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RNBO OSCQuery Runner

A RNBO runner controlled by OSCQuery.


NOTE there is a separate README for rpi that indicates how to build for rpi.

Build Requirements

This currently builds and runs on Linux and Mac. Windows is TBD.

debian instructions also apply to other apt based distros like ubuntu.

  • cmake version 3.17 or greater
    • macOS: brew install cmake
    • debian: sudo apt-get install cmake
    • make sure cmake is in your path if you install it with brew or directly from the download
  • g++ or clang++
    • macOS: clang++ comes with XCode.
    • debian: sudo apt-get install build-essential g++
  • conan
    • via pip3:
      • macOS: modern macOS comes with pip3
      • debian: sudo apt-get install python3-pip
      • pip3 install --break-system-packages --user conan==1.61.0
    • make sure that conan is in your PATH, I updated my .bashrc to add ~/.local/bin/ to my PATH
  • ruby 2.0+ to run the compile script
    • macOS: modern macOS comes with ruby
    • debian: sudo apt-get install ruby
  • sdbus lib or configure with `-DWITH_DBUS=Off
    • debian: sudo apt-get install libsdbus-c++-dev

on debian based systems, here is a 1 liner for setting up dependencies

sudo apt-get -y install cmake build-essential libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev libssl-dev libjack-jackd2-dev libdbus-1-dev libxml2-dev libgmock-dev google-mock libsdbus-c++-dev python3-pip ruby libsndfile1-dev

on linux at least, the conan profile entry for libcxx is important



Build the runner with CMake. You may have to update the RNBO_DIR to reflect the path on your system.

If you're on Mac OS using the bundled RNBO version, your RNBO_DIR should probably be:

  • ~/Documents/Max\ 8/Packages/RNBO/source/rnbo/ if you installed RNBO with the package manager
  • /Applications/ if you're using RNBO bundled with Max.

On Linux you'll likely have to copy the rnbo src dir from a Windows or Mac machine.

mkdir build/
cd build/
cmake .. -DRNBO_DIR=~/Documents/Max\ 8/Packages/RNBO/source/rnbo/
cmake --build .

If you're on a debian based system, you can also build a .deb


then you can install it with

sudo dpkg -i *.deb`


There is an example runner.json config file in the config directory. If you want some customizations you can edit that and copy it here: ~/.config/rnbo/runner.json

Here is an example of the contents:

    "compile_cache_dir": "~/Documents/rnbo/cache/so/",
    "save_dir": "~/Documents/rnbo/cache/saves/",
    "source_cache_dir": "~/Documents/rnbo/cache/src/",
    "datafile_dir": "~/Documents/rnbo/datafiles/",

    "instance_auto_start_last": true,
    "instance_auto_connect_audio": true,
    "instance_auto_connect_midi": true,
    "jack": {
        "period_frames": 1024,
        "sample_rate": 44100.0,
        "card_name": "hw:ES8",
        "midi_system_name": "raw"
  • compile_cache_dir: a path to the directory where compiled shared objects are stored
  • save_dir: a path to the directory where save data is stored
  • source_cache_dir: a path to the directory where source files are stored before compiling
  • datafile_dir: a path to the directory where datafiles are stored, to be loaded as data refs
    • you can put files directly into this directory and load them via the OSCQuery data ref commands
  • instance_auto_start_last: a boolean that indicates if when the runner starts, if it should attempt to load the last patcher it loaded before restart
  • instance_auto_connect_audio: a boolean that indicates if the runner should automatically try to connect its audio i/o
    • disabling this can be useful if you want to have a custom jack signal flow, the commandline jack_connect can be useful if you have this set to false
  • instance_auto_connect_midi: a boolean that indicates if the runner should automatically connect to MIDI devices that it sees
    • you can use jack_connect on the commandline to connect to specific MIDI devices if you have this set to false

The only file that is currently saved in the save_dir is called last.json

Here is an example of that file content:

    "instances": [
            "config": {
                "datarefs": {
                    "loop": "jongly.aif"
                "inports": [
                "outports": [
                "presets": {
                    "muted": {
                        "baz": {
                            "value": 0.0
                    "snap1": {
                        "baz": {
                            "value": 0.9430000185966492
            "so_path": "/home/pi/Documents/rnbo/cache/so/"

The saves file only supports 1 instance at the time of this writing but eventually might support more. If you edit this file you can change values for dataref mappings, presets and also identify which so to load on restart.


If you haven't run jack before you probably want to set it up with qjackctl, you can leave that running while running the runner.

Simply run the runner from the build directory ./bin/rnbooscquery Then start up Max. The RNBO sidebar should list your host as a OSCQuery Runner Export.

Communicating with the runner

You can communicate with the runner via Open Sound Control (OSC) over either websockets or UDP.

If you have sucessfully connected to a runner in Max, the associated target sidebar info should show you the UDP and HTTP/WS host port and, for OSC, transport.

By default the HTTP and websocket port are 5678 and OSC is UDP at 1234 so if you know the ip of your runner, you should be able to load a webpage with the url: http://<ipoftherunner>:5678 and send OSC messages at osc.udp://<ipoftherunner>:1234 If you have a hostname like c74rpi.local that works, you can also use that http://c74rpi.local:5678 osc.udp://c74rpi.local:1234

The websocket interface is created via an http upgrade from the HTTP host and port.

NOTE the websocket interface is used for more than just OSC, so you'll want to detect the type of the websocket messages and only try to parse the Binary messages.

OSC Namespace

If you've sent a patch to your runner, you should be able to investigate the runner's OSCQuery namespace via HTTP. For instance, if my runner is at c74rpi.local, I might see the below in my web browser if I load the URL http://c74rpi.local:5678

          "DESCRIPTION":"information about RNBO and the running system",
              "DESCRIPTION":"a unique, one time generated id for this system"
              "DESCRIPTION":"Self upgrade/downgrade",
                  "DESCRIPTION":"Update state"
                  "DESCRIPTION":"Latest update status"
                  "DESCRIPTION":"Does this runner support remote upgrade/downgrade"
          "DESCRIPTION":"command handler"
          "DESCRIPTION":"command response"
                      "VALUE":"USB-Audio - ES-8\nExpert Sleepers Ltd ES-8 at usb-0000:01:00.0-1.4, high speed",
                      "VALUE":"USB-Audio - ES-8\nExpert Sleepers Ltd ES-8 at usb-0000:01:00.0-1.4, high speed",
                  "DESCRIPTION":"indicates if jack is running in realtime mode or not"
              "DESCRIPTION":"Jack configuration parameters",
                  "DESCRIPTION":"ALSA device name"
                  "DESCRIPTION":"Number of periods of playback latency"
                  "DESCRIPTION":"Frames per period"
                  "DESCRIPTION":"Sample rate"
          "DESCRIPTION":"command response",


                  "DESCRIPTION":"Parameter get/set",
                        "untitled 1"
                      "DESCRIPTION":"A list of presets that can be loaded"
                      "DESCRIPTION":"Save the current settings as a preset with the given name"
                      "DESCRIPTION":"Load a preset with the given name"
                      "DESCRIPTION":"Indicate a preset, by name, that should be loaded every time this patch is reloaded. Set to an empty string to load the loaded preset instead"

                      "DESCRIPTION":"midi events in to your RNBO patch"

                      "DESCRIPTION":"midi events out of your RNBO patch"

Those FULL_PATH entires correspond to OSC addresses, and the TYPE identifies the OSC type that those parameters expect, if any.

If the ACCESS value is 2 (set only) or 3 (get set) then you can send OSC messages to that address to alter parameters.

Most of what you'll want to interact with will be below the /rnbo/inst/0 path, this is the path that identifies the running codegen export.

See the OSCQueryProposal for more details on OSCQuery.

Basic Javascript Websocket Example

const OSC = require("osc");

	let ws = new WebSocket(YOUR_RUNNER_URL);

	ws.on('message', (d) => {
		//must be a buffer because there are other non OSC websocket messages as well
		if (Buffer.isBuffer(d)) {
			try {
				const msg = OSC.readPacket(d, {metadata: true});
			} catch (e) {

	ws.on('open', () => {
		//send OSC
		const array = OSC.writePacket({
			address: "/rnbo/inst/0/params/foo",
			args: [
					type: "f",
					value: 1.0
		{ metadata: true });

Commandline OSC Example

Here we use oscsend, which is available in homebrew, to send a normalized parameter update to c74rpi.local.

oscsend osc.udp://c74rpi.local:1234 /rnbo/inst/0/params/foo/normalized f 0.2

If foo is a valid parameter in your loaded patch, and you send that, then load http://c74rpi.local:5678/rnbo/inst/0/params/ in a webbrowser, you should see that both foo and foo/normalized have been updated.


Uses a modified jsonRPC for comand communication.


  • id is a uuid.
  • method calls may have multiple responces indicating progress.


To add an OSC listener

If the runner is running on the same machine as you want to listen on, you can use localhost for the ip.

oscsend osc.udp://localhost:1234 /rnbo/cmd s '{"method": "listener_add", "id": "foo", "params": {"ip": "localhost", "port": 9999}}'


If you have your own uses for the meta entry, you can add anything you'd like but it has to be a JSON key-value map at the top level.

The runner supports the following meta entries directly.


Inports, Outports, and Parameters can take metadata that extend their mapping to/from OSC messages.


The simplest of forms, {"osc": "/foo/bar"} maps the item to/from the OSC message /foo/bar. You can also use a more verbose format {"osc": {"addr": "/your/addr", "out": true}}


  • Inports can only listen to OSC messages
  • Outports can only send OSC messages
  • Parameters only listen by default but can be made to send with a more verbose OSC meta entry: {"osc":{"addr": "/foo/bar/", "out": true}}
    • NOTE: a parameter with the above meta will only send on /foo/bar, it will not also listen. If you want to do both you need to add, "in": true eg {"osc":{"addr": "/foo/bar/", "out": true, "in": true}}


By default parameter OSC values map to/from unnormalized values but if you add "norm": true to your meta you map to/from normalized values.

Misc notes

  • Inport and Outports default to mapping to/from OSC addresses if you prefix their name with a /, for instance [inport /synth/freq]
    • You can toggle this behavior with the Instance: Port To OSC setting in the Web Interface settings.
    • You an disable OSC mapping for an inport or outport by setting its meta {"osc": false}


Parameters support MIDI mapping via a midi entry in their metadata. The Web Interface now helps automate setting this value but you can set it explicitly if you prefer.

Misc notes

  • As of this writing the MIDI value is scaled to 0..1 and applied, without any additional augmentation, to the normalized value for a parameter.
  • Notes simply map to 0 for note off and 1 for note on indendent of velocity.
  • When you map a MIDI message, it is filtered out and not sent along your patcher beyond setting the parameter value(s) it is associated with.
  • The chan entry is 1 based, so valid values are 1-16.
  • The chan entry is optional and defaults to 1 if it isn't present.

midi JSON format

  • multiple per channel mappings
    • note: {"note": 2, "chan": 10}
    • controller change: {"ctrl": 5, "chan": 10}
    • key pressure: {"keypress": 1, "chan": 1}
  • one per channel mappings
    • pitch bend: {"bend": 1}
    • program change: {"prgchg": 10}
    • channel pressure: {"chanpress": 1}

As an example, a parameter might have meta with: {"midi": {"ctrl": 4, "chan": 16}}. This would map controller change 4 on channel 16's value, scaled to 0..1 to the parameter's normalized value.

Testing out discovery

dns-sd can show you available services:

dns-sd -B _oscjson._tcp


RNBO runner with OSCQuery interaction/discovery interface







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