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📱 🎮 App inicialized in nextLevelWeekTogether, by Rocketseat, react native mission.


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📌 Table of Contents

🏠 About

This project was developed in typescript language, using react native and expo frameworks.

I used javascript and json languages ​​as secondary languages, just for the configuration files.

I used the commitlint, @commitlint/config-conventional, commitizen and cz-conventional-changelog libraries to keep the patterns in the commits, the prettier, @trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports and eslint (config: prettier, @react-native-community; plugins: prettier, @typescript-eslint, @react-native-community; parser: @typescript-eslint) libraries to maintain formatting standards, also helping to remove errors in the code, and the husky, lint-staged libraries to automate tasks before committing new code to ensure that the code is formatted and without errors.

I used the babel plugin module resolver library to define relative paths and the dotenv and babel plugin inline dotenv libraries to set environment variables

To carry out the user authentication process, the expo auth session library was used, and to generate a unique id, the react native uuid library was used.

To make all queries to external APIs through requests, the axios library was used.

To save the data locally, so that you can close and open the application without loss, the async storage library was used.

I used the react native svg and react native svg transformer libraries to work with svg images.

I used the expo linear gradient library to customize background with gradient, the expo status bar library to customize status bar, for custom fonts I used the expo font library with the fonts inter and rajdhani, and ensured the preservation of the ios layout through the react native iphone x helper library.

I used the react native gesture handler and the react native reanimated libraries to work with gestures in the app.

The react navigator stack library to build navigation between application screens.

This project is about a personalized agenda so that you can organize yourself and not forget your schedules.

It has game creation and filtering options.

You can also create groups with your friends to play together.

You can access the project through the qr code published at expo.

🎯 Installation

First you need to install:

  • Node.js (required)

  • Yarn (optional)

  • Expo (required)

    Then in order, clone the project.

By HTTPS, running this command:

  git clone

Or by ssh, running this command:

  git clone

SSH is a secure protocol, but you need to register a key ssh in your github before.

🛠️ Install dependencies



  yarn install

🚀 Getting Started

  yarn start

💻 Techs

  • Async storage
  • Axios
  • Babel plugin module resolver
  • Commitlint
    • @commitlint/config-conventional
  • Commitizen
    • cz-conventional-changelog
  • Dotenv and babel plugin inline dotenv
  • Eslint
    • config:
      • prettier
      • @react-native-community
    • plugins:
      • prettier
      • @typescript-eslint
      • @react-native-community
    • parser:
      • @typescript-eslint
  • Expo
  • Expo auth session
  • Expo font
    • Inter
    • Rajdhani
  • Expo linear gradient
  • Expo status bar
  • Javascript
  • Husky
  • Lint-staged
  • Prettier
    • @trivago/prettier-plugin-sort-imports
  • React
  • React native
  • React native gesture handler
  • React native iphone x helper
  • React native reanimated
  • React native svg
  • React native svg transformer
  • React native uuid
  • React navigation
  • Typescript

👤 Author


🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to file a new issue on the gamePlay repository. If you already found a solution to your problem, I would love to review your pull request!

📜 License

Copyright ©️ 2022 LeoMSSilva.
This project is MIT licensed.