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Arch Linux install

Set of install and configuration files



  • Modularity of the installation and configuration process
  • Full disk encryption
  • Separate password for each encrypted container
  • Auto mounting home partition with the key file
  • Hibernation support
  • Mirror list ordered by the fastest to lowest
  • Continuous TRIM
  • Intel microcode
  • Grub multi-boot loader
  • systemd system and service manager
  • Partition scheme: BIOS/GPT.
  • Firewall support
  • ZSwap suppot


  • TRIM compatible SSD
  • Intel CPU
  • Unallocated SDA area


Chapter Object Description
1. Base Installation Install base clean system on Unalocated SDA area
1. Base Installation Configures standart base firewall(nftables approach)
2. User Installation Configures standart user settings. ZSwap support


  • Download the freshet ISO Arch image Arch ISO
  • Free up necessary space on SDA

Technical details

  • To be able to open swap/home containers within booting without prompting of password there are appropriate file keys at /etc/luks-keys is used by the system.
  • In additional home container can be encrypted with the encryption_passphrase_home.
  • For hibernation support encrypted swap container must be early opened. To reach this goal /etc/luks-keys/swap key file is embedded into initramfs.
  • When hibernation is OFF swap partition is mounted as plain encrypted with random UUID each boot.
  • To get more about encryption see.

1. Base Installation

├─sda2 crypto 1
    └sda2 ext4 1.0 /boot
└─sda3 LVM2_m LVM2
      ├─{volume_group}-cryptroot crypto 2
          └─root ext4 1.0 /
      ├─{volume_group}-cryptswap crypto 2
          └─swap swap 1 [SWAP]
      └─{volume_group}-crypthome crypto 2
          └─home ext4 1.0 /home

1.2 Variables

  • continent_city. Is used to set machine zone. See Arch time zone
  • country_for_mirror. Is used to set mirror servers. See Arch_mirrors
  • encryption_passphrase_root. Is used to set encryption password for the root container.
  • encryption_passphrase_boot. Is used to set encryption password for the boot container. The same as encryption_passphrase_root by default.
  • encryption_passphrase_home. Is used to set encryption password for the home container. The same as encryption_passphrase_root by default.
  • root_password. Is used to set encryption password for the root user. The same as encryption_passphrase_root by default.
  • user_name. Defines user name for th new user.
  • user_password. Is used to set encryption password for the new user. The same as encryption_passphrase_root by default.
  • volume_group. Defines volume group name to store root,swap,home logical volumes. For example: vg0
  • part_root_size. Gigabytes reserved for the root partition.
  • part_swap_size. Gigabytes reserved for the swap partition.
  • host_name. Defines machines host name.
  • with_hibernation. Turns ON/OFF special setup in hibernation purpose for.
  • with_firewall. Turns ON/OFF firewall setup. See Arch firewall
  • disk_type defines physical disk drive where system is going to be installed to. When SDA, TRIM and swappiness configurations take the part. More details about SSD. More details about SWAP
  • Gigabytes reserved for the TMPFS. Is OFF, when equal to zero.

1.3 Installation

1. User Installation

2.1 Goals

  • Zramswap
  • General user's folder
  • Vulkan support
  • Programs:
    • firefox
    • openssh
    • htop
    • nmon
    • p7zip
    • ripgrep
    • unzip
  • Base fonts:
    • ttf-roboto
    • ttf-droid
    • ttf-opensans
    • ttf-dejavu
    • ttf-liberation
    • ttf-hack
    • noto-fonts
    • ttf-fira-code
    • cantarell-fonts

2.2 Variables

  • with_zswap. Turns ON/OFF Zswap. More details about ZSwap "zram and zswap" section. For activation is used zramswap AUR package zramswap

2.3 Installation

  • Navigate to home directory using > cd ~
  • Clone repository using > git clone ArchInstall
  • Make sh files executable using > for file in $(find ~/ArchInstall -type f -name '*.sh'); do chmod +x $file; done


Simple linux install scripts and configurations







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