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Folders and files

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Record common system operations on Ubuntu

Files and Folders

1. Make links to a file or a folder

  • ln -s source_file target_file
  • ln -s source_folder target_folder

Make links to specific files:

  • ln -s source_folder/{1000..1025}.jpg target_folder
  • copy files from 200001.jpg to 200100.jpg: cp source_folder/20{0001..0100}.jpg target_folder

2. Copy files the links linked to to a folder

Use rsync:

  • rsync -aL source_folder target_folder

3. Copy files from or to remote servers

From local to remote:

  • Folder: scp -P port -r source_folder username@
  • File: scp -P port source_file username@

From remote to local:

  • Folder: scp -P port -r username@ target_folder
  • File: scp -P port username@ target_file

4. Copy folder from or to remote servers exclude some files or folders

Copy source_folder to target_folder:

  • rsync -arP -e "ssh -p 2222" --max-size='100M' --exclude /exclude_folder1/ --exclude /exclude_folder2/ username@ target_folder/

    • a: archive mode
    • r: recursively
    • P: partial and progress
    • e: ssh and set port
    • max-size: emit large files
    • exclude: exclude some files or folders

5. Check disk usage and show large files and folders

  • du -h --threshold=1G | sort -h
  • Or: sudo du -h --threshold=1G | sort -h

6. Count files

Count files in current folder or some folder:

  • ls | wc -l
  • Or: ls -al | wc -l

7. Mount a remote filesystem

Mount a remote filesystem to local and use it like local drives:

  • sshfs -p 2222 user@ local_folder/

To unmount it, use fusermount:

  • fusermount -u /path/to/sshfs/share

or Kill the process using pkill and then un mount the mounted folder path:

  • pkill -kill -f "sshfs" && umount /path/to/sshfs/share
  • pkill -kill -f "sshfs" && fusermount -u /path/to/sshfs/share

or search the mount progress:

  • cat /proc/mounts | grep mount_point

and then kill it:

  • cat /proc/mounts | grep mount_point | while read line; do
  • mount_point=$(echo $line | awk '{print $2}')
  • sudo umount -f "$mount_point" || sudo fusermount -u "$mount_point"
  • done

8. Fetch some items of a text line

Use awk:

To output the pid of python process:

  • ps -ef | grep python | awk '{print $2}'

To kill the python process lauched by kongsea:

  • ps -ef | grep python | grep kongsea | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill

About awk:

Output the items of a text line seperated by space or tab.

Output the first and fourth items of every line in log.txt:

  • awk '{print $1,$4}' log.txt


1. login to a remote machine

Use ssh:

  • ssh -p port username@

2. Run a program background after closing Terminal

Use screen:

  • screen -S screen_name
  • Run the program in the opened scene, then close the Terminal
  • screen -r screen_name to restore the running program and look up the running status

For screen commands, see screen

3. Run a shell after closing Terminal

  • ./ &

For example:

  • tensorboard --logdir tensor_dir &

4. Visualize an image from Terminal

Sometimes there are a huge number of images in a folder, you want to visualize an image from Terminal instead of opening the folder. Use:

  • eog file_path

5. Look up some running process

We want to check some running process, for example, processes running using python. Use:

  • ps -ef | grep python

6. Search contents of files

Search from contents of files.

  • grep -r content [file or folder]

7. Git operations

Set Git and

  • git config --global "Kongsea"
  • git config --global ""

Look up the settings:

  • git config --global
  • git config --global

8. Login to server while not input the password every time

Use ssh-copy-id:

  • ssh-copy-id user@
  • ssh-copy-id -p 23 user@

Then you can use ssh or scp and don't need to input the password.

9. Count file numbers under current directory according to subfolders

Use find:

find . -type d -print0 | while read -d '' -r dir; do
  printf "%5d files in directory %s\n" "${#files[@]}" "$dir"


  • find -type d -maxdepth 1 | xargs -I {} sh -c "echo {}; ls -1 {} | wc -l"

or use:

  • du -a | cut -d/ -f2 | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr

10. Check a file in hex mode

Use hexdump:

Check 512 bytes from 800 bytes:

  • hexdump -C -s 800 -n 512 filename

or use:

  • tail -f somefile | hexdump -C

to check a file from end

11. Change login shell of a user

You can use useradd to add a user for Ubuntu. However, in Ubuntu 18, the default login shell will be /bin/sh. You will not get a standard prompt command. Instead, it will look like:

  • $

You can change the login shell by executing the command:

  • sudo usermod -s /bin/bash svn

12. Detele keys matching a pattern in redis

Redis does not offer a way to delete some keys. We can use redis-cli to bulk delete keys without blocking redis.

This command will delete all keys matching a pattern, say, starting with Kong:

  • redis-cli --scan --pattern Kong* | xargs redis-cli del

If you are in redis 4.0 or above, you can use the unlink command instead to delete keys in the background.

  • redis-cli --scan --pattern Kong* | xargs redis-cli unlink

13. Use clash to Cross GFW

Use clash without GUI to cross GFW:

  • vim clash/config.yaml to add the proxies

and then:

  • sudo systemctl start clash.service to start the service

At last, use proxychains to cross the GFW.


memos of operations on Ubuntu







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