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A short android application that helps people brainstorm for app ideas, projects, companies, etc..

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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Product Spec
  3. Wireframes
  4. Schema



An app to help brainstorm ideas and to create a social media platform for users to share their ideas. Users can login/logout, and register for an account with description details and a profile picture. The app allows users to organize/filter ideas, draw their ideas on a canvas, select images from their phone gallery to post, and distinguish their ideas between global and private feeds. Users are able to upvote and downvote global posts, and are able to star their own within a private feed. Furthermore, users can filter ideas by starred/recents/oldest/top, and can search for ideas using a search view, which uses a mixed autocomplete suggestions between actual text within idea posts and Google Search's Autocomplete API. Lastly, users are able to take their post and share to their Instagram stories via an intent if Instagram is downloaded onto their phone. The application uses the Android PixelCopy API to programmatically take a screenshot of the phone screen to be used for posting onto an Instagram story.

App Evaluation

  • Category: Productivity / Organization
  • Mobile: Native Android app that allows students to brainstorm their ideas, and rank and share them afterwards.
  • Story: Many people have tons of good ideas, but forget to write them down or do not have a good place to store these ideas. Furthermore, a social media for ideas can provide inspiration for others and could be a way to encourage and foster brainstorming.
  • Market: College students, workers, and anyone looking to brainstorm ideas for a company or app.
  • Habit: Students can brainstorm for a couple of minutes every day.
  • Scope: We intend onCreate to provide a place for brainstorming for some individual users and friends to share amongst themselves. However, this could be expanded to provide a larger space for brainstorming that many users can use to share and rank ideas anonymously and globally.

Product Spec

1. User Stories

  • Users can register for a new account
  • User can login/logout
  • User can create a profile w/ an profile picture and description
  • Home page with all personal ideas of a user
    • User can star, and delete current ideas
  • Brainstorming Page
    • User can can add a new idea
    • User can select photos from their gallery
  • Profile page that shows profile image and description
  • Navigation bar to transition between personal ideas, brainstorming, profile, etc..
  • Filtering system for ideas
    • Different methods to filter by search
    • Boyer Moore search algorithm
    • Autocomplete search suggestions
      • Google Search API to give autocomplete search results
  • Global idea page to share ideas anonymously
    • switching between top, hot, and recent ideas
    • Allows users to rank ideas (up/downvote ideas)
  • Canvas drawing
    • Users can draw sketches and upload them to their feed
  • Sharing to Instagram stories
    • Users can send their idea post to Instagram and post it onto their Instagram story
  • Idea activity detail page
    • Users can see the details of a post in a separate activity
    • User can star, and delete current ideas
    • User can share to Instagram here

2. Screen Archetypes

  • Login Screen
    • User can login
  • Registration Screen
    • User can create a new account and add a description and profile image
  • Create Profile Screen
    • User can create a new profile
  • Private Screen
    • Home page
    • User can see their own private ideas
  • Brainstorming Screen
    • User can create new ideas
    • User can select media (gallery images or canvas drawing)
  • Canvas Drawing Screen
    • User can draw on their phone screen
    • User can select different stroke sizes and colors
  • Profile Screen
    • Displays users profile picture and description
  • Global Screen
    • Small tab bar to switch ideas presented in feed: top, hot, recent
    • Users can upvote/downvote public ideas
  • Idea Activity Details Screen
    • Users can see an idea separate from other ideas
    • Users can share to IG
    • Users can double tap to like/star a post with haptic feedback

3. Navigation

Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)

Once logged in

  • Private -> Profile -> Brainstorm -> Global/Private

Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)

  • Login Screen
    • -> home/idea
    • -> registration
  • Registration Screen
    • -> create profile
  • Create Profile Screen
    • -> home/idea
  • Idea Screen
    • can navigate through tabs between:
      • Idea Screen
      • Brainstorming Screen
        • Canvas Drawing
        • Photo Gallery Select
      • Profile Screen
        • Idea Details Screen
          • Share to IG
      • Global Screen
        • Idea Details Screen
          • Share to IG





Property Type Description
objectId String unique id for the user idea (default field)
username String user's name
password String user's password for account
email String user's email for account
name String user's name
description String short description for the user
profileImage File image that the user has as their profile picture
ideaCount Number number of ideas a user has on their account
starIdeaCount Number number of starred ideas a user has on their account
karma Number user's upvote score for posting on global section
createdAt DateTime date when user account is created (default field)
updatedAt DateTime date when user account is last updated (default field)


Property Type Description
objectId String unique id for the user idea (default field)
author Pointer to User image author
image File image that user has to accompany an idea
title String idea title by author
description String idea description body by author
isPrivate Boolean describing whether an idea is private or global
starred Boolean describing whether an idea is starred or not by the user
createdAt DateTime date when idea is created (default field)
updatedAt DateTime date when idea is last updated (default field)
upvotes Number the amount of upvotes a global idea has
downvotes Number the amount of downvotes a global idea has
upvoteUsers Array array of the users who have upvoted the post
downvoteUsers Array array of the users who have downvoted the post


  • [Add list of network requests by screen ]
  • [Create basic snippets for each Parse network request]
  • [OPTIONAL: List endpoints if using existing API such as Yelp]
  • Login Screen
    • (Read/GET) get a user with inputed password/username
  • Registration Screen
    • (Create/POST) create a new user
  • Create Profile Screen
    • (Update/PUT) update the previously created user's profile screen
  • Private Idea Screen
    • (Read/GET) query for all ideas where the user is author
    • (Update/PUT) star an existing idea
    • (Update/PUT) update the information on an existing idea
    • (Delete) delete an existing idea
  • Brainstorming Screen
    • (Create/POST) create a new post
  • Profile Screen
    • (Read/GET) query for user's profile picture, description, and name for their profile screen
  • Global Idea Screen
    • (Read/GET) query for all ideas in the database
    • (Update/PUT) up/downvote an existing
    • (Update/PUT) update the information on an existing user's idea
    • (Delete) delete an public idea



Check out the video here


A short android application that helps people brainstorm for app ideas, projects, companies, etc..






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