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Permit to register products and make orders. The app has rate limit, friendly errors, validation and also a simple versioning was made.

Table of Contents


Easy peasy lemon squeezy:

$ yarn


$ npm install

Was installed and configured the eslint and prettier to keep the code clean and patterned.


The application use just one database: Postgres. For the fastest setup is recommended to use docker-compose, you just need to up all services:

$ docker-compose up -d


Responsible to store all application data. If for any reason you would like to create a Postgres container instead of use docker-compose, you can do it by running the following command:

$ docker run --name gocommerce-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=docker -p 5432:5432 -d postgres

Then create two databases: gocommerce and tests (in case you would like to run the tests).


Remember to run the database migrations:

$ yarn ts-node-dev ./node_modules/typeorm/cli.js migration:run


$ yarn typeorm migration:run

See more information on TypeORM Migrations.


In this file you may configure your Postgres database connection, JWT settings, the environment, app's port and a url to documentation (this will be returned with error responses, see error section). Rename the .env.example in the root directory to .env then just update with your settings.

key description default
APP_PORT Port number where the app will run. 3333
NODE_ENV App environment. The typeORM's database choice rely on this key value, so if the environment is test the database used will be tests otherwise the POSTGRES_DATABASE will set the database name. development
POSTGRES_HOST Postgres host. pg
POSTGRES_PORT Postgres port. 5432
POSTGRES_USER Postgres user. postgres
POSTGRES_PASSWORD Postgres password. -
POSTGRES_DATABASE Application's database name. gocommerce
DOCS_URL An url to docs where users can find more information about the app's internal code errors.


To start up the app run:

$ yarn dev:server


npm run dev:server

Error Handling

Instead of only throw a simple message and HTTP Status Code this API return friendly errors:

  "status": "error",
  "message": "Too Many Requests",
  "code": 429,
  "docs": ""

As you can see a url to error docs are returned too. To configure this url update the DOCS_URL key from .env file. In the next sub section (Errors Reference) you can see the errors code description.

Errors Reference

code message description
140 The email provided already in use Already exists a customer with the same email.
144 Customer not found The id sent not references an existing customer in the database.
240 There is not enough product quantity in stock The requested quantity is not available in stock.
244 Order not found The id sent not references an existing order in the database.
245 Customer not found You are trying to create a new order with a customer that not exists.
246 Product not found This happens when you try to create a new order with a non existing product.
247 Order not found You are trying to retrieve products from a order that not exists.
344 Product not found The id sent not references an existing order in the database.
349 A product with the same name already exists Products must have unique names, but you provided one already in use.
429 Too Many Requests You reached at the requests limit.


A simple versioning was made. Just remember to set after the host the /v1/ string to your requests.

GET http://localhost:3333/v1/orders/f4968587-5950-4df3-92d8-c5aee0c647c2


route HTTP Method params description
/customers POST Body with customer name and email. Create a new customer.
/customers/:id GET :id of the customer. Return one customer.
/products POST Body with product name, price and quantity. Create a new product.
/products/:id GET :id of the product. Return one product.
/orders POST Body with order customer_id and products (with id and quantity). Create a new order.
/orders/:id GET :id of the order Show one order.
/orders/:id/products GET :id of the order Return the products from an order.


  • POST /customers

Request body:

  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": ""
  • POST /products

Request body:

  "name": "Lemon",
  "price": 1.95,
  "quantity": 100
  • POST /orders

Request body:

  "customer_id": "d59d9a05-fba8-4e00-b3c4-11c0de51e410",
  "products": [
      "id": "732b09e3-bb0c-40e9-b9dc-49616c907726",
      "quantity": 1
      "id": "56d4b719-058c-4ddd-a89b-b09dcb70e5d9",
      "quantity": 3

Running the tests

Jest was the choice to test the app, to run:

$ yarn test


$ npm run test

Coverage report

You can see the coverage report inside tests/coverage. They are automatically created after the tests run.