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OpenChangelog 🪸

OpenChangelog is a simple open-source changelog webapp based on Next.js and MDX.

It is designed to be easy to use and deploy, minimalistic, and uses Markdown files stored on Github as the CMS.


If you care about that sort of thing, Google Lighthouse also thinks it's cool:

Lighthouse Score


  • 📝 MDX based logs
  • 📦 Easy to deploy
  • 📣 RSS feed
  • 🤖 100% serverside rendered
  • 🐳 Dockerized

Built with 🚀


  • RSS Feeds
  • Email notifications
  • I18N
  • Branding

Getting Started 🏁


Other versions might work, but they are not tested and not officially supported.


To run the app locally, you need to have pnpm installed. You can then install the dependencies and run the app with:

pnpm install
pnpm dev --filter changelog

Adding Changelogs

Changelogs are stored in the apps/changelog/data directory. You can add a new changelog by creating a new file in this directory with the filename being in the format of yyyy-mm-dd.mdx. The file should contain the following frontmatter:

title: some cool title
tags: [new, improved, fixed]
summary: a one or two sentence summary for your lazy readers

Actual content goes here

To configure the changelog, you can change the defined properties in apps/changelog/config.changelog.ts.

export const config: Config = {
  title: "Changelog",
  baseUrl: "",
  description: "Changelog for the OpenChangelog project",
  author: "Jonas Scholz",


OpenChangelog is provider-agnostic, you can deploy it with pretty much any provider that supports Next.js or Docker. If you want to deploy it with Docker, you can build the image with:

docker build -t changelog -f apps/changelog/Dockerfile .

This will build the image (~160MB) with the production build of the app. You can then run it with:

docker run -p 3000:3000 changelog

The demo is deployed with Sliplane


Open Changelog is licensed under the AGPL-3.0 license