect.
buffers=<count> Number of sample buffers to use. Increasing this value may alleviate transient timeouts, with the trade-off of added latency. This must be greater than the 'transfers' parameter. Default=32
buflen=<count> Length of a sample buffer, in samples (not bytes). This must be a multiple of 1024. Default=4096
transfers=<count> Number of in-flight sample buffer transfers. Defaults to one half of the 'buffers' count.
stream_timeout_ms=<timeout> Specifies the timeout for the underlying sample stream. Default=3000.
loopback=<mode> Configure the device for the specified loopback mode (disabled, baseband, or RF). See the libbladeRF documentation for descriptions of these available options: none, bb_txlpf_rxvga2, bb_txlpf_rxlpf, bb_txvga1_rxvga2, bb_txvga1_rxlpf, rf_lna1, rf_lna2, rf_lna3. The default mode is 'none'.
verbosity=<level> Controls the verbosity of output written to stderr from libbladeRF. The available options, from least to most verbose are: silent, critical, error, warning, info, debug, verbose. The default level is determined by libbladeRF.
xb200[=filter] Automatic filter selection will be enabled if no value is given to the xb200 parameter. Otherwise, a specific filter may be selected per the list presented below.
smb=<frequency> Enable frequency output on SMB connector (named CLK)
tamer=[internal,external,external_1pps] Set one of the clock input modes
rxmux=[baseband|12bit|32bit|digital] Configure the RX mux for a given source. Only valid on sources (RX).
biastee=[0|1] Enable or disable the bias-tee power on the given set of ports. Only valid on bladeRF 2.0 micro family.
agc_mode=[automatic|manual|fast|slow|hybrid] Set a specific gain control mode. fast, slow, and hybrid are only valid on bladeRF 2.0 micro family. Only valid on sources (RX).
agc=[0|1] Enable or disable automatic gain control. Only valid on sources (RX).

The following values are valid for the xb200 parameter:

Value Description
"custom" custom band
"50M" 50MHz band
"144M" 144MHz band
"222M" 222MHz band
"auto3db" Select filterbank based on -3dB filter points
"auto" Select filterbank based on -1dB filter points (default)

gr-osmosdr <-> bladeRF x40/x115 gain mappings


Setting Component
BB Gain TX VGA1 [-35, -4]
IF Gain N/A
RF Gain TX VGA2 [0, 25]


Setting Component
RF Gain LNA Gain {0, 3, 6}
IF Gain N/A
BB Gain RX VGA1 + RX VGA2 [5, 60]
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