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Package of robust GPR inversion using Huber norm and source separation. This repository contains reproducible code for a submitted TGRS paper "New Robust Sparse Convolutional Coding Inversion Algorithm for Ground Penetrating Radar Images".

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Documentation
  3. Data
  4. Running the code
  5. Authors
  6. Citation


Documentation for the main code package can be found here.


An example image is provided in the data/ directory. Untar it before proceeding:

tar -xvzf data/IRADAR__00H.tar.gz -C data

Running the code


The code is provided in a running environment based upon YAML experiment files. To handle this on your machine, the best way is to install the conda environment provided in the file environment.yml:

conda create -f environment.yml

and then activate the environment through:

conda activate gpr-inversion

To install conda, see:

❗ The code works only in the framework of a git repertory for reproducibility purposes. It is important to keep the .git/ sub-repertory when downloading the code.

Repertory organisation

The repo is organised as follows:

├── .git
├── data
├── docs
├── experiments
│   └── estimators
│   ├── dictionary
│   └── optim
└── results

The main package is located in MIRAG/ directory, which can be copied in any of your projects if needing to use the tools developed here. A documentation is available in docs/ directory. An example image provided by Geolithe (which we thank for) is available in data/. Finally, experiments YAML files are stored in experiments/ and results/ is the default directory where the results of an experiment are stored.

Launching an experiment

flowchart LR 
    A([Specifying YAML experiment file]) --> B([Launching experiment with])
    B --> C([Parsing experiments with])
    C --> D([Plotting thanks to the menu])

In order to have a reproducible framework, this repertory works on the principle of single experiments:

An experiment here is defined as a run of several inversion algorithms on a given GPR image while sharing the same atoms dictionary. For each algorithm, the hyperparameters are precised and do not vary (although it is possible to define several time the same inversion algorithm with different hyperparameters).

An experiment is defined by its YAML file in the experiments/ directory. Several of such files reproducing partially the results presented in the paper are given:

  • IRADAR_00H_full.yml produces experiment for Fig. 7 and 8. (d) of the paper
  • IRADAR_00H_Huber_variation_sparsity.yml produces experiment of Fig. 9. (d) of the paper

When wanting to change parameters, it's better to copy those files and change the name and tags to keep in memory the parameters for the paper.

In those files, the dataset is specified as well as tags for the experiment (which can be custom). Then inversion algorithms are defined in the methodologies keys, where we specify the algorithm definition file (in the ./experiments/estimators directory). An algorithm definition file created a variable estimator referencing a Scikit-learn compatible class implementing a fit method. This class will then be parsed by the execution to perform the inversion. Additionally, the method's hyperparameters are attributes of the estimator class and are specified in the hyperparameters key of the corresponding method. See examples files for a better understanding.

❗ Before launching an experiment, we check if the repertory is not dirty (uncomitted changes) otherwhise, the code will refuse to execute. This is mainly because the commit sha is saved for each experiment to be able to track back to the version of the code used when launching the experiment. The experiments/ folder is obviously excluded from this rule as we expect to change it extensively.

Once an experiment is defined, we can launch the experiment thanks to file which is a wrapper around the which actually defines what an experiment is in this context (reading data, constructing dictionary, performing inversion for all inversion methodologies and saving those results in pickle artifact). For example:

python experiments/IRADAR_00H_full.yml

This action will create a custom directory in the results/ directory corresponding to the experiment, where the name is a combination of the experiment name in the YAML description and the date of execution. Then it will launch with the good paths. There is no output on the terminal, as logs files are generated in the experiment directory:

  • experiment_management.log: logs related to the management of the experiment (creating the results' directory, launching the experiment and saving results)
  • experiment_execution.log: logs related to the actual execution (dictionary creation, launch of inversion algorithms and saving artifacts of results)

Other options are also available (see: python --help) for running through an HTCondor job management system.

⚠️ By default, the execution use parallel processing in order to save time (one thread per inversion algorithm), which also means that the image is replicated as many times as algorithms in the memory which can exceed the amount of RAM available. It is possible to deactivate this by replacing n_jobs=-1 to n_jobs=1in the file at line 180. And of course, there is a need to commit this change in the git repertory.

When one or more experiments are done, it is possible to see a summary of all experiments done thanks to the command:


which yields a prompt similar to this: parsing prompt

which allows looking up information and compare experiments as well as plot an experiment when using the option look up information on experiment:

⚠️ Unfortunately, this command is not compatible with Windows command shell, so to plot, we can use the script For example:

python plot_experiment results/IRADAR_00H_full_02-21-2023:16-11-53/

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Code developed by:

Paper contributors: Guillaume Ginolhac, Esa Ollila and Nickolas Stelzenmuller.

Data provided by Geolithe.

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@inproceedings{	gallet:hal-03726282,
  TITLE = {{Nouvel algorithme d'inversion robuste pour le RADAR GPR}},
  AUTHOR = {Gallet, Matthieu and Mian, Ammar and Ginolhac, Guillaume and Stelzenmuller, Nickolas},
  URL = {}, 
  BOOKTITLE = {{GRETSI, XXVIII{\`e}me Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des Images}}
  YEAR = {2022}, 
  MONTH = Sep,
  HAL_ID = {hal-03726282},
  HAL_VERSION = {v1},

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