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Vladislav.Tankov edited this page Jun 13, 2020 · 8 revisions

Why Terraform?

We use Terraform as a kind of "cloud deployment bytecode" — it is an intermediate representation of Kotless schema for actual deployment. We've chosen Terraform because it is a mature Infrastructure as a Code tool that is not constrained to a single cloud provider.

Because of Terraform, in the future Kotless may support Azure or Google Cloud without major changes in the architecture.

Will you support cloud-name?

Right now, Kotless only supports AWS deployments. Nevertheless, we also consider supporting other cloud providers. File an issue or upvote an already existing one, and we will try our best to support the cloud provider you need.

Will you support framework-name?

Kotless already supports Ktor and Spring Boot as an external DSL for generation of serverless deployments. We may support other frameworks, but only in case those frameworks are able to express the bunch functionality Kotless provides.

Don't hesitate to file an issue on support of your favourite framework, and we discuss possibility of its support.

Will you support aws-functionality-name?

First of all, take a look at our roadmap. Probably, we are already considering the implementation of the functionality you need in later versions.

Don't see it in a roadmap? Don't hesitate to file us an issue, but note — Kotless is not aiming to support the entire functionality of AWS or any other cloud provider. Our goal is to create a simple yet powerful interface for a cloud. Thus, if we consider requested functionality excessive, we may reject it.

Why is it so slow/fast/ordinary?

We are doing all we can to provide the best possible performance of Kotless-based lambdas.

Kotless's lambdas are already are autowarmed. You may also use different generation optimizations to make them even faster.

Nevertheless, a well-known problem of cold starts is still present. So sometimes your lambdas may take some time to start. In case you suffer from the cold starts problem and nothing helps — don't hesitate to file us an issue.