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Releases: Finistere/antidote


31 Aug 21:27
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Antidote core has been entirely reworked to be simpler and provide better static typing in addition of several features. The cython had to be dropped though for now by lack of time. It may eventually come back.

Breaking Changes


  • All previously deprecated changes have been removed.
  • The previous Scope concept has been replaced by LifeTime and ScopeGlobalVar.
  • world.test environments API have been reworked. Creating one has a similar API and guarantees, but world.test.factory, world.test.singleton and all of world.test.override have been replaced by a better alternative. See TestContextBuilder.
  • Dependencies cannot be specified through inject({...}) and inject([...]) anymore.
  • QualifiedBy/qualified_by for interface/implementation now relies on equality instead of the id().
  • const API has been reworked. const() and cont.env() have API changes and const.provider has been removed.
  • Thread-safety guarantees from Antidote are now simplified. It now only ensures lifetime consistency and some decorators such as @injectable & @interface provide some thread-safety guarantees.
  • Provider has been entirely reworked. It keeps the same name and purpose but has a different API and guarantees.


  • @inject

    • removed dependencies, strict_validation and auto_provide parameters.
    • removed source parameter from
  • Wiring

    • removed dependencies parameter.
    • renamed class_in_localns parameter to class_in_locals in .Wiring.wire().
  • @wire: removed dependencies parameter

  • renamed Get to dependencyOf. Usage of inject[]/inject.get is recommended instead for annotations.

  • world

    • Providers are not dependencies anymore. Use :py.Catalog.providers{.interpreted-text role="attr"}.
    • Providers do not check anymore that a dependency wasn't defined by another one before. They're expected to be independent.
    • Exception during dependency retrieval are not wrapped in DependencyInstantiationError anymore
    • FrozenWorldError has been renamed FrozenCatalogError.
    • now generates a test environment equivalent to a freshly created Catalog with new_catalog. It only impacts those using a custom Provider.
    • Removed dependency cycle detection and DependencyCycleError. It wasn't perfectly accurate and it's not really worth it. world.debug does a better job at detecting and presenting those cycles.
  • validate_injection() and validated_scope() functions have been removed.

  • DependencyGetter, TypedDependencyGetter are not part of the API anymore.


  • The first argument klass of @injectable is now positional-only.
  • singleton and scope parameters have been replaced by lifetime.


  • ImplementationsOf has been renamed to instanceOf.
  • PredicateConstraint protocol is now a callable instead of having an evaluate() method.
  • Classes wrapped by implements are now part of the private catalog by default, if you want them to be available, you'll need to apply @injectable explicitly.
  • @implements.overriding raises a :pyValueError{.interpreted-text role="exc"} instead of :pyRuntimeError{.interpreted-text role="exc"} if the implementation does not exist.
  • The default implementation is now only provided if no other implementations matched. It wasn't the case with all() before.
  • implements.by_default has been renamed to @implements.as_default to be symmetrical with @interface.


  • singleton and scope parameters have been replaced by lifetime.
  • call() function was removed from lazy functions, use the __wrapped__ attribute instead.
  • In test contexts such as world.test.empty() and, previously defined lazy/const dependencies will not be available anymore.


  • To specify a type for .Const.env use the convert() argument.

  • When defining static constant values such as HOST = const('localhost'), it's NOT possible to:

    • define the type (const[str]('localhost))
    • define a default value
    • not provide value at all anymore
  • const.provider has been removed. Use @lazy.method instead. The only difference is that the const provider would return different objects even with the same arguments, while the lazy method won't.



  • AEP1: Instead of hack of module/functions world is now a proper instance of PublicCatalog. Alternative catalogs can be created and included in one another. Dependencies can also now be private or public. The main goal is for now to expose a whole group of dependencies through a custom catalog.

    from antidote import new_catalog, inject, injectable, world
    # Includes by default all of Antidote
    catalog = new_catalog()
    # Only accessible from providers by default.
    class PrivateDummy:
    @injectable(catalog=catalog)  # if catalog is not specified, world is used.
    class Dummy:
        def __init__(self, private_dummy: PrivateDummy = -> None:
            self.private_dummy = private_dummy
    # Not directly accessible
    assert PrivateDummy not in catalog
    assert isinstance(catalog[Dummy], Dummy)
    # app_catalog is propagated downwards for all @inject that don't specify it.
    def f(dummy: Dummy = -> Dummy:
        return dummy
    assert f() is catalog[Dummy]
    # Not inside world yet
    assert Dummy not in world
    assert world[Dummy] is catalog[Dummy]
  • AEP2 (reworked): Antidote now defines a ScopeGlobalVar which has a similar interface to ContextVar and three kind of lifetimes to replace scopes:

    • 'singleton': instantiated only once
    • 'transient': instantiated on every request
    • 'scoped': used by dependencies depending on one or multiple ScopeGlobalVar. When any of them changes, the value is re-computed otherwise it's cached.

    ScopeGlobalVar isn't a ContextVar though, it's a global variable. It's planned to add a ScopeContextVar.

    from antidote import inject, lazy, ScopeGlobalVar, world
    counter = ScopeGlobalVar(default=0)
    # Until update, the value stays the same.
    assert world[counter] == 0
    assert world[counter] == 0
    token = counter.set(1)
    assert world[counter] == 1
    def dummy(count: int = inject[counter]) -> str:
        return f"Version {count}"
    # dummy will not be re-computed until counter changes.
    assert world[dummy()] == 'Version 1'
    assert world[dummy()] == 'Version 1'
    counter.reset(token)  # same interface as ContextVar
    assert world[dummy()] == 'Version 0'
  • Catalogs, such as world and @inject, expose a dict-like read-only API. Typing has also been improved:

    from typing import Optional
    from antidote import const, inject, injectable, world
    class Conf:
        HOST = const('localhost')
        STATIC = 1
    assert Conf.HOST in world
    assert Conf.STATIC not in world
    assert world[Conf.HOST] == 'localhost'
    assert world.get(Conf.HOST) == 'localhost'
    assert world.get(Conf.STATIC) is None
    assert world.get(Conf.STATIC, default=12) == 12
    except KeyError:
    class Dummy:
    assert isinstance(world[Dummy], Dummy)
    assert isinstance(world.get(Dummy), Dummy)
    def f(host: str = inject[Conf.HOST]) -> str:
        return host
    def g(host: Optional[int] = inject.get(Conf.STATIC)) -> Optional[int]:
        return host
    assert f() == 'localhost'
    assert g() is None
  • Testing has a simplified dict-like write-only API:

    from antidote import world
    with as overrides:
        # add a singleton / override existing dependency
        overrides['hello'] = 'world'
        # add multiple singletons
        overrides.update({'second': object()})
        # delete a dependency
        del overrides['x']
        # add a factory
        def build() -> str:
            return "Hello!"
  • Added @inject.method which will inject the first argument, commonly self of a method with the dependency defined by the class. It won't inject when used as instance method though.

    from antidote import inject, injectable, world
    class Dummy:
        def method(self) -> 'Dummy':
            return self
    assert Dummy.method() is world[Dummy]
    dummy = Dummy()
    assert dummy.method() is dummy
  • @inject now supports wrapping function with *args.

  • @inject has now kwargs and fallback keywords to replace the old dependencies. kwargs takes priority over alternative injections styles and fallback is used in the same way as dependencies, after defaults and type hints.


  • @interface now supports function and @lazy calls. It also supports defining the interface as the default function with @interface.as_default:

    from antidote import interface, world, implements
    def callback(x: int) -> int:
    def callback_impl(x: int) -> int:
        return x * 2
    assert world[callback] is callback_impl
    assert world[callback...
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26 Jun 19:49
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Bug fix

  • #56 Fix injection error for some union type hints such as str | List[str].


01 Jun 16:11
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Bug fix

  • Fix type error for implements.overriding().


22 May 19:32
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  • Constants is deprecated as not necessary anymore with the new const.
  • @factory is deprecated in favor of @lazy.


  • @lazy has been added to replace @factory and the parameterized() methods of both Factory and Service.

    from antidote import lazy, inject
    class Redis:
    @lazy  # singleton by default
    def load_redis() -> Redis:
        return Redis()
    def task(redis = load_redis()):
  • const has been entirely reworked for better typing and ease of use:

    • it doesn't require Constants anymore.
    • environment variables are supported out of the box with const.env.
    • custom logic for retrieval can be defined with @const.provider.

    Here's a rough overview:

    from typing import Optional
    from antidote import const, injectable
    class Conf:
        THREADS = const(12)  # static const
        PORT = const.env[int]()  # converted to int automatically
        HOST = const.env("HOSTNAME")  # define environment variable name explicitly,
    class Conf2:
        # stateful factory. It can also be stateless outside of Conf2.
        def get(self, name: str, arg: Optional[str]) -> str:
            return arg or name
        DUMMY = get.const()
        NUMBER = get.const[int]("90")  # value will be 90
  • @implements.overriding overrides an existing implementation, and will be used in exactly the same conditions as the overridden one: default or not, predicates...

  • @implements.by_default defines a default implementation for an interface outside the weight system.


  • const.converter provides a similar to feature to the legacy auto_cast from Constants.

Bug fix

  • Better behavior of inject and world.debug with function wrappers, having a __wrapped__ attribute.


26 Apr 18:46
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  • @service is deprecated in favor of @injectable which is a drop-in replacement.
  • @inject used to raise a RuntimeError when specifying ignore_type_hints=True and no injections were found. It now raises NoInjectionsFoundError
  • Wiring.wire used to return the wired class, it won't be the case anymore.


  • Add local type hint support with type_hints_locals argument for @inject, @injectable, @implements and @wire The default behavior can be configured globally with config Auto-detection is done through inspect and frame manipulation. It's mostly helpful inside tests.

    from __future__ import annotations
    from antidote import config, inject, injectable, world
    def function() -> None:
        class Dummy:
        def f(dummy: Dummy = -> Dummy:
            return dummy
        assert f() is world.get(Dummy)
    config.auto_detect_type_hints_locals = True
    def function2() -> None:
        class Dummy:
        def f(dummy: Dummy = -> Dummy:
            return dummy
        assert f() is world.get(Dummy)
  • Add factory_method to @injectable (previous @service)

    from __future__ import annotations
    from antidote import injectable
    class Dummy:
        def build(cls) -> Dummy:
            return cls()
  • Added ignore_type_hints argument to Wiring and @wire

  • Added type_hints_locals and class_in_localns argument to Wiring.wire

Bug fix

  • Fix Optional detection in predicate constraints.


19 Apr 15:43
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Bug fix

  • Fix injection error when using the Klass | None notation instead of Optional[Klass] in Python 3.10.


  • frozen keyword argument to world.test.clone() which allows one to control whether the cloned world is already frozen or not.
  • Both inject.get and world.get now strictly follow the same API.
  • interface() and implements() which provide a cleaner way to separate implementations from the public interface. Qualifiers are also supported out of the box. They can be added with qualified_by keyword and requested with either qualified_by or qualified_by_one_of.
from antidote import implements, inject, interface, world, QualifiedBy

V1 = object()
V2 = object()

class Service:

class ServiceImpl(Service):

class ServiceImplV2(Service):


def f(service: Service = -> Service:
    return service

def f(services: list[Service] =[V1, V2])) -> list[Service]:
    return services


  • Predicate API is experimental allows you to define your custom logic for selecting the right implementation for a given interface. Qualifiers are implemented with the QualifiedBy predicate which is part of the public API.


25 Mar 22:25
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Bug fix

  • Injected functions/methods with @inject did not behave correctly with inspect.isfunction, inspect.ismethod, inspect.iscoroutinefunction and inspect.iscoroutine.


19 Mar 22:51
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Breaking static typing change

  • A function decorated with @factory will not have the @ operator anymore from a static typing perspective. It's unfortunately not possible with the addition of the class support for the decorator.


  • Service and ABCService are deprecated in favor of @service.

  • Passing a function to the argument dependencies of @inject is deprecated. If you want to customize how Antidote injects dependencies, just wrap @inject instead.

  • @inject's auto_provide argument is deprecated. If you rely on this behavior, wrap @inject.

  • world.lazy is deprecated. It never brought a lot of value, one can easily write it oneself.

  • dependency @ factory and dependency @ implementation are replaced by the more explicit notation:

      world.get(dependency, source=factory)
      @inject(dependencies={'db': Get(dependency, source=factory)})
      def (db):
  • Annotation Provide has been renamed Inject.

  • world.get will not support extracting annotated dependencies anymore.

  • Omitting the dependency when a type is specified in world.get is deprecated. world.get
    provides now better type information.

      from antidote import world, service
      class Dummy:
      # this will expose the correct type:
      # so this is deprecated
      # you can still specify the type explicitly


  • Both world.get and const have better type checking behavior, doing it only when the specified type is an actual instance of type. For protocols, type check will only be done with those decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable.
  • Dropped Python 3.6 support.


  • Add ignore_type_hints to @inject to support cases when type hints cannot be evaluated, typically in circular imports.

  • Adding Markers for @inject used as default arguments to declare injections:

      from antidote import const, Constants, factory, inject, service
      class Config(Constants):
          HOST = const[str]("host")
      class Dummy:
          value: str
      def dummy_factory() -> Dummy:
          return Dummy()
      # inject type hint
      def f(dummy: Dummy = -> Dummy:
          return dummy
      # inject type hint with factory
      def f2(dummy: Dummy = -> Dummy:
          return dummy
      # inject constants
      def f3(host: str = Config.HOST) -> str:
          return host
      # inject a dependency explicitly
      def f4(x=inject.get(Dummy)) -> Dummy:
          return x
      # inject a dependency with a factory explicitly
      def f5(x=inject.get(Dummy, source=dummy_factory)) -> Dummy:
          return x


14 Nov 22:45
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  • Update fastrlock dependency to >=0.7,<0.9 to support Python 3.10 for the compiled