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Eugene Andruszczenko edited this page Mar 5, 2018 · 1 revision

Step 1

Setup Raspberry Pi requirements

With your Keyboard and HDMI cable plugged in, go ahead and turn on your Raspberry Pi Zero Allow it to go through the boot requirements (RetroPie will reboot once on it's own)

Once the Raspberry Pi boots into RetroPie, it will start EmulationStation automatically.

You will see a screen telling you to either set up a controller or press F4 to exit.

  • Press F4 to exit to terminal


Once the Raspberry Pi reboots into EmulationStation, use your keyboard and navigate to RetroPie configuration

Select WiFi and enter your SSID/PSK information as necessary

Once you have connected to your WiFi network, you can go back to your laptop and continue via SSH from there


Should you choose to work completely from terminal, hit F4 from the EmulationStation menu to get to terminal

sudo iwlist wlan0 scan
sudo nano /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
  ssid="your ssid"
  psk="your password"
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
ifconfig wlan0

If you have done your WiFi correctly from here you can use SSH

ssh pi@[ip address]


  • Run the Rapsberry Pi configuration program
sudo raspi-config

In the Interfaceing Options menu, you will need to

  1. Enable SSH
  2. Enable SPI

In the Advance Options menu, you will need to

  1. Expand Filesystem
  2. Disable Overscan

Once these are complete, you will be asked to reboot you Raspbery Pi. Do so.

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