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dotnet list package

Rohit Agrawal edited this page Sep 5, 2018 · 2 revisions


  • Currently the VS PM UI shows a list of the installed packages and the updates available for them, a similar functionality with the CLI is needed.
  • Unlisted/Vulnerable/Obsolete packages should be flagged both in the PM UI and using CLI commands. See issue: Deprecate obsolete, vulnerable or legacy packages #2867.



We should have a list package command that can list the installed packages for the developers. For the first version, the list package command will work only with the dotnet command line with package reference projects. Support for nuget.exe and package config projects will come in later versions.

Default command

Running in the project folder - Shows all packages, by default

> dotnet list package <optional project path or solution path>

Project '.\project.csproj' has the following package references
   Top-level Package             Requested        Resolved
   > NETStandard.Library   (A)   2.0.3            2.0.3
   > nuget.versioning            [4.0.0, 4.3.0)   4.0.0
   > SlowCheetah.Xdt             1.0.1-beta       1.0.1-beta

   Transitive Package            Requested        Resolved
   > NETStandard.Library   (A)   2.0.3            2.0.3
   > nuget.versioning            [4.0.0, 4.3.0)   4.0.0
   > SlowCheetah.Xdt             1.0.1-beta       1.0.1-beta

(A) : Auto-referenced package

Behavior clarification:

  • Requested column will include the version that the developer has indicated in the package reference tags within the project file, which means it can be a range. Resolved column will include the version that the project is currently using and will always be a single value.
  • In the absence of an assets file, the command will show a message saying that an assets file was not found, and will suggest running dotnet restore before running list.

The command will have the following options:

list package command option Behavior
--outdated Displays the latest version for the packages that could be updated.
--include-transitive Displays the transitive packages in the result.
--framework <FRAMEWORK> Displays only the packages applicable for a specific target framework. Supports multiple frameworks by using --framework multiple times.



Running in the project folder with the option --outdated

> dotnet list package --outdated

Project 'project' has the following updates to its packages
   Top-level Package       Requested        Resolved     Latest
   > nuget.versioning      [4.0.0, 4.3.0)   4.0.0        4.7.0
   > SlowCheetah.Xdt       1.0.1-beta       1.0.1-beta   1.1.7-beta

   Transitive Package      Requested        Resolved     Latest
   > nuget.versioning      [4.0.0, 4.3.0)   4.0.0        4.7.0
   > SlowCheetah.Xdt       1.0.1-beta       1.0.1-beta   1.1.7-beta


Behavior Clarification:

  • --outdated will consider the prerelease packages when looking for the latest package only if the resolved version is a prerelease version or the option --include-prerelease is used. For example, nuget.versioning has a later prerelease package than 4.7.0, but it is not shown in the result, while SlowCheetah.Xdt has the latest prerelease in the result.

Include Tansitive


Running in the project folder with the option --include-transitive

> dotnet list package --include-transitive

Project 'project' has the following package references
   Top-level Package             Requested        Resolved
   > NETStandard.Library   (A)   2.0.3            2.0.3
   > nuget.versioning            [4.0.0, 4.3.0)   4.0.0
   > SlowCheetah.Xdt             1.0.1-beta       1.0.1-beta

   Transitive Package                          Resolved
   > Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms               1.1.0
   > Microsoft.CSharp                          4.3.0
   > Microsoft.Web.Xdt                         2.1.2
   > System.Collections                        4.3.0
   > System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter       4.3.0
   > System.Diagnostics.Debug                  4.3.0
   > System.Diagnostics.Tools                  4.3.0
   > System.Globalization                      4.3.0
   > System.IO                                 4.3.0
   > System.Linq                               4.3.0
   > System.Linq.Expressions                   4.3.0
   > System.Net.Primitives                     4.3.0
   > System.ObjectModel                        4.3.0
   > System.Reflection                         4.3.0
   > System.Reflection.Extensions              4.3.0
   > System.Reflection.Primitives              4.3.0
   > System.Resources.ResourceManager          4.3.0
   > System.Runtime                            4.3.0
   > System.Runtime.Extensions                 4.3.0
   > System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives   4.3.0
   > System.Text.Encoding                      4.3.0
   > System.Text.Encoding.Extensions           4.3.0
   > System.Text.RegularExpressions            4.3.0
   > System.Threading                          4.3.0
   > System.Threading.Tasks                    4.3.0
   > System.Xml.ReaderWriter                   4.3.0
   > System.Xml.XDocument                      4.3.0

   Top-level Package             Requested        Resolved
   > NETStandard.Library   (A)   2.0.3            2.0.3
   > nuget.versioning            [4.0.0, 4.3.0)   4.0.0
   > SlowCheetah.Xdt             1.0.1-beta       1.0.1-beta

   Transitive Package                                    Resolved
   > Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms                         1.1.0
   > Microsoft.Web.Xdt                                   2.1.2
   > System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation   4.3.0

(A) : Auto-referenced package

Behavior clarification:

  • Transitive packages are not requested by the developer, as a result, they do not have a requested column.
  • --include-tranistive could be used with other options like --outdated.



Running in the project folder with the option --framework netstandard1.0

> dotnet list package --framework netstandard1.0

Project 'project' has the following package references
   Top-level Package             Requested        Resolved
   > NETStandard.Library   (A)   2.0.3            2.0.3
   > nuget.versioning            [4.0.0, 4.3.0)   4.0.0
   > SlowCheetah.Xdt             1.0.1-beta       1.0.1-beta

(A) : Auto-referenced package

Behavior Clarification:

  • --framework supports including multiple frameworks by using --framework multiple times.
  • --framework supports specific runtime identifier by using /. For example, dotnet list package --framework netstandard1.0/win-x64.

Outdated specific options

The following options work only with --outdated:

list package --outdated command option Behavior
--include-prerelease Considers the prerelease versions when looking for the latest version. Can only be used with --outdated present.
--highest-patch Considers only up to the latest patch from the requested version when looking for the latest version. Can only be used with --outdated present.
--highest-minor Considers only up to the latest minor from the requested version when looking for the latest version. Can only be used with --outdated present.
--config <config file> Uses only the sources in the config file to look for the latest version. Can only be used with --outdated present.
--source <source name> Uses only the given source to look for the latest version. Can only be used with --outdated present. Supports multiple sources by using --source multiple times.

Include prerelease


Running in the project folder with the option --outdated --include-prerelease

> dotnet list package --outdated --include-prerelease

Project 'project' has the following updates to its packages
   Top-level Package       Requested        Resolved     Latest
   > nuget.versioning      [4.0.0, 4.3.0)   4.0.0        4.8.0-preview1.5156
   > SlowCheetah.Xdt       1.0.1-beta       1.0.1-beta   1.1.7-beta

   Top-level Package       Requested        Resolved     Latest
   > nuget.versioning      [4.0.0, 4.3.0)   4.0.0        4.8.0-preview1.5156
   > SlowCheetah.Xdt       1.0.1-beta       1.0.1-beta   1.1.7-beta


Highest patch


Running in the project folder with the option --outdated --highest-patch

> dotnet list package --outdated --heighest-patch

Project 'project' has the following updates to its packages
   Top-level Package       Requested        Resolved     Latest patch
   > nuget.versioning      [4.0.0, 4.3.0)   4.0.0        4.3.0
   > SlowCheetah.Xdt       1.0.1-beta       1.0.1-beta   1.0.9-beta

   Top-level Package       Requested        Resolved     Latest patch
   > nuget.versioning      [4.0.0, 4.3.0)   4.0.0        4.3.0
   > SlowCheetah.Xdt       1.0.1-beta       1.0.1-beta   1.0.9-beta


Highest minor


Running in the project folder with the option --outdated --highest-minor

> dotnet list package --outdated --highest-minor

Project 'project' has the following updates to its packages
   Top-level Package       Requested        Resolved     Latest minor
   > nuget.versioning      [4.0.0, 4.3.0)   4.0.0        4.7.0
   > SlowCheetah.Xdt       1.0.1-beta       1.0.1-beta   1.1.7-beta

   Top-level Package       Requested        Resolved     Latest minor
   > nuget.versioning      [4.0.0, 4.3.0)   4.0.0        4.7.0
   > SlowCheetah.Xdt       1.0.1-beta       1.0.1-beta   1.1.7-beta


Behavior clarification:

  • --highest-patch and --highest-minor will be constrained by the patch and minor, repectively, of the resolved version.

Show list packages in the solution

> dotnet list package

<Project name>
<List of packages>


<Project name>
<List of packages>


<Project name>
<List of packages>

Out of scope: Deprecated

  • Listing deprecated packages will not be supported in the current version for list package. The feature is likely to be implemented once deprecation is implemented on the server side as planned in this pull request.


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