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Kotlin 1.0.0 Release Candidate

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@abreslav abreslav released this 04 Feb 13:36
· 87835 commits to master since this release

Important notes

To get rid of all the old code, this version requires recompilation of all dependencies.

EAP users must recompile their code as well, although the compiler won't demand this (IllegalAccessError is likely to be thrown at runtime)

What's new

  • Language
    • new @delegate: use-site target for annotation (e.g. @delegate:Transient)
    • private top-level Kotlin classes should be compiled to package private java classes
    • unfinished multiline comment is an error
    • previously deprecated language constructs are now errors
    • type ckecking for use-site variance fixed
    • generic functions are compared for specificity through solving a constraint system
    • having multiple vararg parameters for one function is prohibited
    • super-calls to functions with default parameters are prohibited (pass all arguments explicitly)
    • implicit receiver behavior fixed
    • as-import removes original names if they were imported before
    • user code is not allowed in kotlin.** packages
    • type parameters of extension properties allowed to be indirectly used by the receiver type
    • members of private classes can-not be accessed from non-private inline functions
  • Java interop
    • forEach from Kotlin's library is preferred to forEach from java.lang.Iterable
    • synthesized declarations (like JavaBeans properties and SAM-converted methods) are now resolved on par with members
    • support added for Java setters that return values
    • previously depreacted Java declarations removed from generated code
    • private setters allowed for lateinit properties
    • wildcards are not generated for redundant type projections (use List<@JvmWildcard Foo> instead of List<out Foo>)
    • @Nullable/@NotNull annotations from different standard Java packages recognized (javax.annotations, Guava, Android, etc)
  • Standard Library
    • diagnostics for multiple conflicting Kotlin runtime versions in classpath
    • some functions have been made inline
    • many inline functions (most of them one-liners) can no longer be called from Java code. This will help us reduce the size of the runtime library in the future.
    • library code rearranged into more granular packages (no source changes should be required)
    • associate and associateBy are added to aid construction of maps
      associate and associateBy (instead of toMap/toMapBy)
    • groupBy with key- and value-selector functions
    • Map.getOrElse() and Map.getOrPut() now treat keys associated with null values as missing.
    • Map.getOrImplicitDefault() has been made internal
    • mutableListOf, mutableSetOf, mutableMapOf added to construct mutable collections. linkedListOf is deprecated
    • toMutableList added instead of toArrayList. The latter is deprecated
    • kotlin.system.exitProcess instead of System.exit
    • File.deleteRecursively only returns false in case of incomplete deletion
    • File.copyRecursively allows overwriting by specifying argument overwrite=true
    • changed File.copyTo behavior to be like Files.copy from JDK8.
    • more specific return type for File.inputStream, File.outputStream, String.byteInputStream.
    • IO utility functions taking charset name as a string are deprecated, use ones with Charset parameter.
    • File.useLines and Reader.readLines are introduced
    • File.(buffered)reader/writer now return less specific InputStreamReader/OutputStreamWriter and use UTF-8 encoding by default
    • Sequence and Iterable SAM constructor-like functions
    • Comparator- and comparison-related functions are moved to kotlin.comparisons package (not imported by default)
    • new properties in MatchResult: groupValues and destructured — provided for easier handling of regular expression match results
    • Lazy is now an interface open for implementation
    • kotlin.system.measureTimeNano renamed to measureNanoTime.
    • plusElement and minusElement functions as a synonyms for list + element and list - element.
    • kotlin.test.assertFailsWith with Class<T> parameter is deprecated, use an overload with KClass<T>.
    • toLinkedMap is deprecated.
    • UTF_32 charset properties added to Chatsets
  • Tools
    • To enable Android Extensions, use: apply plugin: 'kotlin-android-extensions'
  • IDE
    • Intention to replace iteration over map entries with a loop using a destructuring declaration
    • Inspection and quickfix to cleanup redundant visibility modifiers
    • Inspection to replace 'assert' calls checking that a variable is not null with !! or ?: error(...)
    • Show "Kotlin not configured" notification when opening a .kt file in the IDE if the Kotlin runtime is not configured for the corresponding module
    • Action to generate the toString() method
    • Support for implementing members by primary constructor parameters
    • Parameter info popup works for showing type parameters
    • Completion offers name variants based on unresolved identifiers in current file
    • Quickfix for adding missing branches to a when expression
    • Support for moving nested classes to the upper level or into another top-level class
    • @Suppress now works for IDE inspections