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Bookmarks tagged [javaee]

Speaking on the CDI list about CDI 2.0 standalone container API Jozef Hartinger sent an answer which is quite obvious when you know it but which can change your life if you don’t: how CDI 1.1 introduc...

This example shows you how to implement an MDB with EJB 3.0 using annotations. Take a look at [](

I have already approached this subject twice in the past. First, on my post Integrating Bean Validation with JAX-RS in Java EE 6, describing how to use Bean Validation with JAX-RS in JBoss AS 7, even ...

Live coding of two simple jax-rs resources one annotated with EJB and one with CDI plus a benchmarking test with jmh. EJB performs better in this scenario. Write your benchmark for your situation

@Stateless is an interesting component to be used as JAX-RS resource. Even if performance is not your primary goal: [](

All those kinds of singletons (static, @javax.inject.Singleton, @javax.ejb.Singleton and @javax.enterprise.context.ApplicationScoped) are created once per JVM.

Short explanation of the differences

What is Jakarta Bean Validation Jakarta Bean Validation is a Java specification which

For few last years I was doing many presentations about problems caused by container based dependency injections and runtime aspects based on dynamic proxy. If You are not familiar with this I will qu...

The Jakarta Bean Validation API defines a whole set of standard constraint annotations such as @NotNull, @Size etc. In cases where these built-in constraints are not sufficient, you can easily create ...

Thorntail provides a mechanism for building applications as uber jars, with just enough of the WildFly application server wrapped around it to support each application's use-case.

CDI: Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform

People like the way how Mockito is able to mock Spring's auto-wired fields with the @InjectMocks annotation. When I read this post of Lubos Krnac last week, I thought I should explain why I think the ...

I’m quite frequently getting pulled into discussions on Twitter about the different flavors of Dependency Injection. Also, I’ve repeatedly expressed my distaste for field injection but as Twitter is n...

There are three parts:

One of new features introduced by JAX-RS 2.0 is asynchronous processing in Server and Client APIs. We use these APIs together with CompletableFutur...

Jakarta Enterprise Edition (EE) is the future of cloud native Java. Jakarta EE open source software drives cloud native innovation, modernizes enterprise applications and protects investments in Java ...

Transaction processing should achieve a high degree of data integrity and consistency. This article, the first in a series on developing an effective transaction strategy for the Java platform, introd...

The @Asynchronous annotation does not work from inside the same EJB. The solution is to use a separate EJB that wraps the async Method.

In one of my projects I had a requirement to load reference data from several sources in a Java EE 6 WebLogic environment, with EclipseLink as ORM framework. Since I couldn’t find an annotation in the...

In this tutorial we will demonstrate how to configure a Timer EJB 3 Service on a cluster of servers. You will need WildFly 8 application server and a Database supporting READ_COMMITTED or SERIALIZABLE...

A demonstration of how to schedule tasks in Java EE using the @Schedule annotation and the timer service.

Hibernate and JPA support 4 inheritance strategies which map the entities to different table models. But which one is the best for your use case?

In Java EE 7, the default scanning for JARs/WARs is annotated, meaning that if you don't have a beans.xml that specifies the scan mode, it will default to annotated based scanning.

Arquillian is a testing platform for JavaEE applications. This tutorial creates an Arquillian test and executes it on the Wildfly container.

Learn how to prepare and execute tests using Arquillian, a container-agnostic integration testing framework.

RESTful web services with Java (Jersey / JAX-RS). This tutorial explains how to develop RESTful web services in Java. It uses the JAX-RS reference implementation Jersey. In this tutorial Eclipse 4.7 (...

This blog post presents an example about how to make parallel calls in Java with CompletableFuture in an asynchronous fashion. It resembles somehow the parallel calls pattern one can achieve in JavaSc...

redhat-sso-quickstarts - Quickstarts for the Red Hat Single Sign-On (SSO) Server The quickstarts demonstrate securing applications with RH-SSO. They provide small, specific, working examples that can ...

Complete JAX-RS 2.0 book - lots of useful examples

The rsvp and customer examples use the Client API to call JAX-RS services. This section describes how each example application uses the Client API.

A blog mainly about Java

This post describes how to develop a REST service in your REST API backend that will provide the information about the current version of the implementation plus the git sha-1 number. It can be very u...

WebSocket Applications using Java EE 7

CDI uses an optional deployment descriptor named beans.xml. Like other Java EE deployment descriptors, the configuration settings in beans.xml are used in addition to annotation settings in CDI clas...

This tutorial is a guide to developing enterprise applications for the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7 (Java EE 7), using GlassFish Server Open Source Edition.

  • 📆 published on: 2014-09-07
  • tags: javaee

Shows how to deploy a Java EE application on a WildFly or JBoss EAP 7 via the WildFly Maven Plugin...