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The iOS & Android(Coming Soon) Lazztech Hub Mobile App. Written in TypeScript with GraphQL & the Ionic framework.

Companion Server

For the companion back-end server see the repo linked below.


Installation Dependencies

Development tools:

# use nvm to install node from the .nvmrc file
$ nvm install
# set the in use node version from the .nvmrc file's verision
$ nvm use
# install node dependencies
$ npm install
# Apple M1 support & troubleshooting resources: 

# open x86 shell with rosetta
$ $ arch -x86_64 zsh
# install node version manager & use the version from the .nvmrc file
$ nvm install
# Now check that the architecture is correct:
$ node -p process.arch
# It is now safe to return to the arm64 zsh process:
$ exit
# We're back to a native shell:
$ arch
# set the in use node version from the .nvmrc file's verision
$ nvm use
# verify that the despite running in an arm shell node architecture returns x86
$ node -p process.arch
# install node dependencies
$ npm install
# install x86 cocoapod dependency for iOS builds
$ sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
# install ionic on you machine
$ npm install -g @ionic/cli


# copy environment.ts to new environment.local.ts
# environment.local.ts should not be checked in to git repo & is gitignored
$ cp src/environments/environment.ts src/environments/environment.local.ts

# run with local environment variables
$ npm run start:local

# run as dev
$ npm run start

# run as stage
$ npm run start:stage

# run as prod
$ npm run start:prod

iOS & Android

# run the following helper npm scripts
# see package.json for available environments

# build project as dev and open ios project in xcode
$ npm run prepare:ios:dev

# build project as dev and open android project in android studio
$ npm run prepare:android:dev

# build project as dev and open in ios simulator
$ npm run run:ios:dev

# build project as dev and open in android simulator
$ npm run run:android:dev


Lazztech.Hub-App Docs

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Copyright Lazztech LLC