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Python Automated Retrieval of TimeTree data

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PAReTT is a menu-driven module used to interact with the Time Tree resource, specifically designed to automate batch retrieval of data for a list of species. Three main types of data can be retrieved using PAReTT: (1) Divergence times, between an individual pair or between all species in a list, (2) Evolutionary timelines, for individuals or a list species, and (3) Time trees of the divergence times, either for all available species within a specified taxon or between individual species supplied as a list. When working with a list of species, the best place to start is by using the first menu option to check the data availability of species in the list and removing any species for which data is not available.

Cite as: Le Clercq L.S., Kotze A., Grobler J.P., and Dalton D.L. PAReTT: a Python package for the Automated Retrieval and management of divergence time data from the TimeTree resource for downstream analyses (2023). Journal of Molecular Evolution. DOI: 10.1007/s00239-023-10106-3


  • OS: Windows
  • Python >= 3.6
  • Numpy >= 1.20.1
  • Pandas >= 1.2.4
  • Math
  • Bio >= 1.3.9 (for handling newick trees)
  • Splinter >= 0.17.0 (for interacting with the server)
  • Selenium >= 4.1.5
  • Geckodriver >= 0.31.0 (Added to PATH)
  • Firefox browser


After downloading and extracting the zip archive PAReTT can be implemented in by navigating to the directory and using one of two methods:



python install
python -m parett

-> This option will install the relevant dependencies automatically

A pre-compiled stand-alone Windows executable is also available. DOI

Main menu

The following options are available through the main menu:

Choose one of the following options?
   *) Check data availability
   a) Get Divergence Times (pair)
   b) Get Divergence Times (batch)
   c) Get Evolutionary Timeline
   d) Build a Time Tree
   e) Print citation
   f) Validate datafile
   g) Calculate Diversification rate (r)
   q) Quit

input is given as lower case '*','a','b','c','d','e','f', 'g', or 'q' e.g.

Choice: a

*) Check data availability

Brings up the menu to first check the website for availability of divergence time data of your study species.

Choose one of the following options?
     i) Individual
     l) List
     m) Main menu

input is given as lower case 'i', 'l', or 'm' (return to main menu)

i) Individual

  • Takes an individual species as input to look up data availability e.g. Passer montanus

  • Prints availability on screen

l) List

  • Takes a list of species as input in from a .txt input file e.g. Species.txt

  • Prints availability on screen

  • Provides option to save results to a file in .csv format e.g. Availability.csv


Species TimeTree.Data
Setophaga ruticilla Available
Hirundo rustica Available
Setophaga striata Available

a) Get Divergence Times (pair)

  • Takes a pair of species as input to look up divergence times e.g. Taxon a: Passer montanus, Taxon b: Halcyon senegalensis
  • Prints divergence time of pair on screen

b) Get Divergence Times (batch)

  • Takes a list of species as input to look up divergence times from a .txt input file e.g. Species.txt
  • Prints divergence time of pair on screen
  • Provides option to save results to a file in .csv format e.g. Output.csv


Taxa1 Taxa2 Div.Time
Setophaga ruticilla Setophaga ruticilla 0
Setophaga ruticilla Hirundo rustica 35
Setophaga ruticilla Setophaga striata 3.52
Hirundo rustica Setophaga ruticilla 35
Hirundo rustica Hirundo rustica 0
Hirundo rustica Setophaga striata 35
Setophaga striata Setophaga ruticilla 3.52
Setophaga striata Hirundo rustica 35
Setophaga striata Setophaga striata 0
  • When retrieving data for longer lists (>5-10) server issues may result in missing values (NA) which can be checked and replaced using the data validation menu option after the run.

c) Get Evolutionary Timeline

Brings up the menu options to retrieve the evolutionary timeline:

Choose one of the following options?
     i) Individual
     l) List
     m) Main menu

input is given as lower case 'i', 'l', or 'm' (return to main menu)

i) Individual

  • Takes an individual species as input to look up evolutionary timeline e.g. Passer montanus

  • Downloads .jpg result

l) List

  • Takes a list of species as input in from a .txt input file e.g. Species.txt

  • Downloads .jpg result for each specie in list

d) Build a Time Tree

Brings up the time tree menu options

Choose one of the following options?
     t) Taxon
     s) Species list
     m) Main menu

input is given as lower case 't', 's', or 'm' (return to main menu)

t) Taxon

  • Takes the name for a taxon to get a time tree of all available species within the taxon e.g. Saxicola

s) Species list

  • Takes a list of species as input in from a .txt input file to generate a time tree e.g. Species.txt

  • Downloads the resulting time tree in the Newick format

  • Stores replaced or missing species to a .txt file e.g. replacements.txt

e) Print citation

Prints the citation for the TimeTree resource

S. Kumar, G. Stecher, M. Suleski, and S.B. Hedges, 2017. TimeTree: a resource for timelines, timetrees, and divergence times. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34: 1812-1819, DOI: 10.1093/molbev/msx116

f) Validate datafile

Brings up the datafile validation menu options

      a) Check missing
      b) Replace missing
      c) View tree
      m) Main menu

input is given as lower case 'a', 'b', 'c', or 'm' (return to main menu)

a) Check missing

  • Used to check for missing values from running a long list of species (>10 Species)

  • Takes the output file (.csv) from the divergence time function and checks for any missing values


    Taxa1 Taxa2 Div.Time
    Setophaga ruticilla Setophaga ruticilla 0
    Setophaga ruticilla Hirundo rustica NA
    Setophaga ruticilla Setophaga striata 3.52
    Hirundo rustica Setophaga ruticilla 35
    Hirundo rustica Hirundo rustica 0
    Hirundo rustica Setophaga striata NA
    Setophaga striata Setophaga ruticilla 3.52
    Setophaga striata Hirundo rustica 35
    Setophaga striata Setophaga striata 0
  • If no missing values are detected, will print 'No missing values'

  • If missing values are detected they are printed to the screen and an attempt will be made to look up those values

  • Asks for file name to store the missing values as a .csv file e.g. missing.csv


    Taxa1 Taxa2 Div.Time
    Setophaga ruticilla Hirundo rustica 35
    Hirundo rustica Setophaga striata 35

b) Replace missing

  • Used to replace the missing values (divergence times) from a long list of species

  • Takes two input files, one with the divergence times and one with the missing values detected using 'Check missing'

  • Asks for file name to store the validated dataset of divergence times


    Taxa1 Taxa2 Div.Time
    Setophaga ruticilla Setophaga ruticilla 0
    Setophaga ruticilla Hirundo rustica 35
    Setophaga ruticilla Setophaga striata 3.52
    Hirundo rustica Setophaga ruticilla 35
    Hirundo rustica Hirundo rustica 0
    Hirundo rustica Setophaga striata 35
    Setophaga striata Setophaga ruticilla 3.52
    Setophaga striata Hirundo rustica 35
    Setophaga striata Setophaga striata 0

c) View tree

  • Takes a newick tree as input and renders a basic display of tree topology

g) Calulate Diversification rate (r)

  • Calculates the diversification rate using the Magallon-Sanderson equation (Magallón and Sanderson, 2001)
  • Takes three variables as input:

~ Species number (n)

~ Epsilon or Extinction rate fraction

~ Divergence time (t) as crown/node age

q) Quit

Exits program


Le Clercq, L.-S., Bazzi, G., Cecere, J.G., Gianfranceschi, L., Grobler, J.P., Kotzé, A., Rubolini, D., Liedvogel, M. and Dalton, D.L. Time trees and clock genes: a systematic review and comparative analysis of contemporary avian migration genetics (2023). Biological Reviews, 98: 1051-1080. 10.1111/brv.12943

© 2022 Le Clercq