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django notes app

Notes Sharing App using django(python framework)


Python Version >> 3.7.8

Virtualenv setup


  • A registerd user can access all the notes shared/added by the admin
  • Can download the pdfs
  • can request specific notes
  • Admin can handle all the feattures like adding/updating/deleting the notes/users and can have overall control.
  • sqlite3 database

Getting Started

To get started with this project, you have two options:

1. Clone the Repository

  • Use the following link to clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  • Once cloned, navigate to the project directory:

    cd Note-Sharing-Web-Application

2. Fork the Repository

  • If you prefer, you can directly fork this repository.

  • Click the Fork button at the top-right of this page.

  • After forking, clone the repository from your account:

    git clone

Virtualenv Setup

  1. python -m install virtualenv or pip install virtualenv  
  2. virtualenv (environment_name)  
  3. environment_name\Scripts\activate  

Run Project

  1. First Locate to project folder in cmd with virtual environment running  
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt  
  3. python makemigrations  
  4. python migrate  
  5. python createsuperuser  
  6. python runserver

Paste this IP Address on any browser and it will start. and enter your superuser's username/pass for django admin panel access

🌟 Don’t Forget to Star!

  • If you find this project useful, please consider giving it a star ⭐. It helps others discover it too!


  • This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.