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Tool for onnx->keras or onnx->tflite. Hope this tool can help you.


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ONNX->Keras and ONNX->TFLite tools


If you have some good ideas, welcome to discuss or give project PRs.


git clone
cd onnx2tflite
python install
from onnx2tflite import onnx_converter
res = onnx_converter(
        onnx_model_path = "./model.onnx",
        need_simplify = True,
        output_path = "./models/",
        target_formats = ['tflite'],

# base
python -m onnx2tflite --weights "./your_model.onnx"

# give save path
python -m onnx2tflite --weights "./your_model.onnx" --outpath "./save_path"

# save tflite model
python -m onnx2tflite --weights "./your_model.onnx" --outpath "./save_path" --formats "tflite"

# save keras and tflite model
python -m onnx2tflite --weights "./your_model.onnx" --outpath "./save_path" --formats "tflite" "keras"

# cutoff model, redefine inputs and outputs, support middle layers
python -m onnx2tflite --weights "./your_model.onnx" --outpath "./save_path" --formats "tflite" --input-node-names "layer_inputname" --output-node-names "layer_outname1" "layer_outname2"

# quantify model weight, only weight
python -m onnx2tflite --weights "./your_model.onnx" --formats "tflite" --weigthquant

# quantify model weight, include input and output
## fp16
python -m onnx2tflite --weights "./your_model.onnx" --formats "tflite" --fp16
## recommend
python -m onnx2tflite --weights "./your_model.onnx" --formats "tflite" --int8 --imgroot "./dataset_path" --int8mean 0 0 0 --int8std 255 255 255
## generate random data, instead of read from image file
python -m onnx2tflite --weights "./your_model.onnx" --formats "tflite" --int8


  • High Consistency. Compare to ONNX outputs, average error less than 1e-5 per elements.
  • More Faster. Output tensorflow-lite model 30% faster than onnx_tf.
  • Auto Channel Align. Auto convert pytorch format(NCWH) to tensorflow format(NWHC).
  • Deployment Support. Support output quantitative model, include fp16 quantization and uint8 quantization.
  • Code Friendly. I've been trying to keep the code structure simple and clear.

Pytorch -> ONNX -> Tensorflow-Keras -> Tensorflow-Lite

  • From torchvision to tensorflow-lite

import torch
import torchvision
_input = torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224)
model = torchvision.models.mobilenet_v2(True)
# use default settings is ok
torch.onnx.export(model, _input, './mobilenetV2.onnx', opset_version=11)# or opset_version=13

from converter import onnx_converter
    onnx_model_path = "./mobilenetV2.onnx",
    need_simplify = True,
    output_path = "./",
    target_formats = ['tflite'], # or ['keras'], ['keras', 'tflite']
    weight_quant = False,
    int8_model = False,
    int8_mean = None,
    int8_std = None,
    image_root = None
  • From custom pytorch model to tensorflow-lite-int8

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F

class MyModel(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.conv = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=3, padding=1),
    def forward(self, x):
        return self.conv(x)

model = MyModel()
model.load_state_dict(torch.load("model_checkpoint.pth", map_location="cpu"))

_input = torch.randn(1, 3, 224, 224)
torch.onnx.export(model, _input, './mymodel.onnx', opset_version=11)# or opset_version=13

from converter import onnx_converter
    onnx_model_path = "./mymodel.onnx",
    need_simplify = True,
    output_path = "./",
    target_formats = ['tflite'], #or ['keras'], ['keras', 'tflite']
    weight_quant = False,
    int8_model = True, # do quantification
    int8_mean = [123.675, 116.28, 103.53], # give mean of image preprocessing 
    int8_std = [58.395, 57.12, 57.375], # give std of image preprocessing 
    image_root = "./dataset/train" # give image folder of train

Validated models

Add operator by yourself

When you counter unspported operator, you can choose to add it by yourself or make an issue.
It's very simple to implement a new operator parser by following these steps below.
Step 0: Select a corresponding layer code file in layers folder, such as for 'HardSigmoid'.
Step 1: Open it, and edit it:

# all operators regist through OPERATOR register.
# regist operator's name is onnx operator name. 
class TFHardSigmoid():
    def __init__(self, tensor_grap, node_weights, node_inputs, node_attribute, node_outputs, layout_dict, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        :param tensor_grap: dict, key is node name, value is tensorflow-keras node output tensor.
        :param node_weights: dict, key is node name, value is static data, such as weight/bias/constant, weight should be transfom by dimension_utils.tensor_NCD_to_NDC_format at most time.
        :param node_inputs: List[str], stored node input names, indicates which nodes the input comes from, tensor_grap and node_weights are possible.
        :param node_attribute: dict, key is attribute name, such as 'axis' or 'perm'. value type is indeterminate, such as List[int] or int or float. notice that type of 'axis' value should be adjusted form NCHW to NHWC by dimension_utils.channel_to_last_dimension or dimension_utils.shape_NCD_to_NDC_format.
        :param node_inputs: List[str], stored node output names.
        :param layout_dict: List[Layout], stored all before node's layout.
        self.alpha = node_attribute.get("alpha", 0.2)
        self.beta = node_attribute.get("beta", 0.5)

    def __call__(self, inputs):
        return tf.clip_by_value(self.alpha*inputs+self.beta, 0, 1)

Step 2: Make it work without error.
Step 3: Convert model to tflite without any quantification.


This software is covered by Apache-2.0 license.