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Kichain ibc relayer guide

Special thanks to Confuzerpy and goooodnes from Let's encrypt community

in this guide we will using ibc between kichain-t-4 and testnet-croeseid-4

1. Install the latest ibc relayer from the official repo

Once relayer installed check the relayer version. In my case it was 0.9.3 version

rly version
version: v0.9.3
commit: 4b81fa59055e3e94520bdfae1debe2fe0b747dc1
cosmos-sdk: v0.42.4
go: go1.15.11 linux/amd64

2. Intialize relayer

rly config init

3. Once initialized lets configure it:

cd && mkdir relayer_config && cd relayer_config

Create config for the kichain-t-4 network

nano ki_config.json
"chain-id": "kichain-t-4",
  "rpc-addr": "",
  "account-prefix": "tki",
  "gas-adjustment": 1.5,
  "gas-prices": "0.025utki",
  "trusting-period": "48h"

Create config for the croeseid testnet network

  • note in my case i configured my croeseid testnet to operate with port 26552. Your port might be different!
nano cro_config.json

  "chain-id": "testnet-croeseid-4",
  "rpc-addr": "",
  "account-prefix": "tcro",
  "gas-adjustment": 1.5,
  "gas-prices": "0.025basetcro",
  "trusting-period": "48h"

4. Next step we should add our configs to the relayer

rly chains add -f ki_config.json

rly chains add -f cro_config.

5. Well now we have to generate or import wallets.

  • Notice in my case im using key name kichain_key and cro_key. You can specify watever you want name.
Generating new keys

rly keys add kichain-t-4 kichain_key

rly keys add testnet-croeseid-4 --coin-type 1 cro_key


  • We using coin type 1 when generating croeseid wallet because croesseid using DIFFERENT hd path!
Import existing keys

rly keys restore kichain-t-4 kichain_key "MNEMONIC"

rly keys restore "testnet-croeseid-4" cro_key --coin-type 1 "MNEMONIC"

6. Check that everything is OK

rly keys list kichain-t-4

key(0): kichain_key -> tki1__YOUR_WALLET
rly keys list testnet-croeseid-4

key(0): cro_key -> tcro__YOUR_WALLET

7. Add the newly created keys to the config of the relayer:

rly chains edit kichain-t-4 key kichain_key

rly chains edit testnet-croeseid-4 key cro_key

8. Change timeout in the relayer settings

nano ~/.relayer/config/config.yaml

Find the line timeout: 10s and replace to timeout: 10m

9. Make sure that you have enough funds in you wallets.

  • If you dont have funds. Claim some through faucet.

Under kichain testnet-challenge channel you will find faucet thread.

10. Check the wallet balance of the relayer.

rly q balance kichain-t-4
rly q balance testnet-croeseid-4

11. Initialize clients for both networks:

rly light init kichain-t-4 -f

rly light init testnet-croeseid-4 -f

12. Create a channel between the two networks:

  • rly paths generate [src-chain-id] [dst-chain-id] [name] [flags]

rly paths generate kichain-t-4 testnet-croeseid-4 transfer --port=transfer

13. Next step lets create channel from croeseid to kichain

Note this command might take some time. If you have some errors try to repeat several times. Creating channel from croeseid to kichain

rly tx link transfer

If operation completes successfull the otput of the last line should be like:

★ Channel created: [kichain-t-4]chan{channel-45}port{transfer} -> [testnet-croeseid-4]chan{channel-18}port{transfer}

14. Checking the path by typing:

rly paths list -d
0: transfer          -> chns(✔) clnts(✔) conn(✔) chan(✔) (kichain-t-4:transfer<>testnet-croeseid-4:transfer)

15. Start relayer as a service

In our service file we are using rly tx link-then-start transfer --timeout 30s command. First it will link our channel and then relayer will immediately started with timeout 30 seconds.

sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/rlyd.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=relayer service

ExecStart=$(which rly) tx link-then-start transfer --timeout 30s

Start rlyd daemon

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable rlyd
sudo systemctl start rlyd

16. Send some coins

From croeseid to kichain

rly tx transfer testnet-croeseid-4 kichain-t-4 1000000basetcro $(rly chains address kichain-t-4) --path transfer

The output should be:

✔ [testnet-croeseid-4]@{289697} - msg(0:transfer) hash(1C1....your_hash....07)

From kichain to croeseid

rly tx transfer kichain-t-4 testnet-croeseid-4 666000utki $(rly chains address testnet-croeseid-4) --path transfer

The output should be:

✔ [kichain-t-4]@{221552} - msg(0:transfer) hash(E1....your_hash....6)

Example of txs from kichain to croeseid:






Example of txs from croeseid to kichain:


Helpful links:

Kichain testnet explorer 1

Kichain testnet explorer 2

Croeseid testnet explorer

KI Foundation discord


solving ibc kichain task







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