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Starlight Station by KOSASIH is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International


Official repository for the StarlightStation project.


A modular, orbiting space station for astronomical research, space tourism, and lunar/Mars gateway.

Project Description:

StarlightStation is a cutting-edge, modular space station designed to serve as a hub for astronomical research, space tourism, and deep space exploration. Located in a stable orbit around the Earth, StarlightStation provides a unique platform for scientists, researchers, and space travelers to conduct experiments, observe celestial phenomena, and embark on journeys to the Moon and Mars.

Key Features:

  • Modular Design: Comprised of interchangeable modules, StarlightStation can be easily upgraded, modified, or expanded to accommodate new research initiatives, technologies, or mission requirements.
  • Astronomical Research: Equipped with state-of-the-art telescopes, spectrometers, and other instruments, StarlightStation enables scientists to conduct cutting-edge research in astronomy, astrophysics, and cosmology.
  • Space Tourism: Offers luxurious, zero-gravity accommodations and amenities for space tourists, providing an unparalleled experience of space travel and exploration.
  • Lunar/Mars Gateway: Serves as a critical hub for missions to the Moon and Mars, providing fueling, maintenance, and logistical support for deep space exploration.
  • Advanced Life Support: Features a closed-loop life support system, capable of recycling air, water, and waste, ensuring a sustainable and self-sufficient environment for extended periods.


  1. Astronomical Breakthroughs: Enables scientists to make groundbreaking discoveries in astronomy, advancing our understanding of the universe and its mysteries.
  2. Space Exploration: Supports deep space missions to the Moon, Mars, and beyond, paving the way for human settlement and resource utilization.
  3. Space Tourism: Provides a unique and transformative experience for space travelers, inspiring a new generation of space enthusiasts and entrepreneurs.
  4. Stepping Stone for Interstellar Travel: Serves as a critical stepping stone for future interstellar missions, enabling the development of new technologies and strategies for deep space exploration.

By combining cutting-edge technology, innovative design, and strategic location, StarlightStation is poised to become a beacon for space exploration, research, and tourism, inspiring humanity to reach for the stars.

Project Overview

StarlightStation is a modular, orbiting space station for astronomical research, space tourism, and lunar/Mars gateway. This project is part of the Sidra Chain Integration initiative, a comprehensive autonomous banking network for the future of space exploration and development.

Project Structure

  • src/: Source code for the StarlightStation project
  • space_exploration/: Directory for space exploration-related modules and components
  • project/: Directory for project-specific files and documentation
  • StarlightStation/: Directory for StarlightStation project files and documentation

Getting Started

To get started with the StarlightStation project, please follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd pi-nexus-autonomous-banking-network/tree/main/sidra_chain_integration/src/space_exploration/project/StarlightStation
  3. Review the project structure and documentation


  1. Clone the repositori: git clone
  2. Review the project structure and documentation


Contributions to the StarlightStation project are welcome! If you're interested in contributing, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository: git fork
  2. Create a new branch: git branch
  3. Make changes and commit: git commit -m ""
  4. Push changes: git push origin
  5. Create a pull request: git request-pull


  1. For the repository: Git fork
  2. Create a new branch: git branch
  3. Make changes and commit: git commit -m ""
  4. Push changes: git push origin
  5. Create a pull request: git request-pull


The StarlightStation project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.


The StarlightStation project is part of the Sidra Chain Integration initiative, a collaborative effort to develop an autonomous banking network for the future of space exploration and development. We acknowledge the contributions of the Sidra Chain community and the open-source software ecosystem.


For questions, comments, or concerns, please contact the project maintainers at