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A successor of CalendarExtTimeline, a Magicmirror module. A sibling module of MMM-CalendarExt3. This module would show the timeline of events.




This is a sibling module of MMM-CalendarExt3. This module is made to be an alternative to my previous module MMM-CalendarExtTimeline.


What's different with MMM-CalendarExtTimeline.

  • Only focusing on how it shows; Parsing is delegated to original MagicMirror module calendar. (It means the calendar module is REQUIRED to use this module.)
  • Respect to original MM's hide/show mechanism. Now you can hide/show this module easily with other scheduler or control modules. (By the way, Look at this module also. - MMM-Scenes)
  • No dependency on the 3rd party modules (e.g. momentJS or Luxon, etc.). This is built with pure JS and CSS only.
  • This module is not compatible with CX or CX2.

Main Features

  • Timeline view of events for some sequential hours.
  • locale-aware calendar
  • customizing events: filtering, transforming
  • multi-instances available. You don't need to copy and rename the module. Just add one more configuration in your config.js.


cd ~/MagicMirror/modules
git clone


Anyway, even this simplest will work.

  module: "MMM-CalendarExt3Timeline",
  position: "bottom_center",

More conventional;

  module: "MMM-CalendarExt3Timeline",
  position: "bottom_center",
  title: "",
  config: {
    locale: 'en-US',
    staticMode: false,
    beginHour: -3,
    hourLength: 24,
    useSymbol: true,
    displayLegend: true,
    calendarSet: ['us_holiday', 'Tottenham'],

You need setup default calendar configuration also.

/* default/calendar module configuration */
  module: "calendar",
  position: "top_left",
  config: {
    broadcastPastEvents: true, // <= IMPORTANT to see past events
    calendars: [
        url: "webcal://",
        name: "us_holiday", // <= RECOMMENDED to assign name
        color: "red" // <= RECOMMENDED to assign color

Config details

All the properties are omittable, and if omitted, a default value will be applied.

property default description
instanceId (auto-generated) When you want more than 1 instance of this module, each instance would need this value to distinguish each other. If you don't assign this property, the identifier of the module instance will be assigned automatically but not recommended to use it. (Hard to guess the auto-assigned value.)
locale (language of MM config) de or ko-KR or ja-Jpan-JP-u-ca-japanese-hc-h12. It defines how to handle and display your date-time values by the locale. When omitted, the default language config value of MM.
calendarSet [] When you want to display only selected calendars, fulfil this array with the targeted calendar name(of the default calendar module).
e.g) calendarSet: ['us_holiday', 'office'],
[] or null will allow all the calendars.
staticMode true See the Mode part.
hourLength 24 Timeline will show this period totally.
beginHour 0 See the Mode part.
maxSlots 5 How many events will be stacked in timeline. The overflowed events will be hidden.
hourIndexOptions {hour: 'numeric'} The format of hour index. It varies by the locale and this option.
locale:'en-US', the default displaying will be 6 PM.
See options
dateIndexOptions {dayStyle: 'short'} The format of date index of timeline. It varies by the locale and this option.
locale:'en-US', the default displaying will be 12/25/2022.
See options
eventFitler callback function See the Filtering part.
eventTransformer callback function See the Transforming part.
waitFetch 5000 (ms) waiting the fetching of last calendar to prevent flickering view by too frequent fetching.
refreshInterval 60000 (ms) refresh view by force if you need it.
animationSpeed 1000 (ms) Refreshing the view smoothly.
useSymbol true Whether to show font-awesome symbold instead of simple dot icon.
displayLegend false If you set as true, legend will be displayed. (Only the clanear which has name assigned)
preProcessor callback function See the pre-processing part


Incoming Notifications


Any module which can emit this notification could become the source of this module. Generally, the default calendar module would be.

Outgoing Notification

Nothing yet. (Does it need?)

Styling with CSS

You can handle almost all of the visual things with CSS. See the module.css and override your needs into your custom.css.

  • CX3T, CX3T_{instanceId}, bodice : The root selector. Each instance of this module will have CX3T_{instanceId} as another root selector. With this CSS selector, you can assign individual look to each instance.

  • .event : Every event has this selector. Each event could have these class name together by its condition.

    • .toFuture, .fromPast
    • .calendar_{calendarName} : Orginal calendar
    • .passed, .future, .current,
    • .multiday, .singleday, .fullday

And event also has dataSet (data-*) as its attributes. (e.g. data-title="...", data-start-date="...") You can use these attributes also.

  • .indexContainer .dateIndices : Area for dateIndex

    • .dateIndex .index : Each day index. It has data-datetime and data-length attributes.
      • .cellDateIndexParts: Parts of indicator
  • .indexContainer .hourIndices : Area for hourIndex

    • .hourIndex .index : Each hour index. It has data-hour attribute.
      • .cellHourIndexParts: Parts of indicator

Handling Events

Each event object has this structure.

  "title": "Leeds United - Chelsea",
  "startDate": 1650193200000,
  "endDate": 1650199500000,
  "fullDayEvent": false,
  "class": "PUBLIC",
  "location": false,
  "geo": false,
  "description": "...",
  "today": false,
  "symbol": ["calendar-alt"],
  "calendarName": "tottenham",
  "color": "gold",
  "calendarSeq": 1, // This would be the order from `calendarSet` of configuration
  "isPassed": true,
  "isCurrent": false,
  "isFuture": false,
  "isFullday": false,
  "isMultiday": false

You can use these values to handle events.


You can filter each event by its condition.

eventFilter: (ev) => {
  if (ev.isFullday) return false
  return true

This example shows how you can filter out 'fullday' events.


You can manipulate or change the properties of the event.

eventTransformer: (ev) => {
  if ('John') > -1) ev.color = 'blue'
  return ev

This example shows how you can transform the color of events when the event title has specific text.


preProcessor: (ev) => {
  if (ev.title.includes('test')) return null
  if (ev.calendarName === 'Specific calendar') ev.startDate += 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000
  return ev

This example shows 1) if the title of event has test, drop the event off 2) then add 2 hours to the start time of events on specific calendar.

Unlike eventTransformer, the preProcessor would be applied to raw data format of events from the default calendar module or equivalent. This is the better place to adjust event itself to make it compatible with this module.


This module could have one of 2 modes, staticMode: true and staticMode: false.

staticMode: true

The timeline will start from beginnig of day. Usually it is 00:00, however when you set beginHour, the value would be added. If you want to show overview of the period, this would be better.

staticMode: true,
beginHour: -3,
hourLengh: 12,

This configuration will make the timeline will show from 9 PM of the previousday to 9 AM of the day. (The reference date would depend on whether your current moment is included in the timeline.)

staticMode: false

The timeline will start from begining of exact hour of current. If it would be 07:45, timeline would start from 7 AM. This mode is convenient when you want to focus the current moment.

staticMode: false,
beginHour: -3,
hourLength: 12,

This configuration will make the timeline will show from 3 hours ago to 9 hours later of current moment.

Fun things

Font Awesome icons with brands

You can set brands icons like this; (However, default calendar module cannot accept FA brands icons AFAIK.)

/* In your default calendar config */
symbol: ['fa-brands fa-canadian-maple-leaf'],
/* or */
symbol: ['brands canadian-maple-leaf'],
/* of course below are also allowed */
symbol: 'brands canadian-maple-leaf',
/* But if you want multi-icons, use array */
symbol: ['brands google-drive', 'solid calendar'],

Compatible with randomBrainstormer/MMM-GoogleCalendar

preProcessor: (e) => {
  e.startDate = new Date(e.start?.date || e.start?.dateTime).valueOf()
  e.endDate = new Date(e.end?.date || e.end?.dateTime).valueOf()
  e.title = e.summary
  e.fulldayEvent = (e.start?.date) ? true : false
  return e

This tip doesn't consider different timezone. You might need to adjsut startDate and endDate additionally to convert event into your timezone.

Not the bug, but...

  • The default calendar module cannot emit the exact starting time of multidays-fullday-event which is passing current moment. Always it starts from today despite of original event starting time. So this module displays these kinds of multidays-fullday-event weirdly.


1.1.0 (2023-01-04)

  • ADDED : preProcessor to adjust event data when it arrives as notification. It helps to escape side-effect on eventFilter, eventTransformer early applying.
  • FIXED : Timing of eventFilter/Transformer was delayed to draw time to prevent side-effects.

These features are importnat so would be applied CX3 and CX3A also, but not yet.

1.0.0 (2022-11-11)

  • Released.




Successor of CX2Timeline, Magicmirror module.







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