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1 Introduction

Paddle version of Paper“PointRend: Image Segmentation as Rendering(CVPR2020)”.

This project uses Baidu's paddlepaddle framework to reproduce the CVPR2020 paper's model PointRend. Note: only the semantic segmentation experiment of Semantic FPN + PointRend on the cityscapes dataset is done here, excluding the instance segmentation experiment of Maskrcnn + Pointrend. The correctness of PointRend based on paste reproduction is verified.

The project relies on the paddleseg tool.

PointRend With Seg Architecture:


PointRend Result

Paper: PointRend: Image Segmentation as Rendering

2 Metrics

Model mIOU
SemanticFPN+PointRend(paper-Pytorch) 78.5
SemanticFPN+PointRend(ours-Paddle) 78.78

3 Dataset

The dataset is Cityscapes

  • The size of dataset: There are 19 categories, and 5000 images are of 1024*2048 pixels in width and height
    • Training set: 2975 images
    • Validation set: 500 images
    • Test set: 1525 images

data should be located at data/

├── cityscapes
│   ├── gtFine
│   │   ├── test
│   │   ├── train
│   │   └── val
│   ├── leftImg8bit
│   │   ├── test
│   │   │   ├── berlin
│   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   │   └── munich
│   │   ├── train
│   │   │   ├── aachen
│   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   │   └── zurich
│   │   └── val
│   │       ├── frankfurt
│   │       ├── lindau
│   │       └── munster
│   ├── train.txt
│   ├── val.txt
│   ├── test.txt

.txt format style like as follow:


which can achieved by use PaddleSeg's to clone PaddleSeg from PaddleSeg's git repo firstly):

python PaddleSeg/tools/ ./data/cityscapes/ --type cityscapes --separator ","

4 Environment

  • Hardwares: XPU, GPU, CPU
  • Framework:
    • PaddlePaddle >= 2.0.2

5 Quick Start

The project is developed based on Paddleseg. Except that is modified, other and are the same as Paddleseg. The model and user-defined loss function definitions are located in the paddleseg/models directory.

install(cmd line)

pip install -r requirements.txt

step1: clone

# clone this repo(Note: maybe need to checout branch after git clone)
git clone

Step2: Training

The training adopts the warmup learning rate strategy opened by default and the momentum optimizer. See line 181 in If closed, use the policy in .yml .

# V100*4
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 
python -m paddle.distributed.launch --config configs/pointrendfpn/pointrend_resnet101_os8_cityscapes_512×1024_80k.yml --num_workers=16 --use_vdl --do_eval --save_interval 1000 --save_dir output
# single V100 (I haven't tried it yet, so you need to adjust the learning rate, iters and batchsize according to the specific configuration)

python --config configs/pointrendfpn/pointrend_resnet101_os8_cityscapes_512×1024_80k.yml--num_workers 4 --use_vdl --do_eval --save_interval 1000 --save_dir output --batch_size 4

Step3: Eval

The default path of the pre training model is'output/best_model/model.pdparams'

# eval  
python --config configs/pointrendfpn/pointrend_resnet101_os8_cityscapes_512×1024_80k.yml --model_path output/best_model/model.pdparams

Use Pre-trained Models to Infer

The Pre-trained model is used to test the image, For specific use, please refer to Paddleseg doc

The use example is as follows:

# Use Pre-trained Models to Infer
python \
       --config configs/pointrendfpn/pointrend_resnet101_os8_cityscapes_512×1024_80k.yml \
       --model_path output/best_model/model.pdparams \
       --image_path data/xxx/JPEGImages/0003.jpg \
       --save_dir output/result

6 Code Structure and Explanation

6.1 Code Structure

├── images/ # save images for README
├── data/ #data path
├── paddleseg/ # paddleseg tool include models/loss definition
├── utils/ # tools
├── lr_scheduler/ # scheduler defined by self
├── output/ # output path
├── # AIStudio 4 card training shell  
├── ...

6.2 Parameter Explanation

For specific parameter settings (mainly the modification of config file), please refers to Paddleseg doc

The only thing to note here is that the parameters of warmup are temporarily viewed in

the parameter setting of the model(You can enter parameter values in the config file) should refer to paddleseg/models/ Users need to refer to the paper to know the meaning of this part.

6.3 Training Process

One GPU Training

# single V100 (I haven't tried it yet, so you need to adjust the learning rate, iters and batchsize according to the specific configuration)

python --config configs/pointrendfpn/pointrend_resnet101_os8_cityscapes_512×1024_80k.yml--num_workers 4 --use_vdl --do_eval --save_interval 1000 --save_dir output --batch_size 4

Multiple GPUs Training

# V100*4
export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 
python -m paddle.distributed.launch --config configs/pointrendfpn/pointrend_resnet101_os8_cityscapes_512×1024_80k.yml --num_workers=16 --use_vdl --do_eval --save_interval 1000 --save_dir output

7 Model Information

Please refer to the following list to check other models’ information

Information Name Description
Announcer xbchen
Time 2021.08
Framework Version Paddle 2.0.2
Application Scenario Image Segmentation
Supported Hardwares XPU GPU CPU
Download Links PointRendFPN: code:33h7
Online Running AIStudio shell
Online Running AIStudio notebook

8 Customization

Special thanks to the platform and resources provided by Baidu paddle.

SemanticFPN+PointRend Model analysis

  • 80000 iter,batch_size=16 for 4 GPUs(4 imgs for per gpu),base_lr=0.01 warmup+poly,SemanticFPN+PointRend with ResNet101 's best mIOU=78.78 at Cityscaps VAL dataset. **Note: the reason for adopting this scheme is that the 4 cards 32g environment provided by aistudio allows 1024 × 512 enter the maximum batch_size can't reach 32(paper's setting). If the memory is enough / multiple cards are used, the parameters provided by the author are recommended. The trained model has a link at the bottom. The training code and train_0.log (78.78 miou completed training log can be find in output/) have been uploaded to the repo



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