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Realistic-ish aDNA simulator.


Package can be installed through pip install adnator.

g++ and OpenMP need to be installed for read simulations.


aDNAtor is a tool for the simulation of both complete sequences (FASTA files) and reads for these sequences (FASTQ files). aDNAtor's primary use case is the study of damaged DNA; users can configure parameters such as average read coverage, read fragmentation, misincorporation, genotyping error, etc.

Typical execution is split into two parts:

  1. Coalescent simulation
  2. Read simulation

In the coalescent simulation, msprime is used to simulate genealogies, mutations, recombination events, and ground-truth nucleotide sequences. These sequences are used as the starting point for the read simulation.

The read simulation takes these ground-truth sequences, and randomly samples from them according to user-provided parameters, introducing alterations such as genotyping error or deamination events.

aDNAtor's behavior is specified through a configuration file in .yaml format. The configuration options available are detailed below.

General parameters

output_directory: filepath for directory where all sequence and read files will be stored. Four directories will be created inside output_directory:

  1. focal_reads: FASTQ files with simulated reads, with one file per individual.
  2. focal_sequences: FASTA files with ground-truth sequences, with one file per chromosome in the focal populations.
  3. miscellaneous: FASTA files for reference (ancestral) and contamination sequences.
  4. reference_sequences: FASTA files with ground-truth sequences, with one file per chromosome in the reference populations.

Coalescent simulation parameters

demography (optional): filepath to a demes file specifying the demographic history for a set of populations. If not present in the configuration file, an msprime Demography object needs to be provided to aDNAtor's Simulation object's constructor.

focal_populations: list of strings corresponding to population IDs. aDNAtor will simulate both the ground-truth sequences for these individuals, as well as FASTQ files resulting from read simulation.

focal_population_sizes: list of integers detailing how many individuals to simulate for each population in focal_populations.

focal_population_times (optional): list of integers detailing how many generations in the past to sample the individuals in focal_populations, defaults to sampling from the present (0 generations in the past).

reference_populations (optional): list of strings corresponding to population IDs. aDNAtor will only simulate ground-truth FASTA sequences for these individuals, without introducing any kind of alterations.

reference_population_sizes (optional): list of integers detailing how many individuals to simulate for each population in reference_populations.

reference_population_times (optional): list of integers detailing how many generations in the past to sample the individuals in reference_populations, defaults to sampling from the present (0 generations in the past).

ancestral_sequence (optional): filepath to a FASTA file. This sequence will be used as the ancestral sequence for all simulations. If not specified, a random string of nucleotides will be used for the ancestral sequence.

sequence_length (optional): length of the sequences to simulate, defaults to 10,000 base pairs.

mutation_rate (optional): mutation rate to use for coalescent simulations, defaults to 1.5e-8

recombination_rate (optional): recombination rate to use for coalescent simulations, defaults to 1.5e-8

recombination_map (optional): filepath to a recombination map in HapMap format. If specified, this recombination map will be used for coalescent simulations.

ploidy (optional): ploidy of simulated individuals, defaults to 2.

Read simulation parameters

average_coverage (optional): average coverage to simulate for FASTQ files, defaults to 5.

fragmentation_distribution (optional): filepath to a file detailing a read length distribution. This file is made up of two columns without a header. The first column is the length of the read, and the second column is the probability of a read having the corresponding length. Values in the second column should add up to 1.

fragment_length (optional): constant read length to simulate if no fragmentation_distribution argument is provided, defaults to 70.

misincorporation_files (optional): list of two filepaths, corresponding to 5p_freq_misincorporations.txt and 3p_freq_misincorporations.txt files as generated by damageprofiler. If provided, misincorporation will be simulated for all reads following the specified distributions.

genotyping_error (optional): boolean value, used to enable or disable simulation of genotyping error. Defaults to False.

contamination_population (optional): string corresponding to a population ID. If provided, an extra chromosome from this population will be simulated to serve as the source of contaminated reads.

contamination_proportion (optional): floating point value between 0 and 1, indicates the proportion of reads that will be contaminated, defaults to 0.

contamination_sequence (optional): filepath to FASTA sequence to use as the source of contaminated reads.

Example Usage

In order to run a simulation on the included demographic model utilities/example_demography.yaml, which specifies two focal populations and two reference populations, with the following parameters:

  1. Sequence length of 100kbp.
  2. Sampling 5 individuals from focal population FOC0, 10 generations in the past.
  3. Sampling 10 individuals from focal population FOC1, 50 generations in the past.
  4. Sampling 5 individuals from reference population REF0 in the present.
  5. Sampling 10 individuals from reference population REF1 in the present.
  6. Providing the sequence in utilities/ancestral_sequence.fasta as the ancestral sequence.
  7. With an average coverage of 1X.
  8. With a contamination individual from population REF0, and a contamination proportion of 2%.
  9. Simulating reads to follow the fragmentation distribution in utilities/example_fragmentation_distribution.txt.
  10. Simulating the misincorporation rates detailed in utilities/example_5p_misincorporations.txt and utilities/example_3p_misincorporations.txt.
  11. Placing all results in example_data/.

We would write the following configuration file (provided in utilities/example_configuration.yaml):

# General simulation parameters
output_directory: './example_data/'

# Coalescent simulation parameters
demography: 'utilities/example_demography.yaml'
sequence_length: 100000
focal_populations: ['FOC0', 'FOC1']
focal_population_sizes: [5, 10]
focal_population_times: [10, 50]
reference_populations: ['REF0', 'REF1']
reference_population_sizes: [5, 10]
ancestral_sequence: 'utilities/ancestral_sequence.fasta'

# Read simulation parameters
average_coverage: 1
contamination_population: 'REF0'
contamination_proportion: 0.02
fragmentation_distribution: 'utilities/example_fragmentation_distribution.txt'
misincorporation_files: ['utilities/example_5p_misincorporations.txt', 'utilities/example_3p_misincorporations.txt']

We can then execute the coalescent and read simulations from Python:

from adnator.simulation import Simulation

# Create simulation object with a configuration file
sim = Simulation('utilities/example_config.yaml')
# Run coalescent simulation (creates directories according to configuration file).
# Run read and misincorporation simulation