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HtmlUnit - core-js

This project is a Rhino fork, maintained to support features needed by HtmlUnit.

It is split into two projects "htmlunit-rhino-fork", which contains the minimal changes to rhino, and "htmlunit-core-js" which has the test cases and packaging.

Notice that "org.mozilla." is renamed to "org.htmlunit.corejs."

❤️ Sponsor

Maven Central

Project News

HtmlUnit@mastodon | HtmlUnit@Twitter

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You simply only need a local git client and gradle installation.


1. Clone the two projects into sibling folders
2. Create eclipse project for "htmlunit-rhino-fork", with 'src' 'testsrc' and 'toolsrc' folder as source folders, while having build/classes as the output folder
3. In "htmlunit-rhino-fork", run:
    - git remote add upstream
    - git fetch upstream

    With proxy:
    - git config --global http.proxy http://proxyhost:port

    To unset proxy:
    - git config --global --unset http.proxy

Running the tests

gradlew test

Generating the JARs

gradlew jar


Pull Requests and and all other Community Contributions are essential for open source software. Every contribution - from bug reports to feature requests, typos to full new features - are greatly appreciated.

Deployment and Versioning

This part is intended for committer who are packaging a release.

  • Check all your files are checked in
  • Execute these mvn commands to be sure all tests are passing and everything is up to data
   mvn versions:display-plugin-updates
   mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
   mvn -U clean test
  • Update the version number in pom.xml and

  • Commit the changes

  • Build and deploy the artifacts

   mvn -up clean deploy
  • Go to Sonatype staging repositories and process the deploy

    • select the repository and close it - wait until the close is processed
    • release the package and wait until it is processed
  • Create the version on Github

    • login to Github and open project
    • click Releases > Draft new release
    • fill the tag and title field with the release number (e.g. 3.0.0)
    • append
      • htmlunit-core-js-3.x.x.jar
      • htmlunit-core-js-3.x.x.jar.asc
      • htmlunit-core-js-3.x.x-javadoc.jar
      • htmlunit-core-js-3.x.x-javadoc.jar.asc
    • and publish the release
  • Update the version number in pom.xml to start next snapshot development

  • Update the htmlunit pom to use the new release


  • Mozilla Rhino Team
  • HtmlUnit Team


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License


Many thanks to all of you contributing to HtmlUnit/Rhino in the past.