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Jennifer Buehler edited this page Mar 1, 2019 · 16 revisions



Install the dependencies (most of the MoveIt packages come with the ros-<distro>-moveit package, but in case you would like a light install, this lists the MoveIt packages you really need):

sudo apt-get install \
    ros-<distro>-moveit-core \
    ros-<distro>-moveit-ros-planning-interface \
    ros-<distro>-moveit-planners-ompl \
    ros-<distro>-moveit-ros-visualization \
    ros-<distro>-geometric-shapes \
    ros-<distro>-eigen-conversions \

Also, if you would like to use the MoveIt simple controller manager:

sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-moveit-simple-controller-manager

Follow instructions on general-message-pkgs to install the message package dependencies.

Then, add the git repository to your catkin workspace:

cd <your-catkin-ws>/src
git clone

Hint: Alternatively to cloning the repositry directly into the catkin source folder, you may also clone the repository elsewhere and then create a softlink to the main folders in your catkin source directory:
ln -s <path to moveit-pkgs>

To compile, you can now use catkin_make as usual:

cd ..
Clone this wiki locally