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Reactive Mirror Demo

An application built with React + Electron meant to run on the Raspberry Pi for a DIY Smart Mirror modeled after Magic Mirror2

Every module is just a react component that's dynamically imported into the app


Tested Hardware

  • Raspberry Pi 3

Automatic Installation (Raspberry Pi 3)

Run the following command on your Raspberry Pi to install Reactive Mirror

curl -sL | bash

Manual Installation

# Download and install the latest Node.js version

git clone

# install app module dependencies
cd ~/ReactiveMirror/app
npm install

# install app dependencies
cd ~/ReactiveMirror
npm install

# start the application
npm start


React Webpack Redux React Router Flow ESLint Jest Yarn

Electron mirror application based on React, Redux, React Router, Webpack, React Transform HMR for rapid application development.


  • Note: requires a node version >= 7 and an npm version >= 4.

First, clone the repo via git:

git clone --depth=1 your-project-name

And then install dependencies with yarn or npm

$ cd your-project-name
$ yarn
$ cd app
$ yarn //to install mirror module dependencies

Note: If you can't use yarn for some reason, try npm install.


Start the app in the dev environment. This starts the renderer process in hot-module-replacement mode and starts a server that sends hot updates to the renderer process:

$ npm run dev

Run these two commands simultaneously in different console tabs:

$ npm run start-renderer-dev
$ npm run start-main-dev

Module configuration:

Option Description
name The name of the module. This can also contain the subfolder. Valid examples include Clock, Calendar and CustomModule.
position The location of the module in which the module will be loaded. Possible values are top_ bar, top_left, top_center, top_right, upper_third, middle_center, lower_third, bottom_left, bottom_center, bottom_right, bottom_bar, fullscreen_above, and fullscreen_below. This field is optional but most modules require this field to set. Check the documentation of the module for more information. Multiple modules with the same position will be ordered based on the order in the configuration file.
hide Set hide to true to skip creating the module. This field is optional.
config An object with the module configuration properties. Check the documentation of the module for more information. This field is optional, unless the module requires extra configuration.


The following modules are installed by default.

Editor Configuration


apm install editorconfig es6-javascript atom-ternjs javascript-snippets linter linter-eslint language-babel autocomplete-modules file-icons





Toggle Chrome DevTools

  • OS X: Cmd Alt I or F12
  • Linux: Ctrl Shift I or F12
  • Windows: Ctrl Shift I or F12

See electron-debug for more information.

DevTools extension

You can find the tabs on Chrome DevTools.

If you want to update extensions version, please set UPGRADE_EXTENSIONS env, just run:

$ UPGRADE_EXTENSIONS=1 npm run dev

# For Windows
$ set UPGRADE_EXTENSIONS=1 && npm run dev

💡 You can debug your production build with devtools by simply setting the DEBUG_PROD env variable:

DEBUG_PROD=true npm run package

CSS Modules

This boilerplate is configured to use css-modules out of the box.

All .css file extensions will use css-modules unless it has .global.css.

If you need global styles, stylesheets with .global.css will not go through the css-modules loader. e.g.

If you want to import global css libraries (like bootstrap), you can just write the following code in .global.css:

@import "~bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css";

Sass support

If you want to use Sass in your app, you only need to import .sass files instead of .css once:

import './';


To package apps for the local platform:

$ npm run package

To package apps for all platforms:

First, refer to Multi Platform Build for dependencies.


$ npm run package-all

To package apps with options:

$ npm run package -- --[option]

Further commands

To run the application without packaging run

$ npm run build
$ npm start

To run End-to-End Test

$ npm run build
$ npm run test-e2e


See electron-builder CLI Usage

How to add modules to the project

You will need to add other modules to this boilerplate, depending on the requirements of your project. For example, you may want to add node-postgres to communicate with PostgreSQL database, or material-ui to reuse react UI components.

⚠️ Please read the following section before installing any dependencies ⚠️

Module Structure

This app uses a two package.json structure. This means, you will have two package.json files.

  1. ./package.json in the root of your project
  2. ./app/package.json inside app folder

Which package.json file to use

Rule of thumb is: all modules go into ./package.json except native modules. Native modules go into ./app/package.json.

  1. If the module is native to a platform (like node-postgres) or otherwise should be included with the published package (i.e. bcrypt, openbci), it should be listed under dependencies in ./app/package.json.
  2. If a module is imported by another module, include it in dependencies in ./package.json. See this ESLint rule. Examples of such modules are material-ui, redux-form, and moment.
  3. Otherwise, modules used for building, testing and debugging should be included in devDependencies in ./package.json.

Further Readings

See the wiki page, Module Structure — Two package.json Structure to understand what is native module, the rationale behind two package.json structure and more.

For an example app that uses this boilerplate and packages native dependencies, see erb-sqlite-example.

Static Type Checking

This project comes with Flow support out of the box! You can annotate your code with types, get Flow errors as ESLint errors, and get type errors during runtime during development. Types are completely optional.

Dispatching redux actions from main process

see discusses in #118 and #108


MIT © Cristian Ponce


A Raspberry Pi Electron-React Mirror App








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