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Xavier R. Guérin edited this page Feb 19, 2021 · 2 revisions

Cloud-native Streams

OSStreams provides a high performance streams computing solution to the most demanding data analytics customers. It is a leader in its category because it enables customers to develop, deploy and maintain long-running streaming applications that can process large volumes of data with high throughput and low latency.

Getting Started

This section documents the steps to get started with OSStreams on a local kubernetes deployment. Only MacOS is covered but all instructions are trivially translatable to GNU/Linux.

Software installation


  1. Install Homebrew
  2. Install kubectl: brew install kubectl
  3. Install redis-cli: brew install redis

Docker and Kubernetes

  1. Visit the Docker for Mac website and grab the installation package.
  2. Install docker and activate kubernetes in docker's preferences.
  3. Using the status bar menu, make sure that your Kubernetes profile is set to docker-for-desktop.
  4. Set the number of cores to 2 and the allocated memory to 4GB.

Once installed, you should be able to get the following:

$ kubectl get nodes
NAME                 STATUS    ROLES     AGE       VERSION
docker-for-desktop   Ready     master    5d        v1.10.3

Working with the prototype

Install the custom resource definitions

You need to install all the custom resource definitions located at src/java/platform/ as follows:

$ kubectl apply -f src/java/platform/ created

Note that applying the custom resource definitions to your Kubernetes instance persists across starting and stopping Kubernetes itself. However, if we change these definitions during development, we need to re-apply them.

Install the role-based credentials

Similarly to the CRDs, you need to install all the RBAC definitions located at src/java/platform/

Install the controller

Install the controller using the following deployment file:

kubectl apply -f src/java/platform/

Create a Streams job

Application bundles

Application bundles are automatically loaded from a GitHub URL. When loading a bundle from a private GitHub account or an IBM GHE account, you will need a personal token. To use this token, create a Secret with a token field that contains your token:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: github-token
type: Opaque
  token: {{MY_GITHUB_TOKEN}}

Then, use the name of this secret in the bundle's configuration of your job:

kind: Job
  name: my-job
    name: some.bundle.Main.sab
    url: https://my/github/url/some.bundle.Main.sab
    secret: github-token

The URL must be compliant with the GitHub API v3 format:


Using the metrics

We use Prometheus to scrap the runtime metrics and Grafana to display them. Declarations to use them are located here:


First, install the following:

$ kubectl apply -f prometheus-operator.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f prometheus-rbac.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f streams-metrics.yaml

Then, using your web browser, navigate to localhost:30800 for the Prometheus console, and localhost:30900 for the Grafana console.