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Release Notes 0.3.1

Martin Nycander edited this page Aug 14, 2013 · 2 revisions

Hydra 0.3.1

This release brings some needed build improvements, as well as bug fixes and new features.

Major changes

  • SLF4J implementation conflicts. 0.3.0 had some problems with conflicting versions of slf4j implementations, causing stages to crash. That is now fixed, and the only implementation of slf4j comes from API.
  • The built Core and resources file is now placed in distribution/bin.
  • Configuration for SetStaticFieldStage has changed. It now takes a Map<String, Object> called fieldNames instead of two lists.
  • It is now possible to use Enum parameters for stages. Both string and int vaues will be converted to the correct Enum value.
  • Documents with binary attachments can now be inserted using the database package, without risk of race conditions.
  • Inserting too large documents into Hydra is now safer, but they may be truncated.

Upgrading from 0.3.0

  • Switch Hyra Core (if building it yourself, remember to pick the one in distribution/bin.
  • Rebuild stages with 0.3.1 API to ensure only one version of the logging framework is present.
  • If using the SetStaticFieldStage, update the configuration with a Map instead of the two lists. The map is called fieldNames, which replaces the lists fieldNames and fieldValues.

Pull requests merged into 0.3.1

  • #215 from jwestberg/enum-parameter-support: Adds enum support to Parameter injection

  • #214 from jwestberg/set-static-field: Fixes SetStaticFieldStage to do what it's supposed to do.

  • #210 from remen/use_parent: Makes all children modules use parent pom

  • #211 from andreassalomonsson/multivaluedstaticfields: Adds support for setting multivalued static fields.

  • #205 from laserval/slf4j-dependency-fixes: Removed multiple logging implementations in stages, fixing problems with remote logging functionality.

  • #204 from laserval/tests-into-integration-tests: Changes unit tests that test integration into actual integration tests

  • #202 from Nycander/largedoc-process-fix: Large documents no longer causes exceptions in MongoDocumentIO's cleanup

  • #199 from remen/198_attachment_race_condition: Added support for "atomic" insert of documents with attachments


  • @andreassalomonsson
  • @jwestberg
  • @laserval
  • @Nycander
  • @remen