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appliance console database backups ENV

This was project is a conversion of this gist:

To a more "sane" format that isn't a flat directory.

First pass there probably won't be a lot of changes besides a bit of organization, but expect it to standardize with other projects in the repo.


This is a Vagrantfile and test script that is intended to setup a reproducible environment with an appliance VM and a share VM. Those roles of the VMs are as follows:

  • The appliance VM is a MIQ appliance with the actually workers shut down, but preloaded with a dummy set of data that can be exported. It also includes a test script that can be used as a smoke test for all of the database backup/dumping strategies.
  • The share VM is a light appliance that is currently configured to be an NFS SMB, and FTP share for the appliance. It is configured to give permission to the appliance VM those to connect via SMB and NFS at some entry points (it also set up a swift instance, but that currently isn't configured properly to work)

The test script will then run a suite of all of the backup/dump strategies and confirm file integrity of the dumped files for all strategies (local, NFS, SMB, FTP, s3 and Swift).


Quick start

Run rake test and things should #JustWork™

The task should handle setting up your .env file for you with the needed credentials for s3 and swift testing (currently both require a remote instance for testing to happen), spin up the environment, seed, and run the specs. The tasks are configured to be as omnipotent as possible (within reason), so they should be limited amounts wasted time checking for "dependencies" (running VMs, checking for seeding, etc.)

Setup (long version)

The main steps that are done on first run of rake test are as follows:

  1. Run rake .env, which is a Rake::FileTask that configures the .env with s3 and swift credentials which are needed to run those specs currently. You can opt out of those tests by running rake test with the following:

    $ rake test:no_s3 test:no_swift test

    Which will skip any setup and tests for s3 (ideally...)

  2. Run rake start which effectively runs vagrant up for you. This task does do some VirtualBox "shell outs" to check if the vms are running first, so this will be a snappy task if nothing needs to be done.

  3. Run rake seed, which is an ssh task to the box that triggers the seed script that is provisioned into the box (see the Vagrantfile for more details). This task is a little slower even on subsequent runs since it requires running a bin/rails on the box (and that is just slow), but it is configure to short circut once it has one once, so it is only a minor delay the subsequent calls.

  4. rake test proper is run, which runs the following SSH command on the appliance vm:

    $ vagrant ssh appliance -c "sudo -i ruby /vagrant/tests/smoketest.rb --clean [EXTRA_ARGS]"

    As mentioned above, the EXTRA_ARGS comes from the test:no_s3 and test:no_swift tasks if applied, and --clean can be opted out of if test:no_clean is passed. Under the covers this is just mutating a instance variable in the Rakefile, so these tasks need to be run prior to the main test task to be populated in the command correctly.

Old Setup (outdated)

Leaving this here for reference, but since we are now using a hammer build for the appliance, most of the code necessary to run things is included with the base image.


  1. Copy the Vagrantfile and the smoketest_db_tasks.rb into a directory that is on the same level as the following repos:

    The resulting directory structure should look something like this:

    ├── dir_for_this_code
    │   ├── Vagrantfile
    │   └── smoketest.rb
    ├── manageiq
    │   ...
    ├── manageiq-gems-pending
    │   ...
    ├── manageiq-appliance_console
    │   ...
    └── awesome_spawn
  2. In the directory with the Vagrantfile, run:

    $ vagrant up
    $ vagrant ssh appliance
    appliance $ vmdb
    appliance $ sudo /bin/sh -c "source /etc/profile.d/; bin/rails r tmp/bz_1592480_db_replication_script.rb"
    appliance $ exit
  3. To run the test, run the following:

    $ vagrant ssh appliance -c "sudo -i ruby /vagrant/tests/smoketest.rb"

This does assume that the following pull requests have been merged for the smoke tests to succeed:

If they aren't merged, you can run the following to get that code in place:

$ CWD=$(pwd)
$ cd ../manageiq
$ git apply <(curl -L
$ git apply <(curl -L
$ cd ../awesome_spawn
$ git apply <(curl -L
$ cd ../manageiq-gems-pending
$ git apply <(curl -L
$ cd $CWD

And then to setup the VMs to have this code, run the following:

$ vagrant rsync
$ vagrant provision appliance

S3 environment variable setup

You will need a .env file in the directory with the following:


Creating and testing FileDepots

Creating and Testing NFS

$ vagrant ssh appliance
appliance(vagrant) $ vmdb
appliance(vagrant) $ sudo --shell
appliance(root) $ bin/rails c
irb> task = MiqTask.create
irb> file_depot = FileDepotNfs.create(:uri => "nfs://")
irb> MiqServer.my_server.log_file_depot = file_depot
irb> MiqServer.my_server.post_current_logs(, file_depot)

Creating and Testing SMB

$ vagrant ssh appliance
appliance(vagrant) $ vmdb
appliance(vagrant) $ sudo --shell
appliance(root) $ bin/rails c
irb> task = MiqTask.create
irb> smb_auth = => "vagrant", :password => "vagrant")
irb> file_depot = FileDepotSmb.create(:uri => "smb://", :authentications => [smb_auth])
irb> MiqServer.my_server.log_file_depot = file_depot
irb> MiqServer.my_server.post_current_logs(, file_depot)


  • If most of the tests for splits are failing:

    Chances are in this case the appliance might still be running, causing not only a decent delay in the tests between a non-split backup (where the base size for the backup is derived) and the split version, which gives the DB backup more time to grow in size because of split CPU resources, but also extra log statements are created from general appliance actions, causing the size to be bigger as well.

    Run the following to check if the appliance is still running:

    $ vagrant ssh appliance -c "sudo systemctl status evmserverd"

    And if it is, run:

    $ vagrant ssh appliance -c "sudo systemctl stop evmserverd"
    $ vagrant ssh appliance -c "sudo systemctl disable evmserverd"
  • If split backup tests are still failing

    As much as I have done to try an mitigate this, it does happen from time to time.

    I think part of it is that when you wait to run tests for a while, the database log might get "back logged", and cause a considerable amount extra bytes to exist on the DB log.

    Another alternative (facts) theory is that postgresql/the appliance database configuration might have decided to run a background task just after you were running the previous test and caused the split backup test in question to be much larger.

    Try re-running and seeing if it passes. These tests with the backup aren't fool proof since they just checking that they byte size of the file is "mostly" the same since it is quicker than reloading the DB... though we do now do that....

  • The first test is running indefinitely

    I haven't been able to narrow this one down yet, but it seems like restarting the test suite fixes this issue, and it only seems to happen on the first run of the suite after the VM has booted.

    Any ideas as to WHY this behavior is occurring would be appreciated, but my guess is no one is actually reading this anyway... so I am probably on my own for this one.

  • Aws::S3::Errors::RequestTimeTooSkewed

    You might get this if your VM has been turned on in between shutting of your laptop lid, or other causes (the VMs are setup to re-sync the internal clock on resume).

    Best to just restart the VMs with a vagrant halt && vagrant up

  • $ rake test stalls when running (first time?)

    I have hit this a few times myself, and am unable to determine what might be causing this. Possibly it is just a hiccup from moving the repo over from the original gist, but one invocation I received this error:

    $ rake test
    mount.nfs: No route to host
    umount: /tmp/miq_20190702-19855-75tw44: not mounted
    Unable to find suitable address.
    umount: /tmp/miq_20190702-19855-x2afd2: not mounted
    /vagrant/tests/smoketest_ftp_helper.rb:30:in `ensure in with_connection': undefined method `close' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
            from /vagrant/tests/smoketest_ftp_helper.rb:30:in `with_connection'
            from /vagrant/tests/smoketest_ftp_helper.rb:64:in `clear_user_directory'
            from /vagrant/tests/smoketest_test_helper.rb:81:in `clean!'
            from /vagrant/tests/smoketest_test_helper.rb:62:in `clean'
            from /vagrant/tests/smoketest.rb:44:in `<main>'
    Connection to closed.
    rake aborted!
    Command failed with status (1): [vagrant ssh appliance -c "sudo -i ruby /va...]
    /Users/nicklamuro/code/redhat/cfme_vagrant_env/env_appliance_console_backups/Rakefile:95:in `block in <top (required)>'
    /Users/nicklamuro/.gem/ruby/2.4.2/gems/rake-12.3.2/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'
    Tasks: TOP => test
    (See full trace by running task with --trace)

    Which leads me to believe that the issue might be an issue with an inaccessible share VM. I was able to run:

    $ vagrant reload share

    To resolve the issue.


Testing the manageiq appliance console database backups






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