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A highly adaptable and secure PHP login/registration system designed for almost any PHP project. After setting up your required forms and database columns, simply configure the config.php file, and you’re ready to go. It uses PSR-4 and follows the MVC pattern for a clean and structured codebase.


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A versatile and secure PHP authentication/registration system with effortless integration and dependency-free.

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Table of Contents

Why Choose PHP-Autheon?

  • Ease of Use: PHP-Autheon requires minimal setup through a single config.php file, in just about 10 minutes, you can integrate a complete authentication features into your existing or new PHP project.
  • Flexible and Customizable: Customize your registration system to fit specific needs with adaptable field validation (such as strings, integers, floats, booleans, emails, file uploads, and custom error messages), database mapping, email configurations, and more. This flexibility allows you to tailor your system behavior to various use cases without extensive coding.
  • Zero Dependencies: No additional libraries or frameworks are needed, simplifying the integration process.
  • Secure: Built with modern security practices, including password hashing, CSRF protection, secure session management, and SQL binding to prevent SQL injection attacks.


  • PHP 8.0 and above
  • MySQL


Direct Download

  1. Go to the GitHub repository and click on the Code button.
  2. Select Download ZIP.
  3. Once downloaded, unzip the folder.
  4. Move the unzipped folder to your htdocs directory if using XAMPP or to the www directory if using WAMP.

Using Composer

  1. Download and install Composer from
  2. Open your terminal or command prompt.
  3. Navigate to your desired directory within the htdocs directory for XAMPP or the www directory for WAMP.
  4. Run the following command:
composer require novocod/php-autheon

This will download and install PHP-Autheon in your specified directory.


PHP-Autheon is configured through the config.php file. Here’s a breakdown of each configuration option:

Database Configuration

Key Description Example
db_host Database host address localhost
db_username Database username root
db_password Database password password
db_name Database name my_database

User Table Configuration

Key Description Example
users_table Name of the user table in the database users
primary_key Name of the primary key column id
verified Column indicating if the user is verified [Optional] is_active
activateUser_token_column Column for activation token [Optional] activate_token
activateUser_token_expiry Column for activation token expiry [Optional] activate_token_expiry
resetPassword_token_column Column for password reset token [Optional] reset_token
resetPassword_token_expiry Column for password reset token expiry [Optional] reset_token_expiry
remember_me_token_column Column for remember me token [Optional] remember_me
remember_token_expiry Column for remember me token expiry [Optional] remember_token_expiry

Email Configuration

Key Description Example
from Sender email address
from_name Sender name Example
subject_verification Subject of the verification email Email Verification
message_verification HTML message for email verification <a href="{{token}}">Activate account</a>
smtp_host SMTP server host
smtp_port SMTP server port 465
smtp_username SMTP username
smtp_password SMTP password emailpassword

Note: If the smtp_password in the configuration is left empty (''), PHP-Autheon will not send activation emails or handle the forgot password process. Ensure that all email configuration settings are correctly set to enable these functionalities.

Security Configuration

Key Description Example
password_hash_algo Algorithm for hashing passwords PASSWORD_BCRYPT
secret_salt Secret salt for additional security SomeSecretSalt
activateUser_token_expiry_time Token expiry time for user activation 86400 (1 day)
session_cookie_secure Secure session cookies true

Form Field Mapping

PHP-Autheon allows dynamic mapping of form fields to database columns. This not only ensures correct data storage but also simplifies integration and enhances security by hiding real column names, providing an additional security layer against SQL injection attacks. **Example : **

	'first_name' =>
		'column' => 'c7vU_fname',
	'last_name' =>
		'column' => 'c7vU_lname',

Here, the first_name form field is mapped to the c7vU_fname column in the database, and the last_name form field is mapped to the c7vU_lname column.

Field Validation

Field validation in PHP-Autheon is designed to ensure robust data integrity and security. It provides comprehensive server-side validation to enforce rules and constraints on user inputs, helping to prevent invalid or malicious data from compromising your application. The system supports various validation options, including data types, required fields, and constraints such as maximum and minimum lengths or values.

Option Description Examples
type Specifies the data type of the field. String, Integer, Float, Boolean, Array, Object, Email, URL, Domain, IP, MAC, Date, Time, File
required Indicates whether the field is mandatory. If true, the field must be filled out; if false, it is optional. true, false
max_length Sets the maximum number of characters allowed in the field. 50 (e.g., username length)
min_length Sets the minimum number of characters required for the field. 3 (e.g., username length)
regex A regular expression to validate the format of the input. /^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$/ (alphanumeric only)
login_field Specifies if the field is used for login purposes,. If true, this field is considered for user login. For example if you need to use the email and the username and the phone number to login. true, false
password_field Specifies if the field is used for password input. If true, this field is treated as a password. true, false
min_value Specifies the minimum allowable value for numeric fields. 0, 18 (for age)
max_value Specifies the maximum allowable value for numeric fields. 4, 10 (for number of children)
inclusion Specifies a set of values that the field must be included in. ['option1', 'option2'] (for dropdown)
exclusion Specifies a set of values that the field must not be included in. ['banned1', 'banned2']
File For file upload fields, specifies additional file validation rules. allowed_extensions, max_size
allowed_extensions Specifies the allowed file extensions for file uploads. ['jpg', 'png', 'pdf']
max_size Specifies the maximum file size allowed for file uploads. 2MB, 5MB
error_messages Custom messages displayed when validation fails. You can define specific error messages for each validation rule, such as required, max_value and inclusion, or format constraints. 'max_length' => 'Email cannot exceed 100 characters.'


Integrating PHP-Autheon into your PHP project is so easy. You just have to utilize the provided functions by passing $requestData, which encompasses all the values submitted from your forms with $_POST and PHP-Autheon will automatically manage all the rest : validation of data, including interactions with the database. This streamlines the implementation of authentication and user management, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your application while PHP-Autheon handles the complexities of user-related operations.

  1. Include the PHP-Autheon library and instantiate the AuthController:
use App\Controllers\AuthController;
$authController = new AuthController();
  1. Call the appropriate function based on the form submission:
Function Description
login($requestData) Handles user login.
register($requestData) Handles user registration.
sendPasswordReset($requestData) Sends a password reset email.
resetPassword($requestData) Resets the user's password.
verifyResetToken($token) Verifies the reset token for password recovery.
activateUser($token) Activates a user account using the activation token.
logout() Logs out the user.

Folder Structure

├── Config
│   └── Config.php
├── Controllers
│   └── AuthController.php
├── Models
│   └── User.php
└── Utils
    ├── CSRFProtection.php
    ├── Mailer.php
    ├── Utils.php
    └── Validator.php

PSR-4 and MVC Implementation

PHP-Autheon uses PSR-4 for autoloading classes and follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern, providing a clean and maintainable code structure.


  • Ensure that database columns are correctly set up with primary keys, unique constraints, NULL/NOT NULL configurations, and default values.
  • Verify field mappings and validation configurations.
  • For secondary fields (fields that you don’t want to configure), ensure that form field names match the exact column names for successful data storage.


Please note that this is an initial release and not yet a stable version. We encourage contributions and invite security experts to test and review the system. As of now, the following functionalities are operational but they are not fully tested:

  • User Registration: Easy registration process for new users.
  • User Login: Secure authentication for registered users.
  • Email Activation: Account activation through email verification.
  • Remember Me: Persistent login option for returning users.
  • User Logout: Proper session termination for logged-in users.
  • Password Recovery: Secure password reset via email.
  • Form Field Mapping: Dynamic mapping of form fields to database columns.
  • Form Validation: Robust validation for form inputs to ensure data integrity.
  • Session Management: Secure handling and management of user sessions.
  • CSRF Protection: Implementation of CSRF tokens to prevent cross-site request forgery.

Demo and Example

To see PHP-Autheon in action and explore its features, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Repository

  2. Set Up the Database

    • Navigate to the example/DB folder within the downloaded repository.

    • Import the provided .sql file into your MySQL database using a tool like phpMyAdmin or the MySQL command line.

      mysql -u yourusername -p yourdatabase < example/DB/test_db.sql
  3. Configure PHP-Autheon

    • Update the config.php file in the src/Config directory to match your database settings and other configurations.
  4. Run the Demo

    • Navigate to the example folder.
    • Open the example files in a web server environment (e.g., using XAMPP, WAMP, or a similar setup).
  5. Explore the Screenshots

  • The following screenshots illustrate the key features of PHP-Autheon:

    Login Screen Login Screen Example

    Login with Example Credentials

    • Use the following credentials examples to log in:
      • Username: admin123
      • Password: admin123

    Registration Screen Registration Screen Example

    Password Reset Password Reset Screen Example

    Password Reset New Password Password Reset New Password Screen Example

Dashboard User Dashboard Example

Note: The example does not include routing logic to keep the code simple and focused on demonstrating PHP-Autheon's core functionality. For a complete implementation, you will need to integrate routing according to your project's structure.

For further details or if you encounter any issues, please refer to the documentation or contact support.

Enjoy exploring PHP-Autheon!


Contributions are welcome! Please follow these guidelines:

  • Fork the repository and create a feature branch.
  • Make your changes and submit a pull request.
  • Ensure your code adheres to PSR standards and is thoroughly tested.

Support Us

If you find PHP-Autheon useful and would like to support its development, consider :

Making a donation

Your contributions help us maintain and improve the project. Donations can be made via:

Give Us a Star!

If you find PHP-Autheon helpful, please give us a ⭐ on GitHub! Your support helps us grow and improve.

Thank you for your support!


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Additional Documentation and Support

For further documentation or support, please refer to the GitHub Issues page or contact us directly.


A highly adaptable and secure PHP login/registration system designed for almost any PHP project. After setting up your required forms and database columns, simply configure the config.php file, and you’re ready to go. It uses PSR-4 and follows the MVC pattern for a clean and structured codebase.








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