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orc-decrypt : Tools for decrypting DFIR-ORC archives

DFIR-Orc can encrypt its archives with PKCS7. Decryption can be achieved with the help of OpenSSL with the cms subcommand. However, OpenSSL has a bug which prevents it from decrypting archives larger than 2 GB. Thus a (slower) Python implementation has been written in order to address this issue.

Once the PKCS7 envelope has been decrypted, the output is not yet a valid 7z archive. Therefore a second tool, unstream, needs to be run in order to produce the final 7z archive.

orc-decrypt is the wrapper around both decryption implementations and for the unstream command.


  • Python 3.8+
  • cryptography
  • OpenSSL command line tool in the PATH
  • CMake and a compiler for building src/unstream.c


Git clone this repository and then:

pip install .

If pip is executed with privileges, it will install unstream in the PATH, otherwise it will be left in the build directory and orc-decrypt will need the option --unstream-path to find it.


usage: orc-decrypt [-h] -k file [--output-dir dir] [--log-level level] [--log-file file] [-f] [-j N] [-m method] [--unstream-path file] path [path ...]

Wrapper around the two possible methods of decrypting ORC archives

positional arguments:
  path                  Input directories where the encrypted archives are stored or individual archives

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -k file, --key file   PEM-encoded unencrypted key file (default: None)
  --output-dir dir      Output directory where to store the decrypted archives. It will be created if it does not already exist. Defaults to the current working directory
  --log-level level     Print log messages of this level and higher, possible choices: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG (default: INFO)
  --log-file file       Log file to store DEBUG level messages (default: None)
  -f, --force           Force overwrite of existing files in output directory. (default: False)
  -j N, --jobs N        Number of jobs to process in parallel. Defaults to Python implementation of multiprocessing.Pool (default: None)
  -m method, --method method
                        Method to use to decrypt archives. Default is 'auto' meaning the script will use openssl for archives smaller than 2GB and pure-python implementation for larger ones. Warning: forcing the usage of openssl for
                        archives larger than 2GB will likely prevent the script from decrypting these archives as openssl cannot handle them in its current version (1.1.1f) (default: auto)
  --unstream-path file  Path to the "unstream" binary. If not set, unstream must be in the PATH. (default: None)


$ ls ./encrypted
ORC_Server_server1.example.com_Main.7z.p7b ORC_Server_server1.example.com_Hives.7z.p7b
$ cat key.pem
# If "unstream" is in the PATH
$ orc-decrypt -k key.pem --output-dir ./decrypted ./encrypted
# If "unstream is not in the PATH
$ orc-decrypt -k key.pem --output-dir ./decrypted --unstream-path ./build/unstream ./encrypted


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Le nom DFIR ORC et le logo associé appartiennent à l'ANSSI, aucun usage n'est permis sans autorisation expresse.

The contents of this repository is available under LGPL2.1+.

The name DFIR ORC and the associate logo belongs to ANSSI, no use is permitted without its express approval.


Tools to decrypt DFIR-Orc archives







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