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DarrenCarol edited this page Jul 8, 2021 · 2 revisions

Where is the overlay directory?

Open RetroArch and head to Settings > Directory. Look for the line called “Overlay”. The path listed next to this is where you’ll need to place your overlays.

Where is the core config directory?

Similar to above, head to Settings > Directory. Look for the line called “Config”. This will be the main folder where your main config files go.

How can I tell what core I’m using for my game?

Simply head to the game in the playlist, where the sublabel will have this written. You can also head to RetroArch > Settings > Playlists > Manage Playlists. From here you can assign a core to all games in that playlist.

My core’s subfolder doesn’t exist in the config directory?

RetroArch requires precise spelling (case sensitive) on these subfolders. The easiest way to ensure 100% accuracy is to open a game and load the quick menu. From here head to options and press accept on the “Create Game Options File”. This will create the subfolder needed, where you can place your “Config.cfg” file.

Will these bezels work on other front ends?

Absolutely! Anything that uses RetroArch underneath the front end (IE, RetroPie and Lakka to name a couple) will support these themes. Officially I only offer support setting up on RetroArch and Batocera, but our Discord Community are more than happy to help you setup other systems.

I've installed a bezel but it doesn't fit properly?

This could be an issue with the integer scale setting. Head to RetroArch > Settings > Video > Scaling. Swap the setting shown on the Integer Scale.

My bezels aren't showing on Batocera.

You'll need to enable these on Main Menu. To do so boot into Batocera. Go to Main Menu > Games Settings > Decoration. Select the folder you created earlier as per the pack/bezel instructions.

I cannot see the dynamic wallpapers?

Presuming you've followed the instructions in the pack, there's two potential causes of this. First, we need to check the Background Opacity. Go to RetroArch > Settings > User Interface > Appearance > Background Opacity. Ensure this is set to 1.000.

Still not working? Next we need to check the Menu Shader Pipeline. Head to the same place as above and check that "Menu Shader Pipeline" is turned off.

The dynamic wallpaper doesn't display on start-up.

RetroArch requires a static wallpaper setting as well as the dynamic wallpapers. Go to RetroArch > Settings > User Interface > Appearance > Background Image. Select the relevant image from the wallpaper pack (typically this is "Menu.png")

I have the same bezel on multiple systems. Why?

This typically happens when you have multiple systems that use the same core (IE, Gameboy and Gameboy Color both use Gambette). To overcome this, name the core cfg file the same as the folder which contains your ROMs. (IE: For Game Boy, rather than "Gambette.cfg" name the file "Game Boy.cfg", presuming your ROMs are in a folder called "Game Boy".