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David Hull edited this page Dec 13, 2018 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Parking-IOT wiki!

This is where we will document our project development and management processes, standards, organization, etc.


All development to be done in non-master branches.

Master Branch

The master branch is the deployment branch. Commit/push is not permitted.

Staging Branch

The staging branch contains only stable, reviewed and tested code. Deployments to the master branch can only come from this staging branch (or the hot-fix branch in a pinch).

Integration Branch

The integration branch is used to test peoples work in a full system environment. Meaning, it's an environment where all the major elements of the architecture are live, such as databases, api's, and network devices.

Development Branches

There is not one development branch. This is conceptual. Members create branches for individual work, or for features, as needed. Unit testing occurs here. No pull requests should be created for merge to higher branches, unless all unit tests pass.

Nobody can merge there own pull request into the integration test branch - it requires another member to review the work, and accept the PR.

Project and Story Organization

We'll use the built in Kanban capability in github to create and manage user stories.

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