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Read: fill ICS

A Java program that fetches IFNTUOG schedule and converts it into an ICS file (iCal file format)

Version: 2.4.1


  • Java 21
    Language version

  • Jsoup 1.17.2
    HTML format parser
    Maven: org.jsoup:jsoup

  • JSON 20230303
    JSON format parser
    Maven: org.json:json

  • JComboBox AutoCompletion by Thomas Bierhance
    Source | Download


  • JetBrains Annotations 24.1.0


To use the program just open it

  1. Get the schedule
    • Set your teacher or group and request the schedule from the server
    • Set your group name and import from a previously downloaded webpage
  2. Filter results by
    1. Time period
    2. Session types
    3. Subjects
    4. Groups
  3. Export your schedule
  4. Import a generated ICS file into your calendar app

You can also set up some rename patterns by adding map_subjects.txt and map_types.txt near the JAR. Use the following syntax

Original subject name;New subject name

Here are some examples

  • map_subjects.txt

    Іноземна мова (анг) (за професійним спрямуванням);English
    Німецька мова (за професійним спрямуванням);Deutsch
  • map_types.txt

    Лаб;Lab work